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仁爱版英语精品资料八年级上册教案设计Unit 1 Playing SportsTopic 3 The school sports meet is coming.Section A. Material analysis 本节课的主要活动为1a和2b。Section A 对话里,Yu Ting和Li Ming兴奋地谈论即将到来的运动会,呈现了本课所要学的语法重点Future Tense with will。Yu Ting 和Li Ming 饶有兴趣地围绕Which sport will you take part in? 谈论着各自参加的运动会项目,呈现了重点短语:the boys 800-meter race, be in the long jump等。本对话呈现了孩子们积极上进的学习生活,要求学生在学会课本语言知识的同时,向Yu Ting 和Li Ming学习,积极参与学校各项集体活动,在培养集体主义思想的同时,培养自己自信、上进的个人素质。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 能正确运用以下短语进行书面表达:the boys 800-meter race, be in the long jump, have lots of fun, prepare for, make many fiends, make friends with sb.等。2. 能正确地理解下列句子和短语:The school sports meet is coming.the coming school sports meet 3. 能正确理解并运用will将来时,能运用will进行造句。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关运动会项目的名称及相关话题。2. 能熟练地运用will引导的将来时谈论有关运动会的话题。3. 能正确朗读介绍运动会项目的对话或文章。4. 能用will将来时介绍自己或朋友在运动会中参加的项目。Emotional aims:通过学习Yu Ting 和Li Ming积极上进的对话内容,鼓励学生要积极参与学校集体活动,培养自己乐观、自信、乐于合作的优良品质。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:the boys 800-meter race, be in the long jump, have lots of fun, prepare for,make many friends, make friends with sb.等短语的理解及运用。 Difficult points: 1. be going to和will的不同。2.The school sports meet is coming.与the coming school sports meet 的正确理解和运用。. Learning strategies1. 培养学生提前搜集信息的习惯,搜集有关运动会的项目名称。2. 培养学生善于运用采访收集信息的习惯,愿意就运动会话题进行提问采访。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, chalk, blackboard, a flash “Song of Health” (sung by Fan Xiaoxuan) Everyday saying: All things are easy that are done easily. 做事乐意,诸事容易。. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(7 minutes)1. The whole class work2. The whole class work3. The whole class work4. Six students work5. Individual work and the whole class work6. Some students work 1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2. Students sing with the flash.3. The whole class read the passage “My favorite sport ” as quickly as they can, trying to be the first six and get a score of 5 points.4. The six winners stand at the line and begin to jump. The furthest three students will get candies. 5. The third student is happy, the second one is happier, and the first one is the happiest. All the students try to understand the difference between “exciting” and “excited” with the help of the teacher.6. Some volunteers write the information they have collected on the blackboard and they will be awarded as “super girl” or “super boy”. Other students look at the names, trying to guess their corresponding Chinese names.1. Get students ready for learning.2. Play the flash “Song of Health” sung by Fan Xiaoxuan.3. Ask the whole class to read their homework as quickly as they can. The first six students will stand up and be awarded.4. Lead to 1a. Teacher draws a line on the ground, and the six winners stand at the same line and do the long jump to see who are the furthest three students.5. The teacher gives one candy to the third one, gives two candies to the second one, and gives three candies to the first one, introducing “excited” and “exciting”. The teacher says “The jump race is exciting, and the jumpers are excited.”6. Teacher lets the students to write the names of sports activities on the blackboard, and only asks the students to know the names but neednt to remember them.Presentation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work2. The whole class work3. The whole class work4. The whole class work5. Some students work6. The whole class work1. Students make sure thatthey understand what the statements mean.2. Students try to catch the general idea of the dialogue and fill in the blanks.3. Students write down the missing words, paying more attention to the causes.4. Students fill the blanks that they havent finished yet.5. Volunteers write their answers on the blackboard, and another three volunteers correct the answers. All the volunteers will get scores.6. The whole class check the answers together with the teachers.Keys:take part in,800-meter race, long jump,cheer on,exciting1. Teacher introduces the dialogue by saying “Yu Ting and Li Ming are talking about the school sports meet on the playground.”, asking the students to read the statements in 1b. 2. Teacher plays the recording for the first time without stopping.3. Teacher plays the recording for the second time and stops when necessary.4. Teacher lets students scan 1a to complete 1b.5. Check 1b. Teacher asks three students to write their answers on the blackboard, then asks another three students to correct the wrong parts.6. Teacher checks the answers when necessary.Consolidation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work
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