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白银区第七小学集体备课教案五 年级 班 英语 学科第6 册主 备 蔡宏集体备课组七校英语组审核课 题五年级下册Lesson 4 Who Is Hungry?一课时第 课时学习目标 (三维目标) 学习目标:1.知识与技能:理解并灵活运用下列句型 :Who is hungry?Would you like to eat?Would you like some_? Yes, please./ No, thanks.2.过程与方法: 情景交流及对话表演3.情感态度教育: 学会与他人合作和关心他人学习重难点学习重点:Who is hungry?What would you like to eat?Would you like some_? Yes, please./No,thanks.学习难点:准确运用单词进行对话。 学习准备一些袋装小吃和一些图片学习过环节学生活动教师活动互动修改意见第一环节复习导 入教学过程: 1.Greeting 2.Everyone sings the song aloud.1.Greeting 2.Everyone sings the song aloud. 第二环节:新授:二.教学过程Step1. reviewStep2. Leading-in and listeningT: When you are thirsty, you drink. But when you are hungry, what do you do? Yes, when you are hungry, you eat. Then what do we eat every day?Ss: Rice, dumplings, noodles, apple, hamburgersT: Yes, you are right. For breakfast, lunch, or supper, we have rice, dumplings, noodles, and many other kinds of food. But do you like to eat snacks? Whats a snack? Look, these are snacks. (show them to the class). 出示单词卡片,教学生认读这个词。引导学生利用新词说句子。如I like / dont like snakes. 师:Do you like them? Do you think Danny, Li Ming and Jenny like them? Ok, lets listen to the tape.( Play the tape and Ss answer the question: Do you think Danny, Li Ming and Jenny like them?)3播放课文动画课件。 4小组学习。 The train is getting closer to Beijing .The excitement is grow-ing.Beforetheyarrive,its time to eat.Mrs Li wants to find out who wants food. Who do you think will want food? Will he want donuts?1.教师范读,速度要慢,辅以动作和手势。适时解释个别不懂的单词。2领读生词。第三环节: 巩固检验:三、Step3. Reading1. Read the text and answer the question Ss read the text and answer the questions2. Read the text after the teacher to understand it better.3. Read the text aloud in groups and try to make it into a dialogue.Step4.Optional- practiceSs can read the text in groups or practise the dialogue in groups找表演好的小组到前面进行表演. Write the question on the blackboard What would Jenny, Li Ming and Danny like to eat on the train?鼓励学生提出更多的问题,并让其他学生回答。这些任务之间是存在着一定的关系的,它们由易到难,以递进方式上升,符合小学生的学习特点和学习规律。学生在遇到阻碍时,老师帮助。 第四环节:知识提升 1. Collect as many words about food as you can.2. Go on with the dialogue about the text.3. Do the exercises in the Activity Book. 板书设计Lesson4 Who Is Hungry?Who is hungry?Would you like a snack?Yes, please./ No, thanks .教学反思:在呈现单词时,我以旧引新,通过复习上节课的相关单词来呈现新知;注重培养他们运用新知识的能力和语言交际能力。教师范读,速度要慢,辅以动作和手势。适时解释个别不懂的单词。在教学设计上,我创设了情景激发学生的学习兴趣和学习热情让学生在愉快的氛围中去学习新知识。
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