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小学英语(六年级下册)Unit 8 Our dreams (Period 1)Teaching contents教学内容:Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:1 Ss are able to understand the story and act it2 Ss are able to understand and know the words and phrases: our dreams, want to be, a dentist, care about, an astronaut, a spaceship, the World Cup, a dancer, in the future, a writer, a pianist, a football player, come true3 Ss are able to talk about their own dreamsFocus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:1 Ss are able to understand the story and act it2 Ss are able to understand and know the words and phrases: our dreams, want to be, a dentist, care about, an astronaut, a spaceship, the World Cup, a dancer, in the future, a writer, a pianist, a football player, come true3 Ss are able to talk about their own dreamsPreparation教学准备:多媒体课件Teaching procedures教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1 Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, MissT: How are you going today?Ss: Fine./ Not bad./ T:2.Sing a song: They sing happily3 Free talkT: What are their jobs?S1: They areT: What are you going to do ?S2: I am going toT: What do you want to be when you grow up?Ss: I want to beStep 2 Presentation and practice1 PPT show the pictures of story time, Ss talk in groups: What do they want to be in the future?New teaching: in the future(T also can teach the new jobs while Ss guess the answers: an astronaut, a dancer, a football player, a pianist)T could pass the word card and ask Ss to read one by one. Then choose some difficult words to check in groups.2 Watch the cartoon and match: What do they want to be in the future?a. An astronaut b. A dentistc. A football playerd. A dancere. A writerf. A pianist3 Open the books, read after the T and check the answers together4 Open the books and read in groupsa. Read togetherb. Read in roles5 Act the story in groupsStep 3 Consolidation1. Fill in the blanks. Miss Li is writing about her students dreams. 2. Ss try to talk about their own dreams in groupsPPT show the key words and sentences to help students: A: What do you want to be in the future? B: I want to be3. Show timea. Report via dialoguesb. Report via short articles as aboveHomework:1. Be able to ask and answer your dreams, try to retell the story2. Interview your classmates and write down their dreamsBlackboard design板书设计:Unit 8 Our dreamsA: What do you want to be in the future?B: I want to be He/ She wants to be
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