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岳新初中2015级七年级第一次月考试题 Class:_ No._ Name:_ Score:_听力部分(15分)一、听字母或单词,选择正确的答案(听一遍)(5分)( )1、A、JjB、GgC、Hh( )2、A、CBAB、NBAC、CCTV( )3、A、rulerB、eraserC、pen( )4、A、blackB、greenC、yellow( )5、A、whatsB、itsC、thats二、听问句,选出相应的答语(听二遍)(5分)( )6、A、He is BenB、My name is BenC、I am nine( )7、A、Its yellowB、Its a pencilC、Its my pencil( )8、A、Its an orangeB、Its whiteC、Its “Z”( )9、A、How are you?B、Nice to meet you tooC、Good morning( )10、A、Im fineB、thank youC、Hello三、听对话,填空(听三遍)(5分)A:Whats this 11 English , Miss Green ? B:Its 12 eraser .A:What 13 is it ? B:Its 14 A: 15 it , please . B:E-R-A-S-E-R笔试部分(100分)四、按字母顺序写出26个大小写字母,并在元音字母下面划上横线。(25分)五、词形转换(10分)20、isnt (全写)21、black (反义词)22、I am (缩写)23、that (对应词)24、you are (缩写)25、Uu (同音词)26、boy (对应词)27、whats (全写)28、she is (缩写)29、Rr (同音词)六、选择题(20分)( )1 That is _ key.A. he B. I C. me D. my( )2Whats this in English? _.A. Its red B. Its a pen C. Its a green D. Im OK.( )( )10. Whats this in English? Its _ orange. A. an B. a C./. D. the( )4 My pen is _. A. red B. a red C. the red D. red a( )5 What _ that? Its a map.A. is B. are C. am D. be( )6 .My names Jim Green. Jim is my_ . Alast name Bfamily name Cfirst name( )7 Whats his phone number? _ 257-6890.A. Its B. Thats C. Its D. His ( )8 Jenny is a girl, _ last name is Brown.A. hes B. my C. his D. her( )9 Are you Linda? Yes, _.A. Im B. Im not C. I am D. I amnt( )10 Hello, My names _.A. Li DeHua B Li De Hua C. Li Dehua D.Li De hua ( )11 Good morning, Miss Gao! _.A. Good morning, Nick B. Good afternoon, Nick C. Good night, Nick D. Good evening, Nick( )12 Your backpack is nice. _-.A. Thank B. Thanks C. OK D. Thanks you ( )13 _表示衣服是大号,_ 表示小号,_ 表示中号。 A. L,M, S B. S,L ,M C. L, S, M( )14._? P-E-N.A. Is this your pen B. Is that a pen C. Whats this D. How do you spell pen( )15. _ is that quilt? Its black A. How color BWhat color CWhats color D. Hows color ( )16. Is that _ pencil case?A. I B. her C. she D. he ( )17. Nine minus(减去) seven is_.A. one B. three C. four D. two( )18.Is he your uncle(叔叔)? Whats _ name?A. his B. her C. she D. he ( )19 Two and four is _.A. five B. six C. seven D. eight ( )20 Is this _ eraser?A. a B. an C、the D. /七、从B栏中选出A栏句子的答语。(10分)( )1Are you Gina? A、Hello, Rose.( )2Is this your dictionary?B、Nice to meet you, too.( )3Good eveningC、My last names Green.( )4Whats this in English?D、Yes, I am.( )5How are you?E、Thank you.( )6Whats your last name?F、Yes, it is.( )7Hello, Mary G、Fine, thanks.( )8Whats your telephone number?H、Its 6327569.( )9Nice to meet youI、Its an orange.( )10Sit down, pleaseJ、Good evening.八、用is、am、are填空(10分)1. She _ a teacher. He _ a teacher,too.2. I _ a boy. My name _ Li Ming.3. He _Tony. You _a student.4. How _ you? I _fine,thanks.5. What _ this?It _ a ruler.九.连词成句(注意大小写及标点,7分)1.English, in, this, whats 2you, how, are 3fine,thanks, Im 4it, spell, please. 5color, is, it, what 6 his, is, name, what 7. red, its , white, and 十、阅读理解,正确的用(T),错误的用(F)(5分)My name is Amy . Look , this is my pencil case . Its big and blue . Whats in the pencil case ? There is a pen , two pencils and an eraser . The pen is black and the pencils are red . The eraser is orange and white . My pencil case is very nice .( )60、The pencil case is green . ( )61、There is a pen , two erasers .( )62、The pen is white .( )63、The eraser is orange and white .( )64、My pencil case is not very nice .十一、填表补全对话(每空一词,注意字母的大小写,9分)I. A: Hello! Whats your name? B: My1)_ _ Jack Green.A: 2)_ Lucy Smiths. 3)_ are you?B: Im fine, thanks. An
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