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旅游英语:预定机票必用词汇Chapter 1 Starting Trip 旅行开头 Unit1 Booking Tickets预订机票 第一局部 Vocabulary 必用词汇 1.reserve vt.保存,预订 They have reserved rooms at a hotel.他们已预订了旅馆的房间。同义词:book 2.aisle n.过道,通道 The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat引座小姐带着我沿着通道走到我的座位上去。同义词:corridor 3.confirm vt.证明,确定;进一步确定,确认 The news confirmed my resolution.这消息坚决了我的决心口同义词:affirm 4.available adj.现成可使用的,可利用的;可得到的 Do you have a seat available?你们有空座位吗?反义词:unavailable 5.Journey n.旅行,行程 vi.旅行 He told a very descriptive account of his journey.他对旅行作了非常生动的表达。同义词:travel 6.cancellation 取消 Her cancellation of her trip to Paris upset our plan.她取消巴黎之行打乱了我们的打算。同义短语:call off 7.considerate adj.爱护的,体谅的 He is con siderate in this matter.这事他考虑得很周到。反义词:careiless 8.delay n.耽误。延迟 vi.耽,拖延 vt.耽误;推迟 Our plane was delayed by fog.我们的飞机因大雾而延时了。反义词:advance 9.laover v.取短暂停留,逗留 How long is the IaVo ver in Chicago?在芝加哥停留多久?同义词:linger 10.route n.路线,路程 v.安排路线 Our travel agent routed us through ltaly我们的旅行社安排我们途经意大利。同义词:path 在国外预订机票的时间可长可短,长的可遮一年以上,所以预订的机票一般都是open - end,即未经确定的无限期机票,也就是说在机票上订座状况(status)一栏是空白,在你l打算出 0 chapter 1 starting trip 旅行开头 unit1 booking tickets预订机票 其次局部 phrases 常用短语 1.go through the formalities办理理手续 2.on the whole 总的来说 3.have some trouble 有一些麻烦 4.take off 起飞 5.return ticket 来回票 6.one-way flight 单程票 7.economy class 经济舱 8.flight duration飞行时间 9.luggage allowance 重量限额 10.so far 到目前为止 11.business class 商务舱 12.make it 赶得上 13.hold the line 请稍候 14.put you on the waiting list 将你列入候补名单 15.settle downfi安排下来 16.from this respect 从这个方面来看 17.minimum charge 最低收费 18.credit card 信用卡 19.departure time 起飞时间 20.document type 证件类别 翻开就能用出国旅游英语,旅行开头前预定机票有用的英语对话。看看他们是怎么对话的? 0 Chapter 1 Starting Trip 旅行开头 Unit1 Booking Tickets预订机票 第三局部 Conversations 有用对话 情景对话1 Booking Air Ticket预订机票 Booking Clerk: Good moming! Air China.May”I help you? 订票员:早上好!中国航空公司。有什么可以为您效劳的? Wang Lin: Good moming! l”d Iike to book two seats on a flight from Beijing to New York on Jluly 5, please.。 王琳:早上好l我想订两张7月5日从北京到纽约的机票! Booking Clerk:There are seats available on a flight leaving at 6:25. Would you like this flight. 订票员:6:25分的航班还有座位,这个可以吗?。 WangLin: Yes, two first class”tickets,please, in the name of Wang. Lin and Li Liang 王琳:可以凸那就订两张头等舱的单程票,名字是王琳和李亮。 Booking Clerk: AlI right I”ve booked two seats for you on flight C351. You may confirm thris booking next week. 订票员:好的日我已经为您订好了C351航班的座位。您可以在下周进展确认。 Wang Lin:I see. Thank you Goodbye. 王琳:知道了。感谢!再见! Booking Clerk: Bya . 订票员:再见! 情景对话2 Making a Confirmation确认机票 Booking Clerk: Heilo! This is Air China Booking Office. 订票员:您好!中国航空公司售票处。 Wang Lin: Hello, l”d like to reconfirm, my flight reservation. 王琳:您好!我想确认我的订座。 Booking Clerk: May I know your flight number, please? 订票员:请问您的航班号是多少? Wang Lin:lt”s flight C351, which leaves Beijing at 18:25 0n July 5-. 王琳:C351航班,7月5日18:25离开北京。 Booking Clerk: Oh, yes That”s rr3Ur ragular flight to Now York. Would you plelase tell me your name? 订票员:哦,是的。那是我们飞往纽约的定期航班。请问您的姓名? Wang Lin: My name is Wang Lin. 王琳:我叫王琳。 Booking Clerk: Yes,here you are.You”re flying in economy class.ls that right? 订票员:好的,找到了。您要的是拯济舱。对吗? Wang Lin: Oh,no.l”m sure I made a reservation for two first class tickets 王琳:噢,不是。我记得我订的是两张头等舱。 Booking Clerk:Let me check.Nowiyour tickets are in order.Thank you for calling to reconfirm. 订票员:我再看看。现在您的票全办妥了。感谢您打电话确认订座。 Wang Lin:That”s what I Should do. 王琳:这是我应当做的。 翻开就能用出国旅游英语,旅行开头前预定机票的套用单句。在国外要机票,要么是电话预订(reservaton),要么是直接从各个旅行社购置。 0 Chapter 1 Starting Trip 旅行开头 Unit1 Booking Tickets预订机票 第四局部 Expressions 套用单句 目的地 1.I want to reserve a flight to London.订一张飞往伦敦的机票。2.I”m phoning to make a reservation for a return ticket-from New York to Bangkok. 电话是想订从纽约到曼谷的来回票。 3.Could I reserve a one-way flight to Paris?订一张到巴黎的单程票,行吗? 座位状况 1.I”d like to travel first class.This is Carry.我想订头等舱,我叫凯莉。2.l”d like an aisie seat.我想要个靠过道的座位。 确认预订 1.I”d like to know the flight duration.我想了解一下空中飞行时间。2.I”m calling to confirm my ticket.我来电话确认机票。3.I have a reservation on Flight D916预订了D916一航班的机票。 航班时间 1.Is it possible to change my booking to the day after tomorrow?能否将我的订票改到后天?2.Can I thave some information whether, the flight A983 from London will arrive on time?我想问一下从伦敦飞来的A983航班是否能准时到达?3.Does that mean it wilil arrina two hours later?那是不是说它会晚两个小时? 直飞航班 1.Is that a direct flight to Paris?请问是直飞巴黎的班机吗?2.lt”s a direct flight.这是直飞的班机。
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