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七年级英语下阅读理解经典习题Jack lost(丢失 his Job last week. It was difficult for him to find another 1. 2told him that it was possible(可能的 to get a new one in a town two hundred kilometers3 . He decided to get there 4. So he went to the railway station and got5 a train. He was the only one in the car(车厢 . The train started. Suddenly a man came in 6a gun(枪 and said to him, “ Y our money 7your life!” Jack sat there without 8 up.“ I 9 any money,” Jack answered.“ Then why are you so afraid of me?”the man asked angrily.“ Because I 10you were the conductor, and I didn t buy a ticket,” answered Jack.1. A. workB. jobsC. onesD. one2. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. AnybodyD. No one3.A. from B. fartherC. awayD. off4. A. by bikeB. on foot C. by train D. by bus5. A. off B. on C. upD. to6. A. with B. has C. haveD. there was7. A. butB. and C. so D. or8. A. stands B. standing C. stood D. stand9. A. don t have B. have no C. didn t have D. had10. A. know B. didn t know C. think D. thought阅读理解AMany students in China are learning English. Some of these students are smallchildren. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English language over the radio, on television, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language. Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language and maths and English . Some people learn English because it is useful for their work. Many people often learn English for their higher studies, because at college or university some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English.1. Many students in China are learning English, arent they? _.A. No, they arent B. No, they are C. Yes, they are D. Yes, they arent2. If one wants to learn another language well, he must _.A. learn at school B. study by himself C. work hard D. study hard3. The sentence It is difficult to answer that question means _.A. that question is not difficult to answer B. that question is difficult to answer itC. it is difficultly to answer that question D. it is hard to answer that question4. Their own language means _.A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Japanese5. Whats the Chinese of study by themselves?A. 和他们一起学习 B. 自学 C. 向他们学习 D. 通过学习BOnce upon a time, there lived a rich man. He had a servant . He and the servant loved wine and good food very much. Each time the rich man left his home, the servant would drink the wine andeat up all the nice food in the house. The rich man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that.One morning, when he left home, he said to the servant, “ Here are two bottles of poison (毒药 and some nice food in the house. You must take of them.” With these words, he went out.But the servant knew that the rich man had said was untrue. After the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal. Because he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the ground. When the rich man came back, he couldn t find his food and his wine. He became very angry. He woke the servant up. But the servant told his story very well. He said a cat had eaten up everything. He was afraid to be punished(惩罚 , so he drank the poison to kill himself.6.In the story, _ liked wine and good food very much.A. the rich man B. the servant C. both A and B D. neither A and B7.The rich man knew that it was _ that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food.A. the cat B. himself C. nobody D. the servant8.The rich told the servant that there was poison in the two bottles, because _.A. there was in fact poison in the bottles B. did not want the servant to drink his wineC. he wanted to kill the cat D. he wanted to kill the servant9.In fact, _ ate all the nice food and drank the wine.A. the servant B. cat C. the rich man D. nobody10.From the story, we know that the servant is very _.A. lazy B. bad C. clever D. kindCEveryone likes living in a clean and comfortable environment. If the environment(环境 are bad, it will affect(影响 our body, and make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be terribly ill. At that time we don t want to work, and we have to stay in bed and rest at home. So the environment is very important to us.It s germs that makes us ill. There are germs everywhere, They are very small and you can t find them with your own eyes, but you can see them with a microscope(显微镜 They are very small and there may be hundreds of them on a very small thing, Germs can always be found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope, we shall see them in it. Germs can also be found in air and dust(灰尘 . If you cut your finger, some of the dust from the floor may go into it, and you will have much pain in it.
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