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新概念第三册自学导读 Lesson52课文解释 1 a delicate shade of green,淡绿色。 2 If you were to ask,这里用was/were加动词不定式来表示过去估计发生并且发生了的事情。 3 come into the possession of,占有,得到。 4 cure someone of,治好某人的。 5 on the spot,当场。 6 put out,苦恼,担心,不快乐。 7 out of stock,脱销。 8 keep a straight face,板着面孔,一本正经。 参考译文 我的堂兄哈里在他的书房里始终摆着一只外形奇怪的大瓶子。尽管那只瓶子呈淡绿色,但细心的客人很快就会发觉瓶里装的是一种看上去黏稠、颜色发灰的东西。要是你问哈里瓶里装着什么,他会告知你是香水泥。假如你表示疑心或惊异,他会马上请你闻一闻,然后取出一些抹在你的皮肤上。这一简洁的试验会消退你可能存有的一切疑虑。瓶里装的确实是香水泥。哈里是如何得到这种稀奇奇怪的东西的,这里有个好玩的故事,而且他挺爱把它讲给别人听。此外,得到这瓶香水泥还治好了他多年的一个坏习惯。 哈里曾认为走进一家珍贵化装品商店,荒唐地提出要买一种根本不存在的商品是件很快乐的事儿。他会当场编造出一些稀奇奇怪的货名。他走进商店后,会提出要一种名叫“香影”的新型香水或者什么“不溶浴皂”。要是女售货员告知他从未听说过这些东西,他会装出非常圆满和担心的样子。他爱听售货员说他想像出来的那种东西临时脱销,于是他就煞有介事地许诺改天再来光临。固然,他再也不会来了。我实在想像不出哈里在这些表演中是怎样装出一本正经的样子的。 毋须示意哈里就会向你讲起他买下那瓶宝贵香水泥的经过。一天,他去伦敦一家高级商店要买一种叫“密诺莱特”的东西,店员露出惊诧的神色。哈里又渐渐地、一字一顿地说了一遍这个词,那个女售货员还是迷惑不解地摇了摇头。哈里便进一步解释“密诺莱特”是一种质地坚硬、状似琥珀的东西,可以用来除去雀斑。他的解释明显对女售货员有些启发。她一个货架接着一个货架地查找,拿出各种各样稀奇奇怪的化装品,但没有一样能够符合哈里的要求。哈里装出不快乐的样子时,女售货员同意为他定货。哈里为他的骗术而感到洋洋得意,又提出要买香水泥。他原想女售货员会惊异地望着他,不知所措,没料到这回该轮到他自己惊讶了。由于那女售货员听完哈里的话后,立刻眼睛一亮,拿出几瓶东西放在柜台上让哈里选择。哈里只好认输。他挑出一个看上去最小的瓶子,慎重地问了价。他庆幸自己只破费了20英镑便得以脱身。他把那只珍贵的瓶子放在腋下夹着,溜之大吉。从那以后,他熟悉到自己创造的小小恶作剧是要付出很大代价的。在他书房的书柜里摆着的那瓶外形奇怪的香水泥就是他第一次也是最终一次购置的稀有化装品。 Multiple choice questions 多项选择题 Choose the correct answers to the following questions. Comprehension 理解 1 The essence of the joke, from Harry”s point of view, was that _ . ahe would take up the shop assistants” time without having to buy anything bhe enjoyed inventing fanciful names for outlandish products cthe shop assistants usually tried very hard not to disappoint him dhe was amused at the idea that he knew something the shop assistants didn”t 2 On Harry”s visits to expensive cosmetics shops, he _ . aalways thought up a name for some nonexistent item before going into the shop bwould walk out angrily if the assistant did not entertain his request cwas delighted if the shop assistant believed the product actually existed dseldom bought the products he asked for as they were out of stock 3 When Harry was presented with several bottles of perfumed mud, he _ . awas surprised, as he had only expected one such bottle to be produced btold the shop assistant he was defeated cfelt obliged to offer twenty pounds for the smallest bottle dpicked up the smallest bottle, hoping it wouldn”t be too expensive Structure 构造 4 The bottle is filled with what _ a thick, greyish substance. (1. 4) amust be bseems to be cwould be dwould appear 5 He thought _ funny to ask for goods that do not exist. (11. 12-13) athat was bit being cit dthey were 6 He requested goods that do not exist, _ he would invent names on the spot. (1. 13) awhen bto which cfor what dfor which 7 He loved _ that the product was out of stock. (11. 15-16) awhen he was told bit when he was told cit to be told dthat he was told 8 It was then that Harry decided the game he had invented might prove expensive and _ since. (11. 30-31) ahe has not played it bhad not played it che does not play it ddid not play it Vocabulary 词汇 9 He likes to relate how he came into possession of this _ stuff. (11. 9-10) aforeign brural cweird dunlikely 10 This explanation evidently _ something to the woman(1. 23) asensed breminded cinformed dmeant 11 Harry put on his act of being _ annoyed (11. 24-25) aslightly blittle cbarely dgrossly 12 He felt that for a mere twenty pounds, he had _ . (11. 29-30) agot a real bargain bmade a fortunate choice clittle to lose dhad a lucky escape
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