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高中高二学年英语的知识点 1.prefer Prefer doingto doing Prefer to do rather than do 2.advantages/disadvantages优势/劣势 2.Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.从高中起,我姐姐王维和我就始终幻想做一次宏大的自行车旅行。 连词since引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时,介词since与时间点连用 It is/has been+一段时间+since+一般过去时自从至今已经多久了。 3.persuade sb to do sth=persuade sb into doing sth说服某人做某事 4.强调句型It is/was+被强调局部+that/who 强调句型可以强调除谓语动词以外的任何(句子)成份。一般来说,假如被强调局部是人时,用连词that或who;假如被强调局部是物,只能用连词that。 notuntil的强调句 5.be fond of喜爱,宠爱 6.Although尽管,虽然,引导让步状语从句 although 从句多在句首,though 从句可在主句前、中、后任何位置,而且though 可以作副词用于句末,作“但是,不过”讲,而although 无此用法。 as though(仿佛,似乎),even though(即使,尽管)中不能用although。 though 引导的让步状语从句可以倒装(将表语、状语、情态动词后的动词原形前置到句首,此用法同as),而 although 不行以。 7.insist on doing sth/sth.肯定要、坚持主见 She insists on getting up early and playing her radio loudly. 她老是一大早起来把收音机音量开大 11.care about关怀 在乎 care for喜爱,照料,照看 12.change ones mind转变办法 13.experience经受/(阅历) 14.Once可作为附属连词,作“一(旦)就”解,连接一个表示时间的状语从句。从句中常用一般现在时现在完成时表将来。 Once you have begun you must continue. 15.give in让步 give up 放弃 16.instead of代替,而不是 17.make up ones mind to do下定决心做某事 18.a large parcel of一大包 19.as usual像平常一样 20.put up our tent搭帐篷 21.stay awake睡不着,醒着stay up熬夜 22.for company做伴 23.lie beneath the stars躺在星空下 24.can hardly wait to do=cant wait to do迫不及待做某事 25.go in the right direction走正确的方向 26.at a very slow pace.以很慢的速度 27.be similar to类似于 28.afford to do sth付得起,能担当 29.be tired from因而疲惫be tired of对厌倦 30.be in high spirits喜气洋洋,兴高采烈 31.come true实现,成真 32.give sb some advice on doing. 33.a guide to的指南 34.on a tour在巡游中,在巡演中 35.in detail具体地 高中高二学年英语的学问点2 1. Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, . you may want to try hiking. Instead和instead 0f的用法 2. Say Hi / Hello / Thanks to sb. (for me) 问候的句型 3. Is anybody seeing you off? 进展时表将来 4. She struggled and struggled, and could not get on her feet. (= keep struggling) 5. You should not go rafting unless you know. unless引导条件状语从句,相当于if. not 6. By staying at., tourists can help the villagers make money so that they can take care of the fiver and the birds. 目的状语从句 7. She was so surprised that she couldnt move. 结果状语从句 8. Tree after tree went down, cut down by water. 过去分词作状语 9. The next moment, the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden. 现在分词作状语 10. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her. It didnt take long before the building was destroyed. before的用法 高中高二学年英语的学问点3 1. slide on a banana skin在香蕉皮上滑倒 2. bump into someone else撞到别人 3. round a corner在拐角处 4. fall down掉下 5. be cruel to 对残忍 6. at times有时,经常 7. be content with对满足 8. badly off(worse off) 贫困 9. astonish us with the deep feelings 用深厚的感情打动 10. be born in poverty诞生贫寒 11. become famous for变的出名 12. a particular from of acting一种特别表演方式 13. his entertaining silent movies他滑稽无声电影 14. be well-known throughout the world举世着名 15. wear worn-out shoes穿着破鞋子 16. carry a walking stick拿着手杖 17. a social failure一个社会生活中的失败分子 18. overcome difficulties克制困难 19. be unkind to sb对不好 20. a boiled shoe煮熟的鞋子 21. the problem facing sb面对某人的问题 22. thousands of成千上万 23. rush there in search of冲向查找 24. fortunate enough足够幸运 25. pick up捡起/接某人 26. be caught in a snowstorm遭受到暴风雪 be caught on被钩住 27. on the edge of a mountain在大山边缘 28. pick out挑出 29. cut off切断,隔绝 30. as if好像,好象 31. eat every mouthful with great enjoyment 每口都吃得津津有味 32. star in主演 33. his lifetime outstanding work 他终生出色的工作 34. be buried in被掩埋在 35. knock into撞到 36. think it funny to觉得滑稽 37. play on words说俏皮话 38. treat it as a question把当作一个问题 39. an answer to the question问题的答案 40. go camping去露营 41. in a mountainous area在山区 42. in the open air在户外 43. look up at the stars抬头看着星星 44. how vast the sky is 天空多么宽阔 45. try a third time又试了一次 46. pay special attention to特殊留意 47. bring out the humorous meaning 指出/说明幽默的意思 48. turn into变成 49. improve your English vocabulary 扩大英语词汇量 50. a sense of success胜利感,成就感
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