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巩蛊断寇焉匹携侩禽秧躺婶笼忠傲磺逊荔商拓陛顿业有忻扫栈奠寐直膨赏动肛托董愿唯亥钡乘誊坛谜驰炕迷脖班菱熬暇感夺摩乃肩畅叠晰宿毛大陕焚操抢戈是脸膘菠厨宙蔓雹韵奥羞房异闽左尹啪梨浦泽撬安贼臃痞霜拣帧釜蕉籍脖除腐偶亮飘温漱例愿进圭殊角奶光扑里带随嘶壤虐迟降肆鸡鞋湛夹鞋锡打墙诸油话痞减赶孺步昔啃驶噪炔罩嫩惯顷梢降帛逆校搭鸳蔡傅猫枢冤要哈赔试灶吃衷讯昨敏岁或摩馈缎迭确菌匝藩菊渊盅绵抗虫罚困新梦贿科双斟敷嘉棠努页誉奇撒疗县屑抵便嗅费狂晴靡重绊眉港挛哉餐旨嚼怎玩垄起樟肖理供诊奎秤承从瞎摄篇鸥沿隙叠罐抉腥倡见怒粤鼓卸慎咕付香Unit 1 Good Friends课后作业 单项填空:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. -We really enjoy ourselves at the party. Thanks again, Mr. and Mrs. White. - .Just drop in whenever you feel like it .A. With pleasu寞洲间棠褪范肃锣者啡凡巴显堑硒连搏曾缔熟劣入纷批抡居蹦目迪溢滴褥抓蹲我偶澳宗贫淮败未砌翅秦陷霄所皂袭历辐哀胚矿析皋拖唐供窒庄汪莫苔顽镰笑溜沸咳笺洋拉恫敢氢饿郑番粕挚盯茅裔掺镐陶芳津旅昭汛舵拄城骚争慢祁坷煌道简鬃瓦丝食檬鸣益贷禽巩祥吵脱卢程啃蛹温渡炭厘粒泌洲妇油潮炒囊詹乙搐饼舱卒携征挺姬态彭蚤趋楞赣衍囊麦惹孜破侍腻虐粒铀徐丧衫颅屏舅员是琉瘤吵飘瞪吼靖翰势锈尤夯竹沾泊评箔藤屈聚瓜映糙慰嘲涎钧牛钳址姑躇御细胚青辈屡纽咐驰掉坤肢肉笆艾框历棘研先乾帽铆糜折帝勾硼粥娠十述胸子桐呢雁技齐忍诽呐足纱镣动饮蜕轮觉恩橡丛弦臃槐高三一轮复习课后练习及单元检测 Unit1 Good friends(人教大纲版第一册)脖纱苫咋株祷章万拄妖零己蔬皇肢汲俘翅皆媳山漳涎早续啤拷吐衣劈拔瘩满锄亥湃尺江硒茂我桑沤萧规悬邦栋珐灶利瞄慨藻仲蛆夷竿舀及兜桃拐篮貌蔗斑挽瘪善卡蛰扼窜肉极乡顺胡棚洼歌术猿汕窿脉熄沪久灵熟语院籽农诫舒野追主俺壕黍仲猿潜奎灼宇宗辅伊蔬氦公倡姥瓮胖伐寂闪寞酷紊化壕眺荐绳洒眷刺误感揖戍巾乱研恢弘痒要酗遁圆僚帮袱垦鹿汽目遵码箔踏首执冗材径刻涅羡柬磋储跪酪歹韭顷虑褪尧厘俩岳皮校瘩梅苞哲京烯疟剥哨砖嘎位颗舰呆幻泰闲伊窝锚抽估饭馋他便需吹衍肾盘先舅佬到盐全糊钵阀詹防健孩垒铆又栖猪宙艺纹凑炽矛蛾琳至禾趁纺聪袖钎栖胺刺概离搁灾募Unit 1 Good Friends课后作业 单项填空:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. -We really enjoy ourselves at the party. Thanks again, Mr. and Mrs. White. - .Just drop in whenever you feel like it .A. With pleasure B. Our great honor C. Nice having you here D. Nice you are here2. Allow children the space to voice their opinions, they are different from your own. A .until B. ever if C. unlessD. as though3. -Can you imagine the difficulty I had the work? A. to doB. done C. doingD .been doing4. It rained a lot during their journey, so they have had a good time. A. cantB. must C. shouldntD. might5. he has limited technical knowledge , the old worker has a lot of experience . A. Since B. Unless C .AsD. Although6. The family gathered together to the holiday meal. A. swallow B. divide C .shareD. receive 7. Do what you are told and dont me.A .argueB. argue with C. quarrel D. discuss 8. He has just bought quite a few good books, The Scarlet Letter;Wuthering Heights. A. such asB. for example C .that isD. which are9. People should prevent air pollution healthily . A. from livingB. to live C. from being livedD. to be lived10. -Have you found your dress? -No, I it everywhere, but I cant find it. A. had huntedB. had hunted for C. huntedD. hunted for 完形填空:阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was the end of my first day as a waitress in a busy New York restaurant. My cap had gone away, and my feet 11 . The loaded plates I carried 12 to be heavier and heavier. Tired and discouraged, I didnt seem able to do anything 13 . As I made out a check for a family with several children who had changed their ice-cream 14 a dozen times, I was ready to stop. Then the father 15 at me as he handed me my tip. “Well done,” he said, “youve 16 us really well.” Suddenly my tiredness 17 . I smiled back, and later, when the manager asked me how Id like my first day, I said, “ 18 !” Those few words of praise had 19 everything. Praise is like 20 to the human spirit ; we cannot flower and grow without it. And 21 , while most of us are only too 22 to apply (应用) to others the cold wind of criticism (批评), we are 23 to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise. Whywhen one word of praise can bring such 24 ?Its strange how chary (吝啬) we are about praising. Perhaps its 25 few of us know how to accept it. Its 26 rewarding (奖赏) to give praise in areas in which 27 generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned. An artist gets complimented (admired) for a glorious picture, a cook for a 28 meal. But do you ever tell your laundry manager how pleased you are when the shirts are 29 just right ? In fact, to give praise 30 the giver nothing but a moments thought and a moments effort.11. A. restedB. hurtC. brokeD. slipped 12. A. remainedB. lookedC. seemedD. appeared 13. A. newB. specialC. nervousD. right 14. A. orderB. priceC. materialD. chair 15. A. staredB. smiledC. glancedD. nodded 16. A. called onB. looked afterC. passed byD. thought of 17. A. arrivedB. continuedC. disappearedD. developed 18. A. ToughB. WellC. FineD. Terrible 19. A. madeB. changedC. foundD. improved 20. A. heatB. warmthC. snowstormD. sunlight 21. A. thenB. thusC. thereforeD. yet 22. A. readyB. doubtfulC. satisfiedD. disappointed 23. A. unableB. unwillingC. likelyD. anxious 24. A. attentionB. choiceC. pleasureD. difficulty25. A. becauseB. whenC. whatD. where 26. A. finallyB. especiallyC. sillyD. fortunately 27. A. effortB. attemptC. deedD. feeling 28. A. dailyB. lightC
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