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(密封线内不要答题)密封线学 校班 级姓 名座 号英语1英语222011年福建省高职单招英语模拟考试(一)考试时间: 90分钟。试卷满分: 100分。I. 单词辨音(5%)。从下列A、B、C、D中四个选项中找出划线部分读音不同的单词选项(每题1分,共计5分)。例: 1. A. wash B. map C. am D. and答案:A1. A. quarter B. pardon C. warm D. war2. A. face B. village C. message D. surface3. A. break B. bread C. health D. spread4. A. thought B. throw C. breath D. further5. A. knocked B. dropped C. covered D. pushed II. 词汇、语法(30%):Part A词汇(10%)。从下列各题的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个与句子划线部分意思相近的选项或在空白处填入最佳选项(每题1分,共计10分)。1.- Can you put away your books, John ?- Yes, Mum. Ill do it right away .A. soon B. at once C. in time 2.The accident took place not far away from his home .A. was happened B. happened C. was broken out3.He missed the last train that night.A. failed to catch B. failed to see C. failed to hit 4. She apologized for the rude words she said about Jenny .A. said sorry B. expressed care C. politely asked5. In the afternoon, classes are over at 4:00 .A. are more than B . begin C . end6. I didnt pay much _ to Mr Browns words. A. attentivenessB. attentionC. attentive 7. American football helps a lot in keeping young people _ and strong. A. healthB. healthyC. healthful 8. Carnival usually _ in February. A. feels B. feeds C. falls 9. Our school is different _ other high schools. A. for B. between C. from 10. The high temperature will _ 36. A. get B. arrive C. reach Part B:语法知识(20%)。从下列各题的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项填入空白处。(每题1分,共20分)。1. English is _ useful language in the world. A. a B. an C. the 2. - Is that you, John? - Yes. _ John speaking. Who is that? A. I am B. He is C. This is 3. There is _ I want to tell you. A. something important B. important something C. important the something 4. Mary gets up early _ Sunday mornings. A. in B. on C. at 5. You _ smoke here. This is no-smoking area. A. must B. mustnt C. neednt 6. - _ is your mother? - She feels better and better. A. What B. Who C. How 7. _ he will attend the meeting is not clear. A. Whether B. / C. That 8. - What about going to a movie? - Thats _. A. a good idea B. right C. an idea 9. Making preparations_ _very important for camping. A. are B. has C. is 10. Would you mind _ the window? A. me close B. my close C. my closing11. She _ his invitation to the ball but didnt _ it. A. receive ; accept B. accepted ; receive C. received ; accept 12. The students in Grade Three are made _ ten hours a day. A. study B. to study C. studying 13. By the time I graduated I _5000 English words. A. have learned B. have been learned C. had learned 14. The patient should _ to the hospital at once. A. send B. be send C. be sent 15. Could you tell me _? A. where are you from B. where you are from C. where do you come from 16. Do you remember the days _ we spend together? A. when B. that C. where 17. - I am sorry but I cant go there with you. - _. I can go there by myself. A. I am glad to B. Its my pleasure C. It doesnt matter 18. It is never too late to learn, _? A. is it B. isnt it C. does it D. doesnt it19. Your son is _ honest boy that all of us like him very much. A. such a B. so a C. such an 20. The old lady _ us her spare bedroom for $300 per month. A. rented B. hired C. borrowed D. lentIII. 情景交际(15%):Part A:从下列各题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案完成简短对话。(每题1分,共计10分)。1.Good morning, Grand Hotel.Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th._A. What can I do for you? B. Just a minute please. C. Whats the matter.2.Waiter!_I cant eat this. Its too salty.A. Yes, sir? B. What?C. All right? 3.Ive got your invitation.Oh, good._A. Can you come? B. Thanks a lot. C. Ill take it.4. How is your mother?_.A. She is oldB. She is kind-hearted C. She is fine5. Im afraid I must be off now._.A. Never mind B. No problem C. See you6. Excuse me. Does this bus go to the cinema? A. Here you are. B .Yes, it is. C. Please wait a minute.7. May I see your passport and ticket? A. Ok, here you are. B
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