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哈啦片語Feather in ones cap值得肯定的成就表達還不確定的十句話哈啦片語Feather in ones cap值得肯定的成就英解:an achievement which gives one credit當一個人建立某種功勳或事蹟時,通常會得到獎品或勳章,並把象徵榮耀的物品展示出來。英文就是藉帽子上的羽毛來比喻令人驕傲的榮譽或成就。值得肯定The victory in the election was a real feather in the candidates cap.那場選戰的勝利是對這位候選人的肯定。值得驕傲的榮譽That will be a real feather in your cap if you can win the championship.如果你能贏得冠軍的話,那真是一項值得驕傲的榮譽。成功的指標Being promoted to manager was a definite feather in his cap.晉升到經理對他而言確實是項成就。功績Winning the battle was a feather in the generals cap.贏得那場戰役是那位將軍的一項功績。光榮的成就I think winning the game of pool was a real feather in my cap.我認為贏得那場撞球賽對我來說是個光榮的成就。線上收聽表達還不確定的十句話1. Im not sure yet.我還不確定。2. Its not decided yet.這件事還沒決定。3. Its still up in the air.這件事還懸而未決。4. I cant say for sure.我不能打包票。(我不能斷言。)5. I cant quite put my finger on it right now.我現在還不太確定。6. I havent nailed down an answer yet.我還沒有最後的答案。(我尚未做最後決定。)7. Im still unclear / uncertain about it.我對這件事還不確定。8. Its hard to say now.現在很難說。9. I wouldnt jump the gun at this point.我不會現在就妄下斷語。10. Its too cloudy / indefinite to say right now.現在情況太不明朗了,所以還很難說。
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