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东财大学英语2在线作业一一、 单选题1、 Molly doesnt eat fish. .B、Neither does John.2、Paul:Can I help with your luggage? Lisa: .B、No,thanks.I can manage it.3、Today, many cultures divide music art music and music of the people.B、into4、I walked the Seventh Avenue to catch a bus.C、as far as5、Adam: Mum.This is the best pudding Ive ever had! Celia: I know youd like it.D、What did I say?6、Newman: I have an appointment with Mr. Brown. Receptionist: Mr. Brown is expecting you now. A、Come this way, please.7、Tom was sitting just jack an jerry.C、beside8、Youll have to pay for the holiday in , sir.B、advance9、It seemed as if all of a the animal had smelt danger in the air.A、sudden10、The seventh day of the seventh lunar moth is the only Chinese festival devoted love in the Lunar calendar.B、to11、Waiter: Welcome, sir. May I help you? Customer: D、Yes, please. Id like a hamburger and a chocolate shake.12、Daddy was in a for several days.B、coma13、Toms parents died when he was young, so he was by his uncle.A、brought up14、Would you the stamps on to the envelope for me, please?A、stick15、Throughout their history, Americans have been people the move.B、on16、Receptionist: Can I help you? Customer: . Where do I pay my fees?B、Yes, please17、Speaker A: Weve made an appointment with the students. Well meet at 7 in the morning. Can you come on time? Speaker B: Im afraid, . Its too early.C、I cant make it18、Operator: , May I help you? Bill: Id like to set up a telephone service, please.D、Pacific Bell19、Richard: Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu: A、Im glad you enjoyed it.20、My husband lived at home before we were married, and so .A、did I21、As we took our seats on the bus, I noticed a woman with a young adult close to us.C、sitting推荐精选22、The good service at the hotel the poor food to some extent.A、made up for23、The health seeking youths can following the of natural living.A、principles24、Sea birds penguins live on the Antarctic Peninsula, because the weather isnt quite so terrible there.A、like25、The girl the bicycle is Jane.A、riding on东财大学英语2在线作业二一、单选题1、His long raised fears about his safety.D、absence2、I suggested fishing.C、that we go3、Even students of average can be top students without additional work.D、intelligence4、A: East Bouren 54655. B: Hello. Terresa here. Can I speak to Jack, please? A: B: OK.D、Hold the line, please.5、My husband lived at home beofore we were married, and so .A、did I6、Dad: Could you run over to the store right away? We need a few things. Son: B、All right. What do you want me to get7、There are other techniques that might help you your studying.A、with8、Jessica: I got home very late last night. I hope I didnt disturb you. Landlady: .D、I didnt hear a thing.9、Paul: Can I help with your luggage? Lisa: .B、No, thanks. I can manage it.10、Operator: , May I help you? Bill: Id like to set up a telephone service, please.D、Pacific Bell11、Newman: I have an appointment with Mr. Brown. Receptionist: Mr. Brown is expecting you now. A、Come this way, please.12、Daddy was in a for several days.B、coma13、Antarctica is the most continent on the planet.A、isolated14、Im told Jerrys mother is ill. B、Im sorry to hear that.15、I cant remember her name. Its on the of my tongue.D、tip16、Im not sure which restaurant .C、to eat at17、After two months, he had news of what she was doing in Tokyo.B、little18、Mickey: You look a little pale. Are you OK? Nancy: ,I feel terrible.推荐精选C、To tell you the truth.19、Maria: Morley, where are the cookies. Dont tell me you ate them all! Morley: Yes, I did. C、I couldnt help it.20、Speaker A: Want to come over Thursday for supper? Speaker B: C、Thanks, but I have to work that evening.21、You must obtain from the landowner to fish in this river.A、permission22、I suggested fishing. C、that we go23、It was that he couldnt finish it alone.C、such a difficult job24、Waiter: Welcome, sir. May I help you? Customer: D、Yes, please. Id like a hamburger and a chocolate shake.25、My mother was relieved that her son would be satisfied with his performance so he wouldnt do another one, at least for her .A、sake东财大学英语2在线作业三一、单选题1、Jessica: I got home very late last night. I hope I didnt disturb you. Landlady: .D、I didnt hear a thing.2、His face is to me, but Icant remember where Ive seen her.A、familiar3、Thad: Gee, Susan. Id love a cup of coffee. Susan: . Is instant Ok?B、No problem.4、This morning our water supply was because the pipe burst.C、off5、Even thought we had lost the of our family, everyone came on Christmas Day-ma
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