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新时代交互英语视听说 第六单元6/1212/12A: Im going to get a new couch. B: Oh! A: I picked out this beautiful, red couch and its like three thousand dollars. B: Oh! OK. Thats a lot. A: I know. And I dont know how to pay for it. B: Some of those places have that like financing .you know, where you can get zero zero percent of interest for a year. A: Thats a really, really good idea. Because I know Jeff will not let me put it on a credit card. He will not use them. He doesnt want to pay the interest . B: I dont blame him, theyre scary. A: Maybe I could save up. I could probably save like two hundred dollars a month. So that would take me a long time! B: Its kind of a lot. But it sounds like a cool couch.A: Its a beautiful, beautiful couch. I love it. So Im just .going to do it. Im going to get it. B: OK. Thats exciting.END
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