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冀教版六年级英语上学期单词拼写知识点练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图写单词。_2. 写出下列英语单词的原形。1seeing_ 2looking_3broken_ 4waiting_5was_ 6photos_3. 给下列单词加上“ing”。1.take_ 2.write_3.run_ 4.swim_5.play_ 6.do_7.read_ 8.sing_9.sleep_ 10.walk_4. 看图,写出下列单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_5. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Itakemydogoutforawalk_(one)aday.2. Theres somebody _ (hide) behind the door.3. Sandy does her homework _ (careful) than Tom.4. There are many tall _ (build) on both sides of the street.5. Why does she look _ (worry) today? Whats the matter?6. 看图写单词。 _ _ _7. 根据所给首字母拼写单词,补全对话。A: Helen, do you want to wa film wme?B: Yes, Id love to.A: Can I tjuice into the c?B: Sorry, you c. Theres a sign in the cinema. It says “No eor d.”8. 补全单词。(1) dea _聋的(2) bli _d失明的(3) an _ry生气的;愤怒的(4) _rotewrite的过去式,写(5) unive _ sity大学9. 按要求写出单词。(1)watch (三单)_ (2)take (过去式)_(3)put (原形)_ (4)run (现在分词)_(5)good(副词)_10. 看图写单词。1. It means you cant_here.2. Im hungry. Lets go to the_.3. It means you cant_here.4. This is the biggest_in our city.11. 按要求写单词。1. win(过去分词) 2. second(缩写)3. swim(现在分词) 4. come(过去分词)5. Sun.(完全形式) 6. school sports day(英译汉)7. run(过去分词) 8. did(否定形式)12. 写出下列动词的ing形式。1.cook_ 2.watch_3.collect_ 4.read_5.write_ 6.eat_7.run_ 8.swim_9.take_ 10.play_13. 按要求写词。(1)is(过去式)_(2)take(过去式)_(3)two(序数词)_(4)left(反义词)_(5)power(形容词)_14. 看图片,写单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_15. 用所给的词头完成句子。1. My friends are all k_ to me 2. They would like to have a lot of f_. 3. We can share our lunch t_. 4. We must help each o_. 5. Do you s_ go there with your a_? 6. Please help me with my E_.页码 / 总页数
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