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我国环境民事公益诉讼制度建构论摘 要 当前,环境保护在我国发展得十分广泛和迅速,公民的环境意识也逐渐提高,完善环境保护的法律机制,建立我国的环境民事公益诉讼制度势在必行。古罗马时期公益诉讼就已经存在,引起广泛关注是在20世纪。随着资本主义由自由资本主义走向垄断资本主义,高科技的迅速发展,人们生产、生活日益社会化,公害问题也日益凸现出来,为维护社会环境公共利益,运用环境民事公益诉讼的解决环境民事纠纷,各国都进行了有益的探索。作者研究有代表性的美国集团诉讼和公民诉讼制度,以期在立足于本国国情的基础上借鉴外国经验,建立我国的环境民事公益诉讼制度。本文除引言外共有三个部分,以下就各个部分加以概括介绍:第一部分,就环境民事公益诉讼理论进行解析。公益诉讼是“有关”组织和个人依据法律的规定,对违反法律而给国家、社会公共利益造成了事实上损害或潜在的损害行为,向法院起诉,由法院追究违法者的法律责任的诉讼活动,分析环境民事诉讼作为公益诉讼典型适用,其产生的理论基础。环境有“整体性”、“共有性”的特征,环境权具有公益性。根据“有权利就有保障,有损害就有救济”的原则,当环境权遭受侵害或有受侵害之危险时,赋予当事人环境诉讼资格提起环境诉讼是诸多救济途径中最有效和最终的救济方式。环境民事公益诉讼是有起诉资格的原告为维护环境公共利益对侵犯环境公益的违法行为向法院提起诉讼的制度,其目的是为了保护国家、社会公共环境利益,追求社会环境公正、公平,并不要求发起者与案件有直接利害关系。环境民事公益诉讼具有社会本位、起诉主体范围广泛、当事人地位特殊和预防性功能的特点。面对日益复杂的环境公害纠纷,各国都在探究建立、完善一套能够与之适应的公益诉讼制度。本文研究了较为典型的美国集团诉讼和公民诉讼制度。美国的集团诉讼是一种非常宽松的多数人诉讼制度,允许在代表人提起诉讼时,集团成员人数仍处于不确定的模糊状态,判决效力的直接扩张,体现了美国集团诉讼的优越性。美国各主要环境保护法律均有公民诉讼条款,公民提出环境诉讼不必证明有“实际的损害”,人民诉讼限制要件:六十日前事先告知,判决内容:a禁制令,b罚锾,公民诉讼条款建立了诉讼参加的制度,对律师费与其他诉讼费用,以及公民调查权都有详细规定。作者比较研究以期从中可以对我国环境公益诉讼有所借鉴。第二部分,分析中国环境问题的严峻性、“行政万能论”的失效,及环境公益诉讼在实践中的困境,提出我国法律已确立公民环境权,必须相应的建立环境公益诉讼制度作保障的观点。介绍了我国代表人制度的相关理论,和我国相关环境公益诉讼制度法律规定存在缺陷。代表人诉讼制度有其独特的功能和适应性,将其适用于环境民事公益诉讼案件中,发挥其特有的功效。不论我国环境公益诉讼的事实现状还是法律现状,都迫切要求我们立足我国国情完善环境民事公益诉讼制度。这也是我国法治建设的要求。第三部分,强调扬弃地借鉴美国国的经验,从六个方面对建构我国环境公益诉讼进行了探讨。(1)放宽原告诉讼资格,包括放宽原告的标准、放宽对环境损害认定条件的限制、赋予社会团体起诉权,特别是赋予检察机关提起环境公益诉讼的权利,引入完善诉讼代表人制度。(2)扩展受案范围,除影响较大、涉及危害公共利益的民事案件、违法的具体行政行为案件外,特别应该包括没有直接利害关系人但危害环境民事公益的行为。(3)建立环境民事公益诉讼的告知程序(4)合理分配举证责任,实行举证责任倒置的同时,原告也要承担相应的证明责任。(5)关于环境诉讼中的诉讼时效,笔者认为我国法律规定的3年的特殊诉讼时效和20年的长期诉讼时效都过短,将二者根据不同情况分别作出不同程度的延长。并将长期诉讼时效期间的起算点进行调整,“从权利被侵害时”起计算,改为“从损害结果发生时”起计算,避免出现“损害还未发生,时效已经消灭”的情况。(6)如何合理分担诉讼费用并合理分配诉讼所得利益问题,笔者认为应该根据原告的不同进行划分,并建立风险基金运作机制转嫁诉讼费用,不仅可以减轻个别企业的负担以避免破产,还可以使原告获得赔偿并保证诉讼的效益。 总之,建构环境民事公益诉讼制度,保障公民环境权的可诉性,有利于弥补国家行政管理的漏洞,是一种有效的激励机制,具有预防性的功能。作为一项新生事物,环境民事公益诉讼的设计和构想,对传统民事诉讼理论提出了挑战,打破了以往的经济优先的传统价值观,建立了社会本位价值观,建立并不断完善环境民事公益诉讼的法律体系具有重要意义。 ABSTRACT Now, the environmental protection develop very extensive and quickly in our country, citizen environmental consciousness also increase gradually, call the environmental protection mechanism consummate as soon as possible. The people are more and more pay attention to the public-spirited litigation of environment. Particularly in the domestic, It is that take place lots of concerning case about environmental public suit. All of them cause ardent discuss. But current law of our country have not relevant provision to resolve environmental problem, make some urgent environmental suit can not get solution, and it is also make the citizen and other social organize who support the environment, the behavior of the public benefits with no law basis, cant get the laws support with guarantee. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the environmental public-spirited litigation system in our country. This text is from the public-spirited litigation, although public-spirited litigation in ancient Rome have already existed in the period, cause the extensive concerned is in the 20th centuries. In pace with the free capitalism to the monopoly capitalism, then the socialism is on the upgrade, quick development of high technology, peoples life society day by day, environmental pollution is appear increasingly. For uphold social and public benefits, environmental public suit emerge in large numbers. As the typical model of public litigation, the environmental procedural also have the characteristics of its oneself. How to make it more economic and efficiency to solution the environmental dispute, every country launches the beneficial quest, author will compare the community procedural in the United States, as to pick and choose foreign experience have a footing on state of our country, and consummate public litigation of our country.This text besides preface have three part totally, below each part take in to generalize the introduction: The first part analyze the foundation theories of environmental public litigation, introduced the relevant theories of public litigation, such as concept, characteristic etc. The next analyzed the environment litigation to be used as the public-spirited litigation typical model, and its produced have own theories foundation. Finally draw forth the conception of environment public litigation. discussed the public-spirited litigation system overseas. Compare the typical community procedural model of the United States, Japan and Germany. Finally evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of three kinds of systems, so as to we can learn something from it.The second part introduced the related theories of representative procedural system of our country at first, compare with the same group litigation system abroad, our representative litigation system have some defects. In environment pollution dispute still face many problem. Whether our countrys present fact conditions or law present conditions, all of them urgently demand us to establish environmental public procedural system stand at the condition of our country. It is also the reque
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