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牛津英语7B Unit 7 Poems 课型:新授课主备:刘艳侠 温馨寄语:Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成 Learning aims(学习目标) 【目标明确,行动才更有效】1. Learning the key words and phrases(学习诗歌中重点单词、词组)2. Read two poems aloud and know the feelings and ideas.(有感情地大声朗诵诗歌,体会诗歌内涵和诗人所表达的情感)3. Care about the ordinary people around you.(关注身边的普通人,热爱他们,尊重他们) Warming up(课前热身) 【好的开端是成功的一半】Have a dictation: Classroom inquiry(课堂探究) 【试试你能行】A:Self-study(自主学习)1. Read the poem “Water all around us”,underline(划出)the rhymes(押韵词)2. Read the poem “My dad”,underline(划出)the rhymes(押韵词)B:Cooperation(合作探究)Read the poem “My dad”in groups(组内),answer the followingquestions:1. What does the writers dad(作者的爸爸)do at work? 2. Where does the writers dad work? 3. What does the writer think of hisher dad?(作者怎么认为他的她的爸爸?)Read the poem “The old newspaper seller”in groups(组内),answer the following questions:1. What does the old man do?2. Where does the old man work?3. What does the writer think of the old newspaper seller?C.Display(交流展示)1.Write down your answers on the blackboard.2.Reading competition(以小组为单位,比赛朗读诗歌,看看谁读得声音洪亮、语速流利整齐划一)D.Exercise in class(当堂检测)Finish A1 on page 88. More Practice(拓展提升) 【不要低估自己的能力】仿照这两首诗写一首小诗介绍身边的人。
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