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S2B Unit 1 What is beauty? Reading Suffering to be beautifulLesson notes【题面】SUFFERsuffer to be beautifulWomen have been forced by society to endure such considerable pain and suffering.用suffer或 suffer from完成下列各句:He looked very pale, and seemed to have _ a great deal.Business has _ since the war.She _ the loss of her pupils respect.Ones health _ overwork.She _ stomachache.【知识点】suffer【解析】He looked very pale, and seemed to have suffered a great deal.vi.受苦,受痛苦Business has suffered since the war.受到损失(害)She suffered the loss of her pupils respect.vt.受到,遭受,又如:suffer death丧命Ones health suffers from overwork.suffer from受之苦(折磨),因而不舒服(受到损害)She suffers from stomachache.患(某种疾病)【结束】【题面】LENGTH“And, to what lengths can or should we go to make ourselves more beautiful? ”请用下列词组完成以下的句子:at length最后, 终于;详细地,go to (any, some, great) lengths to do竭尽全力,keep sb.at arms length避免与某人亲近;对某人敬而远之,in length在长度上She told us about the accident _.Potts would _ to get himself promoted._ the missing child was found out in a lonely deserted house.He is a mystery to all the colleagues, because he always keeps them _.Although the two rooms look similar, there is some difference _.【知识点】length【结束】【题面】COMPLIMENT“Well, first, thanks for the compliments, Mary.”请说出compliment在下列各句中的词性意思和用法:The audience paid him a compliment on his excellent performance._She received many compliments on the design of her new dress._David complimented Mary on her new job._【知识点】compliment【解析】The audience paid him a compliment on his excellent performance.c.n.恭维;称赞;敬意 pay sb.a = pay a to sb.on sth.She received many compliments on the design of her new dress.她那件新裙子的设计,受到许多人称赞。 (pl) 问候;致贺;道贺;致意David complimented Mary on her new job.大卫祝贺玛丽找到新工作。vt.恭维;称赞 sb.on sth.【结束】【题面】EMPHASIS“There is too much emphasis on appearance these days.”emphasis: special force or attention given to sth.to show that it is particularly important请注意emphasis在不同句子中的用法:Some schools lay special emphasis on language study._.He spoke with emphasis._In order to emphasize what he was saying, he stood up and raised his voice._He emphasized that Chinas entrance to WTO promoted the economic development._【知识点】emphasis【解析】Some schools lay special emphasis on language study.有些学校特别注重语言的学习。place / lay / put on ( upon ) sth./ give emphasis to sth.He spoke with emphasis.他以强调的语气讲话。with emphasis 强调地In order to emphasize what he was saying, he stood up and raised his voice.为了强调他所说的话,他站了起来并且提高了嗓音。 emphasize sth.He emphasized that Chinas entrance to WTO promoted the economic development.他强调中国加入世贸组织推动了经济的发展。emphasize that【结束】【题面】OBSESSION“Seldom do people think about the real dangers of this obsession with look.”obsession: an extreme unhealthy interest in something完成句子,并说出obsess在下列各句中的用法及词性:Gambling became an _ (obsess), and he eventually lost everything.不少学生沉迷于电脑游戏,荒废了他们的学业。_【知识点】obsess【解析】不少学生沉迷于电脑游戏,荒废了他们的学业。Quite a few students became obsessed with video games and abandoned their studies.be obsessed with:沉迷于【结束】【题面】FIT“You should watch what you eat and keep yourself fit.”“Also, many people feel unhappy because they just dont happen to fit societys current ideas of what is beautiful.”请说出fit在下列各句中的用法:All the facts dont fit your words._These shoes fit me._Try the new key and see if it fits._The two independent accounts seem to fit well._He tries to keep fit by doing morning joggings._After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job._a jacket with a tight fit._She had a fit of coughing she couldnt control._【知识点】fit【解析】All the facts dont fit your words.vt.符合These shoes fit me.适合,又如:music that fits your mood.适合你心情的音乐Try the new key and see if it fits.vi.适合, 符合The two independent accounts seem to fit well.He tries to keep fit by doing morning joggings.adj.健康的,精力充沛的(不置于名词之前)After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job.能胜任这项工作 (与for连用)合适的,适宜的a jacket with a tight fit.紧身的夹克合身:衣服合身的样式She had a fit of coughing she couldnt control.一阵(可数)【结束】【题面】CURRENT请翻译并说出current在下列各句中的词性和意思:current English _current money _a current of air _Newspapers influence the current of thought._【知识点】current【解析】All the facts dont fit your words.vt.符合These shoes fit me.适合,又如:music that fits your mood.适合你心情的音乐Try the new key and see if it fits.vi.适合, 符合The two independent accounts seem to fit well.He tries to keep fit by doing morning joggings.adj.健康的,精力充沛的(不置于名词之前)After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job.能胜任这项工作 (与for连用)合适的,适宜的a jacket with a tight fit.紧身的夹克合身:衣服
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