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初三英语竞赛试题及答案笔试部分(共七大题,90分钟,计100分) 一、 单项选择(共20小题,20分)( )1、He look much_than before with two monthshard work .A. thinner B.thin C.bad D. careful( ) 2、The news _good . where did you hear_?A. is ,it B. are, them C. is,them D.are,it( ) 3、Take the _with you so that you wont lose your way. A.glass B. watch c. map D. shoes( )4It is said that Mr Brown takes the chair at every meeting. The Chinese for “takes the chair ” in the sentences is _.A. 带椅子 B、主持会议 C、让座位 D、就座( )5、You can choose_if you dont like this one . A . either B. neither C. another D. other( )6、-He often has bread for breakfast,_he? -Yes, he_.A. mustnt , must B. doesnt , does C. isnt ,is D. hasnt ,has( )7、In the exam, the_ you are_mistakes youll make.A. careful , little B. more careful, less C. careful ,few D. more careful, the fewer( )8The machine made so_noise that the students all put their hands_.A. many, on their ears B. much, on their mouthsC.much , on their heads D.much, on their ears( )9Chinese_by the largest number of people in the world.A.speak B. ys speaking C. is spoken D. speaks( )10、Its really nice _you_me to work it out.A. of , help B. for , help C. of , to help D. for , to help( )11、_the window . whats happening there?A. Look off B. Look over C. Look out of D.Look for( )12The seneet is in a big city,_it is sometimes so quiet and looks like somewhere in the country.A. so B. but C. while D. when( )13、He hurt himself because he _careful enoughA. wasnt B. was C.did D. didnt( )14、He ran too fart for_to catch up with.A. everybody B.somebody C.nobody D.anybody ( )15、_bad weather we are having? Weve never had _rainy days.A.what a , such B. How, so C.what, such D.what , so ( )16Would you please look after my bird while I am_?A. free B. out C. full D.not busy. ( )17、_I speak to Jill, Mrs Black? sorry, shes not in. she_be back after five.A.May, need B.Can, may C. Can, dare D. Must, may ( )18、Dont leave the classroom until the teacher_you.A.letting B. will let C.lets D.let ( )19、Lily did badly in maths and she felt very_.A.sorry B. interested C. nice D. pleased ( )20Tom has grown_enough to take care of himself.A. tall B. old C.youry D. short二、阅读理解(共15小题,30分) Have you thought about what might have happened if American president Kenndey was saved in 1963? Impossible, youll say . Kennedy was killed in Dallas , Texas , on end November,1963, and thats an end to it. But what world happen if he came back to life ? Thats what the “stuff books” one made of . In 1988 an American named George Bernall wrote a book of this kind . He made the book like real life . The seory was so interesting that it kept readers turning the pape till the and though it had over 800 pages. In fact we know that John F Kennedy was killed and never came back to life. In this book, he comes back to life, and the the story begins from there. The book set readers thinking , not espelially about kennedys killing but about what would happen after.( )21、what kind kf a book is “ prornises to keep ”?A. A kind of study of kennedys killingB. An American horror novel C. A life story about kennedyD. A story book developed from a true story( )22、The book “Promises to keep” tells us_.A. how to write a“stuffbook” like the one written by John BernallB. how to write about historyC. what would happen when kennedy was brought back to life.D. How to make up a story about the presidents( )23Although the story is_, readers like to read it very much.A. not interesting B. long C. sad D. not exaiting( )24The book not only keeps the readers interested until the end , but make them_.A. feel terrible B. stop thinking C. laught at something D. think about something ( )25、The phrase“come back to life ” means_.A. never did again B. become alive againC. know one is still living D. live for everThere are marry kinds of amineds that live in the forest, such as mice, rabbits , squirrels, ouls and hawks. Amimals in the forest depend on one another for food.Many small forest amimass.
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