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Unit1 Cinderella教学内容:Story time教学课时:The first period教学目标:(一)知识目标:1在整体理解故事的基础上听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, let, put on, before, have to, try on, fit2基于故事,能听懂、会说、会读句型:Why? Because?并尝试运用。3能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:Come and help me. Let me help you. I have to4能较流利有感情地朗读故事。(二)能力目标:1学生能够阅读并理解故事。2学生能够在理解的基础上有感情地朗读并合作表演故事。(三)情感目标:让学生体会到阅读故事的乐趣,培养学生阅读的兴趣。学情分析学生喜欢读童话故事,大部分学生熟知Cinderella的故事,能说出故事主人公,简单叙述故事的情节。教学重点:1在听故事的过程中理解词汇及句型Why? Because ?2能够从整体到局部理解内容。3能以正确的语音语调朗读故事,合作表演故事。教学难点:Why? Because 句型教师可充分利用生活实际和文本帮助学生理解教学准备:1.教师准备:PPT,服装,2.学生准备:自读故事,初步了解故事内容。教学过程:一、Free talk1.T:Im very happy because Chinese New Year is coming soon.How about you?Ss:Me too.T:Chinese New Year is coming.What present do you want?Why?2.T:I like reading fairy tales.What do I want?S:Some storybooks. T:Look,here are some books about fairy tales.Do you like reading them? Why?Show students some books about fairy tales and Let them try to read.fairy tales:Sleeping Beauty,Snow White,Cinderella3.Let students think and say some other fairy tales.二、Pre-readingLets read and judge.T:DoyouknowthestoryaboutCinderella?Ss:Yes.T:Really?Herearesomesentencesforyou.Rules:Ifitisright,youshouldsay“Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!”Ifitiswrong,youshouldsay“No!No!No!”三、While-reading(一)、Watch and numberT:Iknowsomeofyouknowthestoryverywell,butothersmaybedont.Todayletslearnthestorytogether.Herearesomepicturesaboutthestory.letswatchthecartoonandnumberthem.(二)、Learn: Paragraph1-3T:Thesearesomepicturesaboutthestory.Doyouwanttoreadthestory?Herearesomequestionsforyou.LetsreadthestoryParagraph1-3,Trytofindtheanswers.Pleaseunderlinethekeywordsandsentences.Read and answerQ:.Wheres the party? .Who helps Cinderella? .When does Cinderella have to come back? Paragraph11.Q. Wheres the party? Its at the princes house. 学习: princeT:There is a party at the princes house,but Cinderella cannot go.What a pity!2.Listen and answerT:Who can go to the party?(her sisters and stepmother.)T:What do they say?Lets listen. 3.Practice reading.4.Think and answerT:What do you think of them?5.Lets imagine:Q:What will her stepmother say to Cinderella?T:If you are the stepmother,what will you say?T:The two sisters can go to the party happily. But Cinderella cannot go, so she is very sad.Paragraph21 Q. Who helps Cinderella?A fairy helps Cinderella.What does she say?What do you think of the fairy? (Shes kind/helpful.)2.Practice reading T:The fairy is kind and helpful.Cinderella is so sad.How to read them?3.Act out in two.Who can be the sad Cinderella?Who wants to be the fairy?Paragraph3T: Look!Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes. Q.When does Cinderella have to come back?Which one in right?How do you know that?学习before 12 oclockT:Now,Cinderella is ready to go to the party. What does the fairy say?T:Thats what happens before the party.(三)、Learn: Paragraph4-51.Read and match T:What happens then? Lets read Paragraph4-5,then try to match the sentences with the pictures.2. Paragraph4Read and answerT:Is Cinderella happy at the party?Ss:Yes.T:How do you know that?引出:Read:Cinderella has a good time at the party.Lets imagine:When the prince meets Cinderella at the party,what will he say? 充分发挥你想象力!王子见到灰姑娘会说些什么呢?Read and answerT: She has a good time at the party. (钟声) Does she want to go home?How do you know that? Can you read out?“Sorry,I have to go now.” 学习: have to T: She leaves her shoe behind. So the prince shouts: Hey, your shoe!3.Paragraph5 T: Cinderella has to go home.Q: What does the prince do?Please read Paragraph5 by yourselves.And underline the new words.Then you can learn with your deskmates. 自由朗读,了解大意,找出生词,同伴互学It fits.It means:The shoe is T:Does Cinderella try on the shoe at first?四、Post-reading1.Listen and readT:Thats the whole story.Do you like it?Now, lets read the story after the computer,try to imitate the pronounciation and intonation.2.Practice readingT: Please choose one way you like to show us.Read in roles.Read after one.Read togetherDub for the story.3.Act out the storyT:Do you like this story?Lets try to act out this story.4.Lets imagine. (Picture6)T:Does the story end?Can you give an ending?Whats the end(结尾)of the story ?5.Lets talk.QWho do you like or dislike? Why? 五、Homework1.Listen and read the story.2.Tell the story to your friends or your family.3.Read more English stories and share them with your friends.
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