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【英语】九年级下册英语英语阅读理解汇编专项训练及答案含解析一、中考英语阅读理解汇编1阅读理解 Fiona likes to listen to music. She likes to listen to classical music. Now she is listening to Beethovens Symphony (交响曲) No. 5. The music is about fate knocking on the door. Fate is the unseen power of life. Fate changes our lives. Fate designs our lives. Fiona likes this music. She feels the power of music. Suddenly, somebody knocks on her door. She goes to the door and opens it. There is a man at the door. The man is old. He has grey hair and a grey beard (胡须). She doesnt know who the person is. The man says he is her father. She closes the door in front of the man. She stays at the door and thinks. She has a father. But he is dead. She doesnt know the man at the door. She doesnt understand why he says he is her father. She wants to call the police. Just then she can see a photo under the door. The man is giving her a photo. She looks at the photo. She can see herself with a man she doesnt know. It is her because she took many photos when she was a young girl. Is the man who is standing in front of her door her father? She must find the answer. She opens the door. She asks the man whether he is lying or not. The man tells her he is telling the truth. She invites him for a cup of coffee. They sit down and drink coffee. They start talking about life. He tells her everything that he knows. She listens. Sometimes she is surprised. Sometimes she cries. Sometimes she laughs. They are listening to Beethoven. This time it is not fate, but her father who is knocking on the door.(1)What kind of music does Fiona like? A.Folk music.B.Pop music.C.Rock and roll.D.Classical music.(2)Why does Fiona open the door again? A.Because the man gives her a photo of her and her father.B.Because she realizes the man standing outside is her father.C.Because she wants to know whether the man is her father.D.Because she wants to listen to the mans stories.(3)How does Fiona feel during the talk with the man? A.Surprised.B.Sad.C.Happy.D.A, B&C(4)Where can you find this passage? A.In a music book.B.In a storybook.C.In a sports book.D.In a science book.【答案】 (1)D(2)C(3)D(4)B 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述主人公菲奥娜在听贝多芬的第五首歌的时候,她听到门外有敲门声,她打开门却意外地有人叫她为女儿,她感到很吃惊,爸爸明明已故,但是此时的这个所谓“爸爸”的男人又似曾相识,打开门后两人谈了许多往事,往事让菲奥娜有时吃惊,有时哭泣,有时微笑,最后他们一起听贝多芬的歌曲,最好父女相认。 (1)细节题。根据She likes to listen to classical music.可知,她喜欢听古典音乐,故选D。 (2)细节题。根据Is the man who is standing in front of her door her father? She must find the answer.可知,因为她想知道是否这个男人是她爸爸,故选C。 (3)细节题。根据Sometimes she is surprised. Sometimes she cries. Sometimes she laughs.可知,她有时开心有时伤心有时吃惊,故选D。 (4)推断题。本文讲述菲奥娜和父亲相认的故事,可知这篇文章应来自故事书,故选B。 【点评】考查阅读理解能力,细节题和推断题是阅读理解题中常考题型。细节题要从文中寻找答案;推断题需要根据上下文,推断出需要的信息。2阅读理解 Abdul Sadiq, an Afghanistans only professional cyclist, began by training his daughter. And when she competed successfully abroad, he set up the team. It is the worlds most unlikely sporting team, because the sport breaks taboos in a country where in many traditional communities, women are not allowed out of the house. The head coach faces frequent threats and the girls families do not always approve If its not their fathers trying to stop them, its a brother or uncle. Two members of the team, Massouma, 18, and Zarab, 17, are sisters. Their father and their brothers approve, but they know that their uncles complain to their father. They will never come in front of us to say Why are you cycling?, but they say bad words to our father, she said. His team have, however, competed and won regionally against Bangladesh and Pakistan. We want to go cycling because we want to be heroes one day, said 16-year-old Jella, one of the latest riders. In one of the mildest and driest winters for many years, training has gone on without stopping. And next spring, the girls will go up into the mountains. We say that women should not sit at home, they need to come out and do sports, said Abdul Sadiq, And 18- year-old Zainab said she wished that she could just go cycling alone on the street one day. Its my ambition, and I hope that one day girls will be allowed to go cycling on the streets, not having a coach, or anyone with them, and they will not have problems, she said.(1)What does Abdul Sadiq do? A.A teacher.B.A cyclist.C.A reporter.D.A driver.(2)What does the underlined word taboos mean in Chinese? A.禁忌B.警告C.符号D.风俗(3)From the third paragraph, we can know A.Massouma and Zarabs parents approve of their joining the te
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