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英语故事演讲稿8篇演讲稿可以根据用途、性质等来划分,是演讲上一个重要的打算工作。在不断进步的时代,演讲稿在我们的视野里出现的频率越来越高,你写演讲稿时总是没有新意?以下是我为大家整理的英语故事演讲稿,欢迎大家共享。英语故事演讲稿1What life is aboutAs we all know, the most important thing in life is our attitude towards it, tons of men have tried different ways of treating life, and some succeeded, some failed, and here are some of the tips they left us.Life isnt about keeping score. Life isnt about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin. In fact its not about if you have lots of friends or if you are alone, and its not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. Life just isnt about that.But life is about whom you love and who you hurt. Its about how you feel about yourself. Its about trust, happiness and compassion. Its about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love. Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance and building confidence. Its about what you say and what you mean. Its about seeing people for who they are and not what they have. And we should always remember to be ourselves. Other might have things that we desire but being what we really are is the only trail leading to the true colors of life. Most of all, its about choosing to use your life to touch someone elses in a way that could have never been achieved otherwise.The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers; we buy more but enjoy them less. Weve learnt how to make a living but not a life, weve added years to life, but not life to years. And it is time for us to choose whether to make a difference in our life.And these choices are what life is about.生活的真谛众所周知,关于生活最重要的我们对待生活的看法,不同的人以不同的方式对待生活,一些人胜利了,一些人失败了。这里有一些关于生活的帖士给我们大家。生活不是为了保持高分,生活也不仅仅是你的鞋子、你的发型和你的肤色。事实上,生活也不只是你拥有多少挚友,或者你是否孤独;生活也不仅仅意味着你被别人接受与否。生活并不仅仅是这些。但是,生活是关于你所爱的和你所损害的那些人。生活就是你对自己的全部感觉。它是关于信任、华蜜和包涵。它是你对挚友的支持和如何用爱来溶化内心的憎恨。生活就是远离嫉妒、克服无知和建立信念。生活是关于你的言行和思想。生活就是关注人的自身,而不是关注别人的拥有。而且我们必需记住保持我们的本色。虽然,生活的另一面令我们憧憬,但保持我们的本色是通往生活真谛的必由之路。总之,生活就是用你完全的生命去触摸其他人从未企及的选择。在生活的长河中也经常令我们困惑和冲突,我们拥有越来越高大的建筑,但我们也越来越缺乏耐性;我们购买的物质越来越多,但我们从中得到的欢乐越来越少。我们学习如何活着但那却不是生活;人类的寿命越来越长,但有意义的生活并因此而延长。因此,现在正是我们选择使我们的人生变得不同凡响的时候了。初中英语演讲稿这些选择就是生活的真谛。英语故事演讲稿2Good morning,ladies and gentlemenToday my topic isBe more civilized to welcome the ExpoAs we all know,the next EXPO will be held in Shanghai in 21. We will have thousands of visitors here in our hometown,then how should we show our manners? Of course,all of us prefer to show our good manners,so we should pay attention to our daily customs,China is a traditional country with a long history. The young should show our Chinese culture and good manners to the world .I t is easy to say than to do,most of us didnt pay enough attention to “seven donts” sometimes they throw rubbish everywhere,cross the road when the light is red .Although they know these behavirous are not good,they still do it .I hope everyone of us can take part in this social practice .We should carry ourselves well,respect our teachers and so on,try to show our best manners to the world .I think,we should follow the next three points in our daily life :First :Keep our clothes clean and neat,too much make up looks unnatural for us .Second :We should obey the old saying “See no evil,hear no evil,speak no evil .”Third :We should be polite to others,especially to the foreigners .When the Expo comes,there will be a lot of foreigners,we can show friendliness to them,we can show the way to them,say “hello “to them,and I think our smiling faces are also necessary .Show good manners to welcome the 21 Expo .Are you ready?Thats all .Thank you .译文:早上好,女士们,先生们今日我演讲的主题是“更文明,更欢迎世博会”大家都知道,下一届世博会将于21在上海实行。在我们的家乡,我们将有成千上万的游客,那么我们应当如何展示我们的礼貌呢?当然,我们全部人都喜爱展示我们的礼貌,所以我们应当留意我们的日常习俗,中国是一个传统的国家,有着悠久的历史。年轻人应当展示我们中国文化和世界的礼貌。我不简单说比去做,我们大多数人没有赐予足够重视,“七不”有时他们到处扔垃圾,红灯时过公路。虽然他们知道这些行为不好,他们仍旧这样做它。我希望我们每个人都能参与社会实践。我们要贯彻好自己,敬重我们的老师等,更好地展示我们的世界礼貌。我认为,我们应当在我们的日常生活中的下一个三点:第一:保持我们的衣服干净整齐,太多化妆看起来不自然的我们。其次:我们要遵守古老的谚语“看不见,不闻恶,不说恶。”第三:我们应当对别人礼貌,特殊是对外国人,当世博会到来时,会有许多外国人,我们可以表现出友好的方式,我们可以展示给他们的方式,向他们说“你好”,我认为我们的笑脸也是必要的。显示良好的礼貌欢迎21世博会。打算好了吗?就这样了,感谢你。英语故事演讲稿3匆忙吃完早饭后,我大步流星地走进了演讲大厅。一位闻名的老师正在对学生们讲话。他手举一张一百美元的钞票,对三百个学生说,“谁想要这张一百元的钞票?”学生们马上举手。接着他说,“我会把这张一百元的钞票给你们其中的一位,但首先我要做件事。”他将钞票捏成一团,问,“现在谁还想要?”全部的手又举了起来。然后他说,“那么,假如我这样做呢?”他将钞票扔在地上,并在上面踩了几脚。他捡起脏兮兮的钞票,问,“仍旧有人要吗?”全部的手又举向了空中。“挚友们,”他说,“今日你们学到了很有价值的一课。无论我对这一百元钞票做了什么,你们仍旧要它,因为它并没有贬值,它仍旧值一百美元。生活中,不止一次,我们会被扔,甚至被踩,这时我们会感到自己毫无价值。但是请你记住,无论什么发生在你身上,你恒久不会失去你的价值。对于那些爱你的人来说,你始终是有价值的。你的价值并非来自你是做什么的或者你相识谁,而是来自你是谁。你是特殊的、有价值的,恒久不要遗忘这一点!”英语故事演讲稿4The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of high fashion.The name cheongsam, meaning simply long dress, entered the English vocabulary from the dialect of Chinas Guangdong Province (Cantonese). In other parts of the country including Beijing, however, it is k
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