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据清华大学教授、中国央行货币政策委员会委员李稻葵,以及前委员余永定表示,中国的任何支持都将取决于其它国家作出的贡献,而且北京方面必须就其投资的安全性得到强有力的保证。“帮助欧洲符合中国的长期根本利益,因为他们是我们的最大贸易伙伴,但中国政府的主要关切是如何向国内人民解释这个决定,”李稻葵表示。“中国可不想挥霍国家的财富,到头来还只被视为一个傻钱来源。”中国香港行政长官曾荫权在会上表示,全球经济现在联系紧密,欧洲债务危机对全球都将产生连锁影响。必须要有人出手,因为我们是在同一条船上香港大学中国金融研究中心主任宋敏认为,首先中国参与援助欧洲十分必要。援助欧洲也符合中国的利益,毕竟欧洲是中国最大的贸易伙伴,欧元也是中国外汇储备的重要资产形式。中国需要拓宽国际生存空间,外汇需要投资,资源与技术需要引进。因此,通过与欧洲的持续谈判,无论是在技术还是贸易领域,在某个关键的具体领域方面打开缺口可以保证未来的通路畅通。此外,宋敏还表示,援助欧洲或为人民币国际化打开一条出路。“中国要将人民币推向国际化,在国际的交易、国际的储备、贸易体系里头都要占很重要的地位,在这样一个过程中,有美元和欧元对峙的竞争局面更利于新的货币成长。”知名经济学家、央行货币政策委员会委员李稻葵提出,外储是历史上形成的对境外资产和产品的索取权。不助欧原地不动,事实上就是继续大部分投资于某国的金融产品。如果中国援助欧洲,宋敏认为,参与购买欧洲稳定基金(EFSF)首先不应该像买美债一样纯粹进行财务投资,而一定要有参与建立机制的安排,进行战略性投资。“从投资角度看,由国家层面主导、顺应一个经济体发展方向的投资,是不会有错的。”财经评论家叶檀提出,中国在援助欧洲问题上需要盟国支持。“中国大可提议建立由金砖国家控股类似于国际货币基金组织(IMF)的国际基金组织,这一金融组织可以参与包括欧洲在内的危机救援,前提是由金砖四国等新兴市场经济体主导。如此,既救援了欧洲,也提升了新兴市场国家的地位,避免救援方面单兵突进的尴尬。”金砖国家将通过特别目的投资工具(SPV)向欧元区国家提供救助的行为近日成为媒体关注的焦点。商务部对外经济贸易研究院专家梅新育表示,中国完全可以理直气壮地提出公平合理的贸易诉求,比如推进新的中欧全面经济合作协定和双边投资保护协定,要求降低对华贸易壁垒等。According to a professor at Tsinghua University, China Central Bank monetary policy committee member Li Daokui, and former member Yu Yongding said any support, China will depend on other countries to make contribution, but Beijing had its investment in the safety of a strong guarantee for the. To help Europe in line with Chinas long-term interests, because they are our biggest trading partner, but the Chinese government s main concern is how to domestic people explained this decision, Li Daokui said. China doesnt want to waste the wealth of nations, it is only regarded as a dumb money source.China Hongkong chief executive Donald Tsang expressed at the meeting, the global economy is now closely linked, the European debt crisis will have knock-on effects on the global. Must have done, because we are in the same boat University of Hong Kong China financial Song Min of research center director to think, first of all Chinas participation in the European aid necessary. European aid is also consistent with the interests of China, after all, Europe is Chinas biggest trading partner, the euro is the important form of Chinas foreign exchange reserves assets. China needs to expand the international space of survival, foreign exchange investment needs, resources and technology introduction. Therefore, through Europe with the ongoing negotiations, whether in technology or trade field, in a key specific areas to open a gap can guarantee future channel flow.In addition, Song Min also said the European aid, or open a way for the internationalization of rmb. China will push the internationalization of RMB, in international trade, international reserves, trade system that takes a very important position, in such a process, with the dollar and the euro confronting competition situation is more conducive to a new monetary growth.The well-known economist, the central bank monetary policy committee member Li Daokui proposed, external storage is form on the history of overseas assets and product claims. Dont help Europe is not moving, is in fact to most of the investment in a country s financial products.If the Chinese aid to Europe, Song Min thinks, in buy European stabilization fund ( EFSF ) first of all should not like buying U.S. debt as purely for financial investment, and must be involved in the establishment of mechanism is arranged, the strategic investment. From an investment perspective, from the national level, leading to an economy development direction of investment, there is no wrong.Financial commentators e put forward, Chinese in European aid issues need allies. China can be proposed by the BRIC countries holding similar to the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) of the International Monetary Fund, the financial organizations can participate in including the European crisis rescue, the premise is composed of the BRIC countries and other emerging market economies led. So, both the rescue of Europe, but also to enhance the emerging market country status, avoid rescue individual onrush embarrassment. BRIC countries through special purpose investment tool ( SPV ) to the euro area countries with aid behavior has become the focus of media attention.Business Department of foreign trade and Economic Research Institute expert Mei Xinyu said, China can be in the right and self-confident to fair and reasonable trade demands, such as promoting new China-EU agreement on comprehensive economic cooperation and bilateral investment protection agreement to reduce trade barriers, such as requirements.
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