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2020 年秋学期六年级英语期末综合学情调研试卷听力部分(30 分)一、听录音,给下列图片标号。(12 分)()()()()(二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(8 分))()1. A.metro)2. A.coal)3. A.clean)4. A.woreB.menuB.coolB.cutC.makeC.coldD.messyD.oilC.bottleC.wereD.plasticD.wouldB.wear)5. A.fireman B.fireworkC.firecrackers D.friendly)6. A.trainB.rainC.rainyD.rains()7.A.riceB.richC.riverD.cake()8.A.waterB.whiteC.energy三、听录音,根据所听到的问题选择正确的答案. (10 分)D.evening()1.A.Hes wearing new clothes.B.He likes wearing new clothes.C.He can wear new clothes.)2.A.He went to the Bund.B.He goes to the Shanghai Museum.C.He went to the Great Wall.)3.A.I came to school at half past seven.B.I come to school on foot.C.I came to school by bike.()4.A.Yes, I do. B.No, we dont. C.I like living in a big city.)5.A.It was wonderful. B.Its wonderful. C.Im excited. 笔试部分(70 分)一、判断下列划线部分的读音是否相同,用“(4 分)”或“”表示。1.carpark2.yearbearant3.coolbook4magic二、用词的适当形式填空。(9 分)1.Long long ago, there (be) a king.(sun). We went to the park.(see) many interesting things last Sunday.2.It was3.I4.The sign means “No5.Two years ago, my brotherbut now he(smoke)”(can) not read,(can)read stories.6.There are many7. We are going to8. Dont