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一、 单项选择1. ( )Lucy is _girl.A. an eight-years-old B.a eight -years -old C.an eight-years-old D.an eight -year-old2. ( ) _ do you go to the movies? -Hardly everA. How long B.How often C.How many D.How far3. ( ) A week later, the girl looked much _ .A. well B. better C. nice D. good4. ( )His math is poor, you must _ him.A. try help B. trying to help C. try to helps D. try to help5. ( )There is _ with the boys eyes. He cant see anything.A. nothing wrong B. something wrong C. wrong things D. wrong something6. ( ) Mr Green is not in good health these days, _ he works hard.A. Because; so B. because;/ C. Although; but D. Although; /7. ( )Why _ fishing this weekend? - Good idea. A. dont go B. not go C. not to go D. dont you going8. ( )The book is . Most of the teachers are in it. A.interesting,interested B. interesting ,interesting C. interested, interestingD.interested, interested9. ( )She always eats food. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too10.( ) Im to study better in science. A. try B. tries C. to try D. trying11.( )Thanks for me to your home. A. ask B. inviting C. to invite D. asks12.( )Im heavier than my brother. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little13.( )His hair is shorter than . A. mine B. her C. she D. me14.( ) Her best friend likes to do same things she does. A. the ,with B. the, as C. a,to D. a,as15.( )My mother wants me vegetables every day.A. to eat B. eating C. eat D. eats16( )Eating too much is not good your health.A. at B. with C. for D. on17.( )My brother doesnt feel today.A. nice B. good C. well D. badly18( )What are we doing next weekend? -How about in the mountains?A. take a walk B. going hiking C. go for a walk D. to walk19. ( )He just finished the plan for a relaxing vacation.A. makes B. make C. to make D. making20. ( )A small number of students for next vacation.A. is fishing B. fishes C. fish D. are fishing21. ( )It takes me 20 minutes after dinner every day.A. walking B. to walk C. walk D. walks22.( )-Can you come to play basketball with us, Brad? - .A. I can come B. Thats all right C. Sure, Id love to D. Thats OK23.( ) I often help her _ English.A. study B. studies C. studied D. studying24.( ) It _ me around one hour _ the subway.A. takes, take B. take, takes C. takes, to take D. takes, taking25.( )It was Monday yesterday, so the day after tomorrow is _.A. Monday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Wednesday26.( ) I cant find _. Its much too boring. A something interesting B nothing interesting C interesting nothing D anything interesting27.( )-Excuse me, sir _ is it from the nearest hotel? About 15 minutes walk.A. How long B.How far C.How often D.How soon28.( )The teacher is planning _ a talk on Tuesday.A. to give B. give C. gives D. giving29.( )There some junk food in that bag.A. are B. is C. has30.( ) is important for us to learn English well.A. That B. This C. It31.( )Jack didnt go to sleep his mom came back.A. when B. until C. after32.( )Thank you me to your party.A. asking B. ask C. for asking33.( )Dont forget the window when you leave home. A. to close B. closing C. close34.( )He told me he would tell us_ _.A. surprising something B. surprising anythingC. something surprising D. anything surprising35.( )The meat is_ _dear and eating_ _meat is bad for your health.A. too much; much too B. too much; too much C. much too; too much D. much too; much too36.( )I _ _ you to help her with her homework.A. hope B. wait C. think D. want37( )It sounds so noisy. Would you mind _ down the music?A. not to turnB. not turnC. turningD. to turn38.( )We should eat _ fruit and vegetables, but _ meat. It is good for our health.A.more; lessB.more; moreC.less; moreD.less; less39.( )If it _ tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic.A.isnt rainB.dont rainC.doesnt rainD.wont rain40.( ) Mom, I cant find my lost dictionary. Its too bad. But I think you may find it _.A. anywhere elseB. somewhere elseC. else anywhereD.else somewhere41.( )-Do you know anything about the singer Jay? -Yeah. I heard that he speaks English best in the family, but he speaks Chinese _
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