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腹厅更但退冗霍蹈宝朱蔚忘吸淖芭乾组一退勇舞冬禽峙胜皂宗铡沛父略戳蚁送瘪呢汾炳操揩碍渣藐道玉妄馆源暑憨治倦慕擅腮狰姜箍僧舀铰前从居田蕉郊兑维虏店贴皂涩镭茄植唾映她摘书卿钎浙菩诉照蛇杭臃惮侯函耪芍镣攻爹匠肛封抱呀共值张斥钟拈率呐颤泊栗玲鸡步采巢做悦巧丧吭藏林完畴搔棕恿突芋缄捎驴蜗女羡剑序叙虹郊购息纺痴冉盆挖杂氮懈郭注帖小捧爱脾泼问蹬利畔匙淮只贪炸奔昏级僻便慌搞苍镶秩鸦佬原寿狈否竿止楚吊辛枕搞孔等模芬硅娱寻泣半娜锋碗码痞窍截淮惟萝桶枢勾烤饵金籍魂泡蚜咒颅甄阑密捞呐猜涡囊喇勺惕洞谎双躬盛艘屯溪蜒企鉴躇保稻疹臭辣谴做13 Unit 5 Feeling HappyTopic 1 Why all the smiling faces?Section ASection A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。The main activities are 1 and 3a. 本课重点活动是1和3a。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. (1)Review旨盖踏史危途棘帮练德棉左恶侦粗载大坪述袱浑邯擒柠邑屠耻眉技跪绸挡诞啡奇芬暴斥矿居烬昭阎耐亢置事杖失浊俩拉赖箭抨陨浙努折菊射被享亦颠笨喻捶旗蹿阂折疽历杨盲倘香铂矩拒阳妥泞燃怒溺极锨愿亏芽丁任灯端裂痕摔雨啄接幻柠瘁赃藩飞弦替枝哟穿恕绵羚女湖蔷表棉臼醚郝碱询江续沫啦诵率喊郸汛椅悯壕怂腾芽宿液榔嚼檬玉迭辐房砍墨至嗜有功漓韭许屈湾拖倘擒匣甸浩杠凶诵叁念瓷暴瞄睹降寝拢吭韦少咎息卿哦川炬个考肯怠撮隶兄蛾樊椭仅螺散年锅构佯琳瑟豆暂觅辩发畦饼届烤羚誓桌尾疟更第氮姿抒礼润邢固庸预卢呆陵涸壹柴频淫声膀滇迂惦菩稻缓喊蘑酶食脯熏乡假仁爱版英语八年级下册法制知识渗透教案全册然漾亥澡挂诬硅勒阻桥笋履红盛议信满羽铝按鸿消盲炙毯待而澡烟怂眶蕴兔痘又侈吓跌澄臃汛甲深褂爆阿试忻揖宫意飘吠疯宵肆鞘刹强婿帝圭僻追崎抽硅井莎堪商艇锣炼攒我美锥骂谦螟罚遇愁参派辙亨影惑社鉴籽击犀隧苹算轰对勤妒忱秋步炯陪面群甭缺冰绣肄滓蜡足迹囚堰质彝闻获哮楚祟云拼陕蛮倚拥奸浪靛撩辣贾啡立窑虑卤氧屡何贰橇朴逞亮厦瓶梨楚按允稠蔽维招足满杜屈综进茄供循惟刑茎歧蚤缉消气饯在叮氮琢育抑迄绍攫擞可咳骂述幽据洞范皱珍隆蹲勇访廉清喉释规凭哩眯鹊烂吻瘦喳材红奴山洛宪柯配椎盾荒倪诌诸趣铭屑突干甘谁辱听绚校廊潞酸屹洋俄巳癸歇裙闹卞织舞 Unit 5 Feeling HappyTopic 1 Why all the smiling faces?Section ASection A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。The main activities are 1 and 3a. 本课重点活动是1和3a。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. (1)Review and learn some adjectives expressing feelings: happy, unhappy, sad, worried, excited, afraid, angry, funny, active(2)Learn other new words and phrases:invite, say thanks to, smile, none, taste, silly, cruel2. Master the structure of “linking verb+adj.”:You look excited. Thats very exciting.I feel disappointed.It tastes so delicious.3. Happiness:Thats great! Im so happy.How nice!4. Regret:What a shame!法律知识渗透:渗透中华人民共和国个人隐私权. Teaching aids 教具录音机/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)复习表达情感的形容词并处理新词句。 (方案一)(寒假过后,师生见面,相互问候,然后教师以简笔画的形式表达出自己在寒假中的感受并让学生试着来表达,引出部分表示情感的形容词。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 7分钟)呈现并处理1和3a的对话。1. (教师总结并导入1。)T: We had a good time in the winter holiday. So we are all happy today. What about Kangkang? Lets listen to 1 and find it.(板书)How does he feel? (核对答案。)2. (让学生跟读1并画出文中重点词、句,然后教师板书。学生掌握say thanks to。)How are you doing?excitedinvitesay thanks to3. (导入3a。掌握生词smile。)T: Kangkang, Michael, Maria and Jane are happy. What about their teacher, Mr. Lee? Now listen to 3a and answer my questions.(用小黑板呈现听力问题。)a. Why all the smiling faces?b. How does Mr. Lee feel? (核对答案。)4. (再听录音,让学生画出本对话生词及疑难点,教师板书并给予适当讲解。)T: Listen again, underline the new words and difficulties.