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外研版三年级英语下册复习计划题三年级英语下册复习题考试时间: 60 分钟听力部分笔试部分题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIX总分5 分5 分10 分10 分16 分10 分20 分14 分10 分得分听力考试(共 20 分)得分评卷人、听录音,选择合适的图画。 (每题 1分,共 5 分)你将听到五个句子,请依照句子意思,选择合适的图画选项,并将答案填在各题的横线上。 / AB.C.D.E.得分评卷人、听录音,选答语。你将听到五个句子,请依照句子意思,选择正确的答应语。(每题 1 分,共 5 分)() 6. A. Thank you!B. Here you are.() 7.A. Yes, I don t.B. Yes, I do.() 8.A. we go swimming.B. No, she doesn t.() 9.A. No, I have.B. Yes, I have.() 10.A. OK.B. Youre welcome.得分评卷人、听短文,选择正确的答案。 (每题 2 分,共 10 分)() 11. Im.A. Amy() 12. Sam likes.A. fishB. meat() 13.likes meat.B. Amy() 14. Xiaoyong doesn t like.A. milkB. apples() 15.I like _ and dont like.A. noodlesmeatB. meatnoodles笔试部分(共 80 分)得分 评卷人、选出与中文意思切合的单词。 (每题 1 分,共 10 分)() 16. 最喜欢的A. likeB.favouriteC. good() 17. 猴子A . monkeyB. tigerC. lion() 18. 星期六A . SundayB. SaturdayC. Friday() 19. 动物园A . zooB. parkC. lake() 20. 游泳A . flyB. playC. swimming() 21. 语文B. ChineseC. Music() 22. 明亮的A. sunnyB. windyC. cold() 23. 毛线衫A. coatB. shirtC. sweater() 24. 橙色的A. blueB. orangeC. brown() 25. 今天A. tomorrowB. TuesdayC. today得分评卷人 、在方框内找出与图片相对应的短语。并将答案填在各题的横线上。(每题 2 分,共 16 分)B.behind the treeC. walk to schoolD. an elephantE.watch TVF. open the boxG. go swimmingH. put on the co26.27.28. 29.30.?31.32.得分评卷人、依照所供应的情况,选择最正确答案。 (每题 1 分,共 10 分)() 34.你想知道它们是什么,应该这样问:A. what s thisB. what are they() 35. 当你获奖时,想对老师表示感谢,这样说:A. Thank you to school TV.B. Thank you to my teachers.() 36.我喜欢游泳,应这样说:A. I like swimming.B. I dont like skipping.() 37.你想知道大明喜欢吃梨吗,这样问:A. Do Daming like applesB. Does Daming like pears() 38. 艾米星期六不上学,这样说:A. Amy goes to school on Saturdays.B. Amy doesnt go to school on Saturdays.() 39. 夏天他在树底下垂钓,这样说:A. He goes fishing under the tree in summer.B. He go fishing under the tree in winter.() 40. 你告诉朋友萨姆有一件黄色的外套,这样说:A. Sam has got a yellow coat.B. Sam have got a blue coat.() 41. 你告诉同桌“秋天是你最喜欢的季节” ,这样说:A. Spring is my favourite season.B. Autumn is my favourite season.() 42.你告诉朋友,你妈妈乘公共汽车去上班,这样说:A. My mother goes to work by bus.B. My father goes to work by car.() 43. 你想知道玲玲在学校上什么课,这样问:A. What do you do at schoolB. What does Lingling have at school得分 评卷人、单项选择填空。 (每题 2 分,共 20 分)() 44. Whats this - It sapple.A. aB. anC. /() 45. Herea red hat .A. isB. amC. are() 46. Tomriding his bike .A. likeB. likesC. liking() 47. Its a bookanimals.A. atB. aboutC. to() 48. Whatthey -They are monkeys.A. amB. areC. is() 49. Does Tom like noodlesA. Yes, he does.B.Yes, he do.C. No, she does.() 50.Pass me the rice, pleaseA. Thank you.B. Here you are.C. Yes, I do.() 51. Lookmy big shoes. .A. atB. onC. in() 52.Is Shanshanhome- No,.A. in , she isB. at, she isntC. on , she does.() 53.Amy got a bikeB. HasC. Does得分评卷人、补全对话。从 B 栏中找出与 A 栏相对应的句子补全对话。(每小题 2分,共 14分)AB() 54. Hello, boys and girls.A. Thank you.() 55. What colourB. I have classes.() 56. Where s my toyC. Hello, Mr Li.() 57.Does lingling like fishD. No, I havent.() 58. What do you do at schoolE. It s yellow.() 59. Have you got a new bookF. Yes, she does.() 60.Happy birthday!G. Its in the .bag.得分评卷人、按要求完成以下句子。 (每题描红2 分,翻译 3 分,共 10 分)61. What do you do on Sundays翻译:62. Daming flies a kite in the park.翻译:听力资料1、What are they -theyre baby monkeys.2、Sam doesnt like fish.3、Dad goes to work by car on Mondays.4、Lingling has Music in the afternoon.5、Where is the dog -Its under the desk.6、Here you are.7、Do you like basketball8、What do you do in summer9、Hav
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