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英语课教案Unit1 Making New FriendsTopic3 What class are you in?Section BDai Liwu(代丽武)Teaching aims and demands:1. Learn how to identify singular objects in English.2. Master the usage of indefinite articles “a” and “an”.3. Learn the spelling of words.4. Learn the expressions of appreciation and the responses.Teaching procedure:Step1 Review1. Review numerals 120.(optional)2. Chain drill.Ask and answer between the teacher and students.For example:T:Excuse me,what your name?S:My name isT:Are you 15 yours old?S:No,Im not. Im(The teacher points to another student.)T:Is he in Class,Grade?S:Yes, he is.3. Take out an English book. And introduce a new topic.T:This is a book. This is an English book. Whats this in English?(Show an eraser.)S:(Lead to say “Its an eraser.”)Step2. Presentation1. Use object or pictures to teach new sentence patterns and words.For example: T:Whats this in English? S:Its an apple/orange/egg.2. Let students try to sum up the usage of and the differences between “a” and “an”.3. Show objects or pictures and ask students.For example:T: Is this /that a book?S: Yes, it is.T: How do you spell it?S: (Help students to spell “ B-O-O-K” or “B-double O-K,book.)T:Thank you.S:Youre welcome./Thats OK.4. Listen to 1a and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Read 1a aloud in roles. Finish 1a.Step3 Consolidation1. Complete 1b. Check the answers.The teacher explains the usage of and the differences between “this” and “that”. Finish 1b.2. Use objects to practice 1a in pairs. For example:S:Excuse me, whats this/that in English?S:Its a/anS:How do you spell it?/Can you spell it, please?S:S:Thanks./Thank you.S:Youre welcome./Thats OK.Step4 PracticeListen to 2a and follow it. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Finish 2a.Step5 PracticeHave a class activity. Touch and guess things with eyes covered by a piece of cloth.Use the sentence patterns of identifying objects. Finish 2b.HomeworkDo 1b alone after class.
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