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新课标小学四年级英语上册单元测试题(Module 2 )新标准(三起)四年级英语上册 Module 2 测试题一. Read and choose the words ,write on the line.(选词填空)near next to up in at 1).The bus is going _ the hill. 2).Its _ a supermarket. 3).I live _ No.2 West Lake Road. 4).Its _ the houses. 5).Look _ these pictures. 二、把以下单词所缺的字母补充完整,并写出汉语。 三、翻译句子。 1.Have you got an elephant? Yes , I have. 2.20+8=28 3.Ive got twenty-six points. Im the winner. 4.Excuse me. Wheres No.2 , West Lake Road, please? Go straight on. 5.Its next to a supermarket. 6.Where is Train 1? Its near the house. 四、归类 Lion pink seventeen four purple elephant dog red kangaroo Twenty-five white monkey twelve green sixteen 数字类: 动物类: 颜色类: 五、连词成句。 1、one here red a is . _2、a purple this bag is ._3、you a lion got have ?_4、have got l points twenty-two._5、see fifty tigers can l ._
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