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新概念英语词汇第一册Lesson94:条条大路通罗马你下个星期去雅典吗?I have never been to Athens.我从来没有去过雅典。This photograph is taken in Athens.这张照片是在雅典拍的。2. Berlin Will you and Jane fly to Berlin this week? 你和简这个星期要飞往柏林吗?My brother is in Berlin at the moment.我的哥哥目前正在柏林。The football match will be held in Berlin.足球赛将在柏林进行。3. Bombay Will Sam leave for Bombay next week? 萨姆下星期要去孟买吗?They are taking a holiday in Bombay.他们正在孟买度假。The food in Bombay is cheaper.孟买的食物更廉价。4. Geneva Will Penny return to Geneva next year? 彭妮明年回日内瓦吗?Geneva is a beautiful city.日内瓦是个漂亮的城市。I will never forget my days in Geneva.我将永久不会遗忘在日内瓦的那些日子。(本句音频有漏词)5. Moscow Will Tom arrive from Moscow the week after next? 汤姆再下个星期会从莫斯科回来吗?(音频里漏了after一词)I spent half a month in Moscow last year.去年我在莫斯科呆了半个月。When will you fly to Moscow?你什么时候飞往莫斯科?6. Rome Will Tom and Geoge go to Rome next year? 汤姆和乔治明年去罗马吗?I wish I were in Rome now.我真盼望我现在是在罗马。All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。7. Seoul Have you been to Seoul before? 你以前去过汉城吗?8. Stockholm She is living in Stockholm with her son. 她在斯德哥尔摩和她儿子住在一起。He is from Stockholm.他来自斯德哥尔摩。(音频里漏了from一词)9. Sydney The 2000 Olympic Games took place in Sydney, Australia. 2000年奥运会在澳大利亚悉尼进行。People from all over the world visit Sydney every year.每年都有来自世界各地的游客到悉尼旅游。
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