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如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!acquisitionthrustconcentrationdistinctivespecificallydistinguishevidentlydiminishadjustfunctionU11. The risk from viruses certainly hasntdiminished; on the contrary, it has mushroomed and people can easily get infected with virus.2. I like wild sunflower not because it has a(n)distinctiveNorth American flavor but because its image is closely connected with our continents early history.3. One of the main characteristics thatdistinguishthe male bird from female bird is that the former has beautiful feathers.4. He went to apply for hundreds of jobs with a masters degree in computer science but ended up with nothing.Evidently, its because he was disabled.5. Some books arespeciallydesigned to tell us information about the social, cultural or professional life of the country.6. I was embarrassed as an American for havingthrustsuch an awful concept upon the French, saying that the French hated the idea of the theme park, Euro Disney.7. In places where it does not rain very often, thefunctionof canals is to drain water from rivers or lakes and carry it to fields.8. There is also evidence of sloweracquisitionof language and a higher frequency of learning difficulties for these physically disabled students.9. If you must sit facing the desk, shift your chair slightly as you sit down oradjustyour body in the chair slightly so that you can be right in front of your interviewer.10. Clever readers focus their attention, keeping theirconcentrationon the material they know best and answering questions quickly because they are confident.assemblymoistearnestdestinationmoistureproclaimassetquestrallyexclaim1. Last Saturday, about 5,000 people held a protest march andrallyagainst social discrimination against all people with AIDS.2. When appearing in court, my friend Debraexclaimedin anger to a judge to defend her actions, I wasnt hurting anyone!3. Human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief, which has beenproclaimedas the highest aspiration of the common people.4. Henry Ford was one of the first to applyassemblylinemanufacturing to the mass production of affordable automobiles.5. Unless you have a heated greenhouse, you will have difficulty in keeping the plant indoors for very long because they need a really warm andmoistatmosphere.6. In dry weather, youd better water your vegetables, flowers, and plants in the morning before the earth loses too muchmoisture.7. When you are faced with a difficult situation, you may rely on some of yourassetssuch as family, friends, skills, education, money, and good health.8. After many years searching of the world, herquestfor her missing brother finally succeeded when she found him in Africa9. She decided long ago that she would study the subject of physics inearnestas soon as she was accepted by the school.10. He regretted that he hadnt followed his friends suggestion. If he had taken the short-cut across the river, he would have arrived at thedestinationmuch earlier.A. fluentB. acquisitionC. diverseD. reverseE. competentF. competitiveG. skimH. beneficialI. enhanceJ. engageK. comprehensionL. confusionM. proficiencyN. exposureO. efficiencyTesting has replaced teaching in most public schools. Instead of teaching reading or writing skills which arebeneficialto students, now teachers are somehow encouraged toreversethe learning process. For instance, they ask students to read the questions at the end of a reading text first, and then teach them to skimthe text for the answers with various test-taking skills. We wonder whether the test-taking skills really help improve their languageproficiency.The ability to read or write shouldenhancethe ability to do reasonably well on comprehension of reading texts orfluentwriting. However, neither reading nor writing develops simply through learning test-taking skills. Teachers must be careful when they teach students how to read and write to avoid any false languageacquisition. Too many discussions on test-taking skills will only end up with moreconfusionin learning because students have become more interested in test-taking skills rather than concentrating on the nature and quality of what should be taught.As a result, students may becompetentin taking tests while they have little or noexposureto serious reading or thinking. They are unable to understand or talk about what they read, which is definitely disastrous to their academic preparation.U2persistboostinvestorientevaluateaccumulateacceleratecalculatespeculateundertake1. The United Nations official said toundertakea new peace move in the Middle East when there is a chance to reach an agreement.2. We mightspeculatefurther from the story and say that these
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