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劳动合同英文劳动合同 , 英文篇一:英文英语版本正式劳动合同劳 动 合 同Labor Contract甲方(用人单位) : Party A (employer) :性 质 : 有 限 责 任 公 司Property:LimitedLiabilityCompany 地址: Address:乙方Party B (劳动者Laborer )姓名Name_性别Gender_年龄Age_身份证号ID家庭地址联系电话依据劳动合同法和国家有关规定,甲乙两方经同样协商一致, 自发签订本合同,共同恪守本合同条款:Accordingto the "laborcontractlaw"and the relevantprovisions of the state, through equal consultation between both parties agreement, sign this contract voluntarily, abide by the terms of this contract一、劳动合同限期Term of the Labor Contract本 合 同 期 限 类 型 为 _ 期 限 合 同The typeofthecontractis _ contract(填“有固定或无固定”此中一项) ( Fulfill terminable or dateless )。本合同限期为 _年 The term of the contract is _years ,自 _年 _月 _日起至 _年 _月 _日止。 from_ to _.两方商定的试用期至_年 _月_日止,限期为 3 个月。 The two sides agreed probation period ends on _, 3 months'duration.表现优秀者,甲方可缩短试用期,但不可以少于1个月。 For the outstanding laborer, the probation can be shortened by Party A, but no less than 1 month.period以达成必定工作为限期:Based on a fixed working term:从 _年 _月 _日起,就任务达成时止。starting from_ until the task is finished.二、工作内容和义务Job Content and Responsibility1 、乙方赞同依据甲方工作需要 , According to Party A s demand, 在部门,从事 _(管理、销售、技术、生产、后勤等)工作,并恪守岗位工作制度与合理的工作安排(包括但不限于工作内容、工作地址)。PartyB agrees to engagein_(management/sales/technology/manufacture/logistics etc.) work in the department and abide by the work system and reasonable work arrangement. (Included but unlimited to job content & working place.)2 、乙方应该依照甲方岗位职责要求,保质保量达成工作任务 ; AccordingtoPartyA spostresponsibilityrequirement, Party B should finish working task withquality and quantity guaranteed.3 、甲方本着“一专多能、一职多岗”的用人原则,能够依据经营需要及乙方的工作能力调整乙方的工作职务和岗位,乙方应听从安排。Based on the principle ofwith multiple ability, one post with multiple workand according to the business demand and Party B“ one skill” , scompetence, Party A may adjust Party B s duty and post, while Party B should obey the adjustment.三、劳动保护和劳动条件Labor Protection & LaborCondition1 、甲方依据国家有关安全生产、劳动保护、职业卫生的规定,为乙方供给必需的工作条件和劳动保护设备,保障乙方的安全与健康; According to the related stipulation ofsafety manufacture/labor protection/occupational health from the state, Party A provides necessary working condition and labor protection facilities,insuring Party B s safety and health.2 、甲方依据国家有关规定拟订工时制度,乙方确因生产经营需要延时的,甲方应该依法安排乙方补休或支付相应的加班费;若乙方推行的是级别薪资,则在当月的绩效查核中体现; According to the relevant regulations of workinghour system ,ifParty B needs to extend the working hoursdue to the need of production and operation, party Ashallarrange partyB compensatory timeofforpayovertime salary in accordance with the law; If partyB is implemented wage levels, the compensation shouldbereflectedintheperformanceappraisalforthemonth.3 、甲方依据国家有关规定为孕期、产期、哺乳期的女员工供给劳动保护; Party A should provide protection forwomenworkers in pregnancy,childbirth,breastfeeding,in accordance with therelevant provisions of the State.4 、甲方负责对乙方进行政治思想、职业道德、业务技术、劳动安全卫生及有关规章制度的见告、教育和培训。 Party Ais responsible to provide professional ethics, business and hygiene, and related rules,political technology, educationideology, labor safety and trainingfor Party B.四、劳动酬劳Labor remuneration依据“按劳分派”原则,推行同工同酬,乙方的酬劳不得低于当地最低薪资标准。详细薪酬标准、支付方式以及支付时间按公司拟订的 薪酬管理制度执行。 Accordingto theprincipleof distribution,and equal pay forequal work,remuneration of Party B shall not be lower than thelocalminimum wage standard.Specificcompensationstandards,payment, and time is set by the“ the systemof compensation management” by the company五、社会保险Social Insurance甲方应依照国家有关社会保险的法律、法例和政策为乙方缴纳基本养老、基本医疗、失业、工伤、生育保险花费;社会保险费个人缴纳部分,甲方从乙方薪资中代扣代缴。Inaccordancewithnationallaws, regulationsandpolicies relating to social insurance, Party A shallpay the basic pension, basic medical, unemployment,workinjuryand maternityinsurancecosts, forthePartyB; social insurancepremiums paidby individualspart is withhold wages from Party B.六 、 劳 动 纪 律 和 规 章 制 度Labordisciplineandregulations1 、甲方依法拟订的劳动纪律和规章制度,乙方有义务恪守;Labor disciplineand regulationslegallystipulatedbyparty A, party B shall have the duty to abide by it.2 、签订本合同前,甲方已对乙方进行了劳动纪律、操作规程、管理制度等相应的培训; Before signing this contract, Party A has to provide party B the labor discipline,operatingprocedures,management system and thecorresponding training3 、乙方应该恪守甲方的工作操作规程,听从工作安排;PartyB shallabide by the workingprocedures,obey thework arrangement of party A.4 、乙方违犯劳动纪律或规章制度,甲方有权按本单位的规章制度,赐予纪律处罚,直至排除本合同。If Party Bviolates labor discipline or regulations, Party A isentitled by the rules of the unit to give Party A disciplinary action, up to terminate this contract.七、劳动合同的更改The change of labor contract订立本合同所依照的客观状况发生重要变化,以致本合同没
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