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初三英语中秋假期作业二设计人:汤建华 试做人:徐松银 审核人:李 娟 Name_一、 词汇部分A 根据中文提示、英语解释或句意完成单词 1. My aunt thought she _(更喜欢) reading to watching TV at home. 2. They made their d_ to travel to Japan the next week.3Theyre twins ,they have s _ characteristics.4He is a man full of e ,he is e 5. His parents were _ (pleased) with his excellent work at school.6He often takes a _ part in everything and does everything a (积极)7. He is so that he wants to go there and see it.8. He has a good sense of _ , he is _ (幽默)9. When I _ up. I found the baby _ ,too.(醒)10. Blue can represent _ (unhappiness).B、用所给单词的适当形式填空sad ; humour; wise; sleep;different ; decide ; organize active 11. It always takes us time to make an important _.12. He is so creative that he can do many things _.13. Tom is very _. He often makes us laugh. 14. She is an _ girl. She seldom takes part in class activities.15 A true friend can help you get out of _when you are unhappy.16 Its _ of you to wait for a few days than to buy the house in a hurry.17. Learning how to use a computer will help you get _.18Bajie is very . he wants to go to bedC、用所给动词的适当形式填空。19.Youll _(give) some more money for your excellent work.20.He seems _ (worry) about _ (fail) in the English exam. 21.Jack _(prefer)_(stay) at home to watch TV when he was young.22.Youd better take a walk in the park _ (relax) yourself.23.We are all here _(wait) for Miss Green.24.Its cold in the room. Lets make a fire _(keep) us warm.25 -I called you yesterday, but there was no answer. -Oh, sorry, I _(argue) with my sister about that film. 二、选择题( ) 1.We always _ people into many kinds by their _.A. divided; characteristic B. are divided; characterC. divide; characteristics D. divided; character( ) 2. We should learn to forgive others _ their faults. A. of B. for C. about D. with( ) 3. May loves peace and does not like o argue _ others. A. with B. to C. at D. in( ) 4. Could you explain_? A. why are you late B. why you are late C. whats happened to you D. B and C( ) 5.I heard that the old man has given up_ . - Yes, he has already given_ . A. to drink, it up B. to drink, up it C. drinking, up it D. drinking; it up( ) 6. What colour do you think_ you feel calm? A. making B. makes C. to make D. make ( ) 7. Mei Mei is five, she is _ to _ herself. A. too old; dress B. old enough; dress C. enough old; wear D. old enough; put ( ) 8. This pair of jeans looks nice _Sandy because she looks very nice_ blue A. on; in B. in; on C. for; on D. to; in( ) 9. Sam _ Chinese tea with nothing in it. He says he enjoys the taste very much. A. prefersB. prefers toC. would ratherD. would like to ( )10. The old photos _them _the old days when they were young. A. let, toB. make, forC. takes, ofD. remind, of( ) 11._ you have given her! She is out of trouble now.A. What useful advice B. What a useful advice C. How a useful advice D. How useful advice ( )12. She looks happy, but she isnt a happy woman. A. attributive B. predicate C. predicative D. adverbial ( )13.Do you prefer tea _coffee ? -_ is OK , I dont mind .A. or , Neither B. to, Either C. to , Both D. or, Either Many ( )14.-Do you prefer _ the new film 2012 with me? -No. Id rather _ at home and listen to music. A. seeing ; stay B. to see; to stay C. to see; stay D. seeing; to stay( )15 Sandy was _a bad mood and nobody could _yesterday. A. with, cheer up her B. with, cheer her up C. in, cheer up her D. in, cheer her up三、完形填空people go to school for an education(教育). 1 learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and maths. Others go to school to learn a skill 2 they can make a living(谋生). School 3 is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school
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