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2020学年人教版英语精品资料www.ks5u.comUnit 4 PygmalionSection Warming up; Prereading, Reading & Comprehending.单词拼写1Your opinion of your son is _ (错误的) and hes much clever than you think.2She _ (犹豫) over the choice between going to college for further education and making her own living.3Though the students know the meanings of the words, they fail to use them _ (恰当)4The man over there is a _ (才华横溢的) young musician.5Nowadays most people use paper _ (手帕)6Over the years women want to be given equal _ (地位)and pay with men.7Its _ (非同寻常的) that he should make exactly the same mistake again.8Its bad manners to make rude _ (评论)about ones appearance.9People who work in libraries spend a lot of time _ (分类) books.10I first made his a_ in 1992, when we were both at Stanford University.答案:1.mistaken2.hesitated3.properly4.brilliant5handkerchieves6.status7.extraordinary8.remarks9.classifying10.acquaintance.补全句子1_ _ _ _ _ (务必联系我) if you need such help again.(hesitate)2It is said that beer _ _ _ (被归类为)a good product. (classify)3It is surprising that the headmaster of the school should be found guilty and _ _ _ _ _ (判十年监禁)(condemn)4He _ _ (评论) the difference in security measures of the two restaurants the other day.(remark v)5During my travel to Mount Tai, I _ _ _ _ (认识) a young girl from Shanghai. (acquaintance)6He is such a person _ _ _ (出卖国家) for money.(betray)7He _ _ _ (发财) by selling fried chicken in the market. (fortune)8The chair is so hard that it feels _ _ _ _ (坐上去不舒服)答案:1.Dont hesitate to contact me2.is classified as3condemned to ten years in jail4.remarked on5.made the acquaintance of6.betraying his country7.made a fortune8.uncomfortable to sit on.单项填空1I _ about taking his side until I knew the whole story.Acared BhesitatedCdoubted Dwondered答案:B句意:我在完全了解事实真相后,才打消顾虑,支持他的立场。hesitate (about/over doing sth.)表示“(对做某事)犹豫,迟疑不决”。2I bought my son a(n) _ for children of a play by Shakespeare.Ainterruption BadaptationCtranslation Dinvitation答案:B句意:我给我儿子买了为儿童改编的莎士比亚剧本。interruption“打断”;adaptation“改编本”;translation“翻译”;invitation“邀请”。根据句意可知选B。3This university stands out _ teaching equipment.Ain face of Bin place ofCin terms of Din line with答案:C句意:就教学设备而言,这所大学很突出。in terms of“就而言”;in face of “面对”;in place of“代替”;in line with“与一致”。根据句意可知选C。4He betrayed his best friends _ the enemy, which surprised us all.Ato BforCwith Dby答案:A句意:他向敌人出卖了他的最好的朋友,这使我们都很吃惊。betray sb. to sb.“向某人出卖某人”。5_, the more expensive the camera, the better its quality.AGeneral speaking BSpeaking generalCGenerally speaking DSpeaking generally答案:C句意:一般来说,相机价格越贵,质量越好。generally speaking表示“一般来说”,其余的表达形式不正确。6It was in the United States that I made the _ of Professor Jones.Aacquaintance BassociationCrecognition Dacknowledgement答案:A考查名词词义。acquaintance “相识,了解,熟人”,make the acquaintance of sb.“结识某人”;association“联系”;recognition“识别,承认”;acknowledgement“承认,答谢”。句意:那是在美国我结识了琼斯教授。故选A项。7In order to cheat others, some unkind men often _ themselves off as PLA men.Apass BtakeCmake Ddress答案:A考查动词词组。pass.off as.“(把某人)改变或冒充成”;take off“拿去,取消”;make off “离开,逃走”; dress不与off搭配,表示乔装打扮应为dress up。句意:为了欺骗他人,一些居心不良的人经常冒充人民解放军。故选A项。8People were _ about him, which made him very upset.Acurious BmistakenCworried Dparticular答案:B考查形容词词组的使用。be curious about “对好奇”;be mistaken about.“对误解”,be worried about.“对担心”;be particular about.“对挑剔,苛求”。句意为“人们误会他了,这使他非常伤心难过”。故选B项。9_ they arrived at the airport, they were disappointed to find nobody there to meet them.AEvery time BThe first timeCThe moment DEvery day答案:C考查时间状语从上的连词。every time“每次”;the first time“第一次”;the moment“一就”;every day“每天”,不能作连词。句意为“他们一到机场就失望地发现无人接机”。故选C项。10This watch is _ to all the other watches on the market.Asuperior BadvantagesCsuper Dbeneficial答案:A考查“比好”的表达。be superior to.“比好”;have the advantage of.“胜过;比占优势”;super“极好的”,无比较意味;be beneficial to“对有益”。句意:这种表比市场上其他所有的表好。故选A项。.完形填空One afternoon,as I was driving back home, I stopped at a busy intersection as the traffic light turned red. I waited _1_for the light to turn green,so that I could _2_ my journey. Suddenly,out of nowhere, an old woman _3_ and started asking for _4_. That day,I had unknowingly _5_ off the air conditioner in the car and my window was down. The old woman was standing very close to my car. As she begged for alms(施舍物), I closely _6_ her weatherbeaten face, which had lots of wrin
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