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1. The teachers roles in the classroom2. I know what my students need3. How to use body language in the classroom?4. How to make my class active and interactive? How to make my class interesting?5. The first English class I taught6. The students and group learning7. What can we do when a student fails in talking?8. How to let students think while doing?9. I use the textbook this way10. I know how to make the students successful11. My students enjoy my class12. Be a good observer in the classroom13. I never talk too much in class14. I teach my students to use classroom English15. Can you read the students faces?16. We can understand each other in class17. How to assess the students in class18. I talk to my students this way19. I teach them to do things by themselves20. They do and then they learn21. She/He is not a bad child22. Parents and I work together23. How to teach students to learn at home?24. I know she/he needs my help25. When she/he feels nervous in class26. How to train a good group leader?27. When I stand in front of my students parents28. I listen to my students attentively29. I learn a lot from my students30. Teaching is learning31. What is important to you in your job as a teacher?32. If you are using a computer to play PPT(POWER POINT), What would you do if your computer broke down during your class?33.Whats your opinion about using hi-technology such as the computer and the Internet in language teaching.34.If your students are passive in your class,what will you do to make them positive?35.Do you often ask the students to do pair work or group work ?How to organize the group work?Can you give us an example?36.Can you tell us at least five ways about how to let the students remember new words or difficult words?37.Smoking and Health 38.The Problem of Food 39.My Dream 40.The Value of Reading Books 41.Governmentislosingpowertothemedia.Whatisyouropiniononthis?42.Fartoomuchattentionisgiventosportstoday.Doyouagree?43.Whilesocietyprogresses,humanityregresses.Doyouagree?44.Howfardoyouagreethatpeopleareenjoyinghigherstandardoflivingbutnotbetterqualityoflife?45.Theprimaryfunctionofeducationistoteachushowtolearn.Discussthisviewinthelightofyourownexperience.46.Areexperimentsonanimalsjustifiable?47.People often say we are now living in a small world. Whats your opinion?48 Whats your advice to classmates and friends who spend too much time surfing the internet?49 Do you think it is a good habit to stay up late before an examination?50 Do you think public transportation in Binzhou is convenient?51 Do you think technology makes our life easier and more enjoyable? Why do you think so?51 Do advertisement play a positive or negative role in our society?52 How do you think Binzhou will develop in future?53 Do you think China will become more important ? Why? 54 Describe Chinese New Year as it is celebrated in your family.55 What are the advantages/ disadvantages of being the only child in a family?1 What is your opinion on studying abroad?2 What will life be like in the future?3 Do you think the Doomsday of 2012 is true? How do you think of it? What effects do you think it will bring us?4 Do you have any experience in traveling? Did any interesting stories happen on your journey?5 What do you think the young people need most today?6 What is your attitude towards nature?7 is it good for a student to have a part-time job? Why or why not/8.whichcountrywillyouchoosetogoifyoucan?9.Do you think Familybackgroundonsuccessisimportantornot?10.whatdoesBETTERCITY,BETTERLIFEmeantoyou?11.Doyouthinkthatpeoplewithhighereducationbackgroundshouldhavemoreawarenessofsocialservice?12.Andwhatdoyoudoinyoursparetime?13. DoyouthinkEnglishisoveremphasizedinchina?whyorwhynot14.DoyouthinkwhatisyourmostdifficultpartwhenyoulearnEnglish?15.Whatdoyouthinkofthetrendofkeepingpets?16.DoyouthinknewspaperscanbereplacedcompletelybytheInternet?Whyorwhynot?17.WhatdoyouthinkisthebiggestdifferencebetweenChineseandAmerican(orEastern)parentsontheeducationoftheirchildren?Whatreasonscausesthedifference?18. Are you satisfied with your current job?19 What kinds of legal holidays are there in China?20. How do Chinese celebrate the festivals?1.whatdoyouthinkofyour students fallinloveatanearlyage?2. Which do you think is the core of English teaching, teachers or students?3. Do you think the house price of Binzhou will increase or reduce in 2011?4. whatdoyouthinkofprivatecarinChina?5. What do you think of the education systerm of China ?6. Your opinion about electronic dictionary (E - dictionary)7. whatsagoodteac
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