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北师大三年级下学期英语连词成句专项真题班级:_ 姓名:_1. under, is, cat, the, chair, the (.)2. haveapencil boxI. (只写序号)_3. raining it today is (.)4. many How do animals know you (?)5. at, Look, your, hand6. This, new, my, is, skateboard, (.)7. is, This, brother, my (.)8. PeteramI (.)9. MikeAreyou? (只填序号)10. plant, has, this, leaves, green, (.)11. make, puppet, Lets, a (.)12. I, six, old, am, years (.)13. see it and Open14. 连词成句。1a, I, boy, am, (. )2friend, he,my, is, (. )3is, he,teacher, a, (. )4are,from,where, you, (?)5is, a, student, she, new, (. )15. this, your, is, robot (?)16. cat, a, now, green, its(.)17. eight have I crayons (.)18. a, fox, I, am, (.)19. an, eraser, I, have (.)20. I, Lingling, am, Hi (, / .)21. is, This, father, my (.)22. isoldhowhe (?)23. let, help, you, me (.)24. his, this, Is, nose, (?)25. are,how,you,old(?)26. are , how , you , Amy (, ?)27. 连词成句。1us, a, let, look, have, (.)(缩写形式)2a, what, stone, is, magic, (?)(缩写形式)3for, dinner, is, no, there, food, (.)4legs, hands, on, put, your, your, (.)5some, dumplings, like, you, would, (?)28. 连词成句。1Is, the, it, bed, on (?)2map, is, The, desk, the, on (.)3is, Where, pencil, my (?)29. ismyThisschoolbag (.)30. many you boxes see How do (?)31. veryfeelcoldI (.)32. 连词成句。1many, are, monkeys, how, there, (?)2is, zoo, fun, the, (.)3is, there, bird, the, a, on, chair, oh, (!)4are, monkeys, ten, there, (!)5are, elephants, fine, (?)33. name Whatsyour (只填序号)_?页码 / 总页数
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