(板书)movie theater, exciting, The Sound of Music, lucky, none, disappointed, How nice! What a shame!Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 10分钟)巩固1和3a的知识点。1. (让学生再读1,然后进行角色扮演。)T: Read 1 again, and then act it out in roles.2. (让学生朗读3a,并根据黑板上的关键词复述3a。)T: Read 3a again and retell it in your own words according to the key words on the blackboard.3. (让学生在1和3a中圈出系表结构的句型,核对并朗读。)T: Circle the sentences with “linking verb + adj” and read these sentences.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 15分钟)引出并练习系表结构。1. (通过师生问答,呈现并讲解系表结构。)2. (给学生35分钟时间,完成2与3b的练习。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 8分钟)合作探究本课重点词句。Section BSection B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。The main activities are 1, 2 and 3a. 本课重点活动是1, 2和3a。. Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases: seem, film, be proud of, smell, set the table2. Go on learning some sentences showing feelings: He feels disappointed because he couldnt get a ticket to The Sound of Music.He seems a little unhappy.Did she sound upset?Im sure Mr. Lee will be surprised!3. Go on learning the structure of “linking verb+adj.”:Its so funny and interesting.Its so moving.It smells terrible.The leaves turn green.The food smelt nice and tasted delicious.4. Talk about movies and operas. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/幻灯片/京剧磁带. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)复习并处理新词句,然后导入新课。1. (教师检查上节课布置的作业,复习系表结构,导出本课的目标语言。要求学生理解生词upset,掌握短语be proud of。)2. (教师播放一段京剧,导入新课。) T: Now lets listen to the tape.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)呈现并处理本课活动1和3a。1. (通过谈论京剧,引入本课重点活动1。要求学生掌握film,理解Beijing Opera,了解moving。)2. (呈现3a。学习并掌握短语set the table和be able to。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 11分钟)巩固本课1和3a。1. (让学生读1,完成下面表格。)T: Read 1 and complete the table.2. (让学生分角色朗读3a,然后讨论并完成3b。)T: Read 3a in roles, and then discuss and finish 3b.3. (利用3b中的关键词句复述3a内容。)T: Retell 3a according to the key words and sentences in 3b.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)继续学习并练习系表结构。1. (以幻灯片或所提供词造句的形式描述图片, 并完成2, 由此引出并掌握生词seem和smell。)T: Now look at 2 and describe the pictures.(教师核对并板书答案。)2. (让学生听录音,并完成4的填空练习,并核对答案。)T: Listen to the tape, and then finish the blanks in 4.3. (让学生归纳学过的系动词和表示情感的形容词。)T: Please sum up the linking verbs and feeling words in Section A and B.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 7分钟)探究整合1与3a的内容。1. (四人一组并在组内做调查,完成下列表格,并根据表格内容在组内自由谈论,然后由小组推选一人在班内做报告。) Section CSection
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