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第一部分 交际用语1.Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?C. sorry, he is busy at the moment2. What kind of TV program do you like best?A. Its hard to say, actually 3Oh, sorry to bother you.C. Thats okay 4Can you turn down the radio, please?A. Im sorry, I didnt realize it was that loud 5. -Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?C. Of course not6. Hello, could I speak to Don please?B. Whos speaking7. -May I know your address?A. Sure. Here you are8. Hows the movie? Interesting?B. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV 9. What if my computer doesnt work? B. Ask Anne for help 10. -Lets take a walk. C.Yes,please11. 11、 Whats the problem, Harry?A. I cant remember where I left my glasses12. Is this the motel you mentioned?A. Yes, its as quiet asweexpected 13. Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? B.Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents 14.Well, Mary, how are you?C.Imfine15. Would you like to see the menu?A. No, thanks. I already know what to order 16. - I think the Internet is very helpful.A. Yes, so do I17.I think the Internet is very helpful.A. Yes, so do I .18.I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now 19.Afternoon, sir. Where to?A. Please get me to the airport20. Can I help you to get it down? C. Thanks. Its so nice of you21. Im trying to call Marie, but theres no answer.D. Really? Maybe shes out 22. Are you sure about that?D. Oh, yes. Im absolutely positive 23. Would you like to see the menu?A. No, thanks. I already know what to order 24. What if my computer doesnt work?B. Ask Anne for help25. Hows the movie? Interesting?C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV 26. Is this the motel you mentioned?B. Yes, its as quiet as we expected 第二部分 词汇与构造1. The difinition leaves ( much room )for disagreement.2. I prefer classic music ( to ) pop music.3. Ancient Greece is the ( origin)of western civilization. 4. It is very convenient ( living ) here.5. All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, ( however )6. The sun heats the earth,( which)is very important to living things.8. More and more people in China now ( drive ) to work regularly.9. Let me( look into )the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.10. The patient acted on the doctors ( advice ) and finallyrecovered.11. Silk ( has been used ) by Chinese for thousands of years now.12. You( ought )to lock the door at night.13. You must explain ( to us ) how they succeeded ( in )the experiment.14. Before I got to the cinema, the film (had begun) 15. I have lived here (since) 1997.16. A lecture hall is (one) where students attend lectures. 17. Im tired. I (have been) working very hard.18. He keeps (looking) at himself in the mirror.19. The bedroom needs (decorating). 20. Before she left on the trip, she (had trained) hard.21. He is the man (whose) dog bit me.22. Mary forgot (to write) a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.23. Whats happened to Tom?- (Hes been taken) to hospital. 24. He was (over the moon) about his new job. 25. Everything (would have been destroyed) if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade. 26. On his first sea (voyage), he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm. 27. I broke my leg when I (was) _skiing in America.28. She was convicted (of) murder.29. He, as well as I, (is) a student.30Mother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she (was listening to) it on the radio. 31. Hardly (had I got) home when it began to rain. 32. It happen (on) a winter night.33.After (checking) the shopping list, I found that I forgot to buy salt. 34.Ann is studying _ (politics) _ at university. 35.After_ (winning) the bid, major construction began in Beijing.36.A lecture hall is (one) where students attend lectures.37.Be sure to _ (bring) _ your wife when you come here this evening. 38.Before she left on the trip, she had trained hard. 39.-Can I get you a couple of tea?-_ Thats very nice of you 40.Dont worry. There is _ enough _ room for all your books here. 41._ What _fine weather it is! 43.Everything would have been destroyed if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade. 44.Her parents died when she was very young, so she was brought up _by her aunt. 45. What he said is quite right.46.He kept the light in his room burning the whole night.47.He keeps looking at himself in the mirror.48.He was _ over the moon about his new job. 49.He has been in danger in hospital for a month. 50.He spends a quarter of the day sleeping. 51.He is the man whose dog bit me.52.It happene
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