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活动一:健康垃圾分类 English Teaching Lesson PlankINDERGARTENCLASS/GRADEBig class twoTEACHERTinaDATE2016TOPICSWe Love the EarthACTIVITYCognitive activityAIDS1.learn the sentence : Can you sort the garbage ? Yes , I can sort the garbage .2.Children can use the sentence.3 . Sort the garbage can reduce the water pollution and air pollution . They are good for our health. MATERIALSFlash cards CONTENTSSentences: Can you sort the garbage ? Yes , I can sort the garbage . PROCEDUREGreetings : Good morning boys and girls . Warm-up:Sing a song finger Teaching Procedures: T: Can you tell me what are the advantages of garbage classification?. S : It can save the land and reduce the pollution . Sort the garbage can protect the environment .T : Sort the garbage also can reduce the water pollution and air pollution . Reduce the pollution will make our body better and better . Practice:Divide children into two team.Team A: Can you sort the garbage? Team B: Yes , I can sort the garbage .Ending the lesson: Say good bye to the cards. And sing goodbye song.REMARKS课堂上幼儿能积极的参与活动。通过学习让小朋友们了解垃圾分类可以保护我们的环境减少污染,了解垃圾分类的重要性。
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