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英语微型课教案PEP(七) Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal第一课时:Main Scene A. Lets learn Group work教学目标:a. 能听、说、读、写动词短语的-ing形式,如:diving, riding a bike, collecting stamps, playing the violin, making kites.b. 能运用句子“Whats your hobby?”询问别人的兴趣爱好并作回答。教学重点:掌握五个四会动词短语的-ing形式。教学难点:动词短语原形与-ing形式的区分及句型“Whats your hobby? I like.”的灵活运用。课前准备:多媒体课件,调查表,邮票,玩具小狗。Step 1 Warm up向学生问候,并出示玩具小狗。T:Hello, every. Do you like it? Lets see a flash. Its about a dog.播放课件。Free Talk T: I think this dog is very cute. Do you think so? Do you like it? I like it very much. You see, I like animals and I take many pictures about them. Look, here are some pictures for you.Talk about the pictures请学生看课件,并讨论:T: Whats this? / what are these?Which animal do you like?Step 2 Presentation1. 呈现:Whats your hobby?T: I take so many pictures ,so I like taking pictures. What about you? 请学生回答 ( watching TV ,reading books, swimming,-)T: I like taking pictures, so my hobby is taking pictures. 板书: hobby 拼读T:She likes watching TV, so her hobby is watching TV. Whats your hobby?S: My hobby is-2. 呈现riding a bike, making kites, playing the violin, diving, collecting stampsA T: My hobby is taking pictures. So I have many pictures. Now lets look at some of them. Look! Whos she? Can you guess?No, she isnt my daughter. No , she isnt myself. She is my little sister. Whats she doing? She is riding a bike. She likes riding a bike. riding a bike (板书,拼读)B T: Look at this picture.Whats the boy doing?He is making kites. He likes making kites. making kites (板书,拼读)C T: Lets look at this picture. Whos he? Whats he doing?Yes, he is Wang Lihong. He is playing the violin. He likes playing the violin. playing the violin (板书,拼读)D T: Do you know her? Whos her? Yes ,she is Guo Jingjing. Whats Guo Jingjings hobby? She likes diving. diving (板书,拼读)E T: I like taking pictures. But I have another hobby. Look, what are these?出示自己收藏的邮票T: They are stamps. How beautiful! So I like collecting stamps. collecting stamps (板书,拼读)Step 3 Practice and chantT: Now, lets chant.What is your hobby? What is your hobby? Riding, riding, I like riding a bike.What is your hobby? What is your hobby?Making, making, I like making kites.What is your hobby? What is your hobby?Playing, playing, I like playing the violin.What is your hobby? What is your hobby?Diving, diving, I like diving.What is your hobby? What is your hobby?Collecting,collecting, I like collecting stamps.Step 4 Consolidation and extensionT: Now, lets play a game, a very interesting game. In your pairs, one student is a reporter, the other student is a star. Then the reporter interviews the star. For example, Im the reporter, and I interview Yao Ming.R: Hello, Yao Ming. Nice to meet you.Y: Nice to meet you, too.R: Whats your hobby?Y: I like playing basketball.R: Do you like riding a bike?Y: Yes.R: Do you like listening to music?Y: yes. -R: Thank you.出示其他一些明星,分别让学生扮演记者和明星,进行类似的对话练习。T: Who can act out the dialogue? I will give them the stamps as the prize.学生上台表演,邮票和玩具小狗作为奖品。Step 5 HomeworkDo the survey after class.HomeworkDo the survey after class.
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