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人教版英语2014春季期七年级下学期期末考试试题班别: 姓名:一单项选择:(15分)( ) 21.-Can you play _ piano, Jim? -No. But I can play _ basketball.A. the,the B. the, / C. / , the D. the , a ( )22. -Do you think she is a _ girl? -Yes, I think so. She is good at every subject.A. shy B.friendly C.smart D.beautiful( ) 23. -_ did you sing last night? -About two hours.A.What time B.How long C.When D.How( ) 24. -Hi, Linda. Are your parents teachers?-No, they are police. They work at the _.A. post office B.hotel C.hospital D.police station( ) 25.I must _ a book before I can _ TV.A. read, watch B.watch, watch C. read, read D.watch, read( ) 26.Let me _ you how you can_ my home.A. to tell,get B.tell , arrive C.to tell , get to D.tell,arrive( ) 27. -_shoes do you want to buy? -Size 9.A. What color B.What number C.What size D.What kind( )28.We are having a math lesson now, you must stop _ music.A. listen B. to listenC. for listening D. listening to( )29. -_?-He has big eyes and a small nose.A. How old is he B. What does he do C. What does he look like D. How is he( )30. -Who is in the classroom now?-_.All the students are in the park.A. Someone B. Anyone C. Nobody D. Mary( )31. -I dont like chicken _beef? -I dont like chicken, _ I like beef very much. A. and; but B. or; but C. and; and D. or; or( ) 32.-Would you like something to eat? - . Im not hungry.A. No, thanks B. I would C. Yes, thanks D. Id like it( )33.There _ in the large bowls. A. are some rices B.has some eggs C. is some rice D. have some noodles( ) 34.My sister doesnt like milk _ eggs.A. and B.or C.for D.as( ) 35.- How _ your last weekend, Tony? - It _ very good. A. is, isnt B.did, didnt C. does, doesnt D. was, wasnt二完形填空:(10分)Dave got up at 6:30 this morning .After brushing his teeth, he ate a 36 of noodles and some porridge for breakfast.Then he 37 goodbye to his parents and left home. He walked to the school bus stop .He 38 his friend Bobby at the bus stop.They talked about the baseball 39 they waited for the bus. The bus came ten minutes later. They got on the bus .Dave and Bobby 40 next to each other on the bus, and they went on talking about 41 . Twenty minutes later, they got to school. The bus driver said, “Have a good 42 in school.” They thanked the driver and went off the bus.When they got to the 43 ,it was time for class. Dave sat on his seat and began to take out his school things from his backpack. But his 44 wasnt in his backpack. He looked for it .But he couldnt 45 it .At last he remembered he hadnt put it in his backpack last night.( )36.A.bag B. box C. bowl D. glass( )37.A.spoke B.said C.told D.talked( )38.A. visited B.called C. met D. looked( )39.A. when B.because C.before D. after ( )40.A.walked B.ran C. lived D. sat ( )41.A. sports B.study C. weather D. animals( )42.A. vacation B. time C.trip D. festival( )43.A.hall B.library C.classroom D. home( )44.A.watch B. camera C. key D. pen ( )45. A. find B.watch C.write D. spell (B)根据短文内容,从方框中12个单词里选出恰当的10个词补全短文,并用该词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Interesting, run, relax, in, sell, t hing, buy, on, countryside, stay, read Different peo;oe usually like doing different 46_ _ . My mother likes going shopping. She often 47_ some clothes. But my father likes to 48 _ _ at home. He usually sits on the sofa(沙发)and 49_ _ newspapers. The girl with big eyes and a small mouth is my sister, Nancy. She likes doing exercise. Look, she is 50_ _ . And she is of 51_ _ height. Im always busy with my work from Monday to Friday. So I d like to do something 52_ _ and relaxing. 53_ _ Saturday mornign, I usually go to visit my aunt in the 54_ _ . There are some good places to have fun. On Saturday afternoon, I sleep for the whole afternoon. In the evening, I watch TV to 55_ _ .三阅读理解:(20分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。AA well-dressed man goes into a restaurant one day. He sits down at a table near the window. A waiter comes up to him and says, “Can I help you,Sir?”The man says , “Can I see the menu?” “Sure.” The man wants a good meal and he wants a lot of nice dishes (菜). The waiter gets them for him. The man is having his meal. At this time, a boy comes in and sits down beside(在
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