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2012-2013年第一学年度PEP小学三年级英语复习试卷(同学们,认真读题,仔细作答,满分115分) 一、判断下列字母的大小写是否相符,用“”或“”表示。(5分)1. Bb 2.Ef 3.Gg 4.Qq 5. Uv ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、补充下列字母的左邻右舍。(10分)1.( ) Ff ( ) 2.( ) Mm ( ) 3.( ) Pp ( )4.( ) Ss ( ) 5.( ) Yy( ) 三、补全下列单词。(10分)( )1. r_ler A. a B. u C. o( )2. cr_yon A. a B. u C. o( )3. y_ll_w A. e,u B. e,o C. a,o( )4. h_ad A. e B. a C. o( )5. b_dy A. o B. a C. u四、快乐连连看。(6分)( )1.I have a yellow pencil. A. Hi! Im Sarah.( )2.Hi! Sarah.This is Wu Yifan. B. Fine,thank you.( )3.How are you? C. Nice to meet you, too.( )4.Goodbye,Mike. D. Bye, Miss White.( )5.Lets go to school. E. Me too!( )6.Nice to me et you. F. OK!五、火眼及金睛,选出每组中不同类的那个选项。(10分)( )1. A.hello B.hi C.name( )2. A.duck B.book C.pencil( )3. A.head B.green C.hand( )4. A.morning B.arm C.afternoon( )5. A.pencil B.crayon C.cat六、单项选择。从下列选项中选出最恰当的一项,将其代号填入括号内。(20分)( )1.Lets make a puppet! A. Hello! B.Good idea! C.Thank you!( )2.Good morning, Miss. White! . A.Good morning, Sarah. B.Good afternoon, Sarah. C.Goodbye,Sarah. ( )3. Whats your name? . A. This is Sarah. B. My name is Sarah. C. Bye, Sarah. ( )4. I have _eraser. A.a B.an C.the( )5.Lets play! ! A.Bye B. Goodbye C.OK( )6.I have a (铅笔). She has a (钢笔). A.pencil; pencil B.pencil; pen C.pen; pencil( )7.Hi, Sarah Fine,thank you. A.Whats your name? B.How are you? C.Hello!( )8. you Tutu? A. Am B. Are C.Is ( )9.What s name ? A.you B.my C.your( )10.Lets paint. A. Bye. B. Thank you C. Great. 七、情境交际。(20分)( )1.在下午,遇到同学时,你应该这样打招呼: A. Hello! B. Goodbye! C. Good afternoon. ( )2.当你想和同学一起上学时说: A. Look at me! B. Lets play! C. Lets go to school!( )3.当别人夸奖你衣服非常漂亮时,你应回答: A. No, no. B. Thank you. C.Look at me! ( )4.当向别人介绍自己是刘雷时说: A.This isLiu Lei. B.Hello, Liu Lei. C.Hello, Im Liu Lei. ( )5.当你见到对方很高兴时,应该说: A. Nice to meet your. B.Nice to meet you,too. C. See you.( )6.老师请你拍手时,用英语该这样说: A.Clap your hands. B.Shake your arm. C. Snap your fingers.( )7.与别人第一次见面时,应说: A.Whats your name ? B.Nice to meet you . C. Im Li Yun. ( )8.你想问对方身体怎么样,应说: A. Whats your name ? B.How are you? C.Fine,thank you.( )9.你想让同桌出示蓝色铅笔时,应说: A. Show me your blue pen. B.Show me your blue pencil. C.Show me your pencil.( )10.你想让穿黑色衣服的同学站起来说: A. Brown, brown.Sit down. B.Black,black.Stand up. C.Blue,blue.Stand up. 八、分一分。下面有很多单词,请你按四种类别分类吧!(12分) 1.white 2.dog 3.mouth 4.ant 5.black 6.erase 7.green 8.eye 9.brown 10.finger 11.pencil 12.arm 13.duck 14.head 15. foot文具类: 动物类: 颜色类: 身体部位类: 九、根据文字选择正确单词的序号填入括号里,完成句子。(10分)( )1、I have a .(铅笔) A、book B、bag C、pencil( )2、Show me your . (钢笔) A、book B、pencil C、pen( )3、Open your . (铅笔盒) A、pencil-box. B、pen C、pencil( )4、Hello! Im Wang Li. . (你好!我是刘云。) A、Hi! Im Li Yun. B、This is Mike. C、Goodbye,Mike. ( )5、Look at me . (这是我的鼻子。) A、This is my nose. B、This is my mouth. C、This is my head.十、翻译句子。(12分)1.Clap your hands. 2.Show me your book. 3.Colour it brown. 4.This is my face. 5. How are you? 6.how old are you?
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