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素能提升演练(一)必修1 Unit 1. 单词拼写1. All the plan was _ (打乱)by the sudden change of the weather. 2. He prefers to work _(在户外), for he can have more time to get close to nature. 3. It will be a long time for him to _(恢复)from the bad cold. 4. When I saw him in the street,I stopped and smiled,but he _ (不理会) me and walked on. 5. The snow is very _ (松的) and there is a lot of air in it. 6. My son has _ (定居) happily in America. 7. We are _ (感谢的) to you for the help you have given us. 8. According to the law,_ (青少年) are not allowed to smoke or drink. 9. She _ (完全) accepts my judgment. 10. Whats the next _ (工程) on the agenda? . 完成句子1. Our city built a new park in the downtown, _ the beauty of the city. (add) 我们城市在市中心建了一个新公园,给城市增色不少。2. The class was too noisy. Not until _ did the teacher start her lesson. (calm)课堂上太吵了,直到所有的学生都安静下来,老师才开始上课。3. While having a meeting, the manager asked the secretary to _. (set)开会时,经理让秘书记下他所说的。4. _ is how to get used to working in a new company as soon as possible.(concern)我所担忧的是如何尽快地习惯新公司的工作。5. She brought her children up by herself; you will never know _ to educate her children.(go)她自己把孩子们抚养成人,你根本就无法知道她为了教育孩子经历了多少苦难。6. The man _ the operation is the hero who saved ten peoples lives in a fire. (recover)手术后正在康复的那个人就是从大火中救了10个人的英雄。7. While _ , I heard a strange noise. (write)正在写信的时候,我听到一个奇怪的声音。8. It is 10 p. m. now. Not only you but also your friends _ the work. (tire) 现在已是晚上十点了,不仅你还有你的朋友们都干累了。9. The company is going to have a discussion about the plan and invites me _.(join)这个公司打算对方案进行讨论还邀我参加进来。 10. That was the first time that _ with a girl.(fall)那是他第一次爱上一个女孩。. 阅读理解BEIJING(01-20-2021)-Zhao Benshan, one of the most famous Chinese comics(喜剧演员), announced on Thursday that he has decided to be absent from the Spring Festival Evening Party, mainlands most-viewed show, which is organized by China Central Television (CCTV) and staged on the eve of Spring Festival. Every year since 1990, the 55-year-old Liaoning native, has taken part in the show. But according to a statement released by CCTV on its micro-blog on Thursday, Zhao will not appear because of his fatigue. Zhao has fully prepared for his part in the show and has participated in several rehearsals (彩排) though he has been ill, according to the statement, but he finally decided to leave the show because “he felt exhausted and excessively tired. “Zhaos leave will not affect our schedule for the show, said Ma Xin, who works for CCTV. However, Ma refused to give more details about Zhaos sudden decision to leave. On Thursday afternoon, more than 9 million users on Sina weibo, Chinas most popular micro-blogging service, have expressed their opinions on this news item. A Beijing micro-blogger who uses the name Mengguniang said she felt disappointed and shocked after learning Zhao will not be featured in this years show. “I look forward to watching Zhaos funny performance every year, she said. Some people say they do not believe that Zhao quits because of his illness and think the real reason is that he lacks the ability to put on a good show after all these years. Some audience in the south are not very interested in his shows because of regional cultural gaps and their intolerance of Zhaos northeastern accent. 1. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. Something about the Spring Festival Evening Party. B. A popular comic wont appear at the Spring Festival Evening Party. C. Zhao Benshan is exhausted and tired. D. Most people are sad about Zhaos decision. 2. Zhao Benshan began to take part in the Spring Festival Evening Party when he was _ years old. A. 23B. 26C. 33D. 363. The underlined word“fatigue in the second paragraph means that Zhao is _. A. oldB. fatC. unhappyD. tired4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. All Chinese like to watch Zhaos shows. B. Zhao didnt prepare for the Spring Festival Evening Party. C. Mengguniang was sad about Zhaos decision. D. Over ten million users on Sina weibo were concerned about the news. 5. Some audience in the south are not very interested in Zhaos shows because _. A. Zhaos shows are in low level B. of regional cultural gaps and Zhaos northeastern accent C. Zhao lacks the ability to put on a good showD. Zhao looks like a farmer in a small countryside. 读写任务阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150词左右的英语短文。 The Chinese government is trying hard to prevent smoking among one of the most heavily using groupsdoctors. According to Reuters, more than 50% of Chinas male dentists smoke cigarettes. Now the government is asking them to be good mode
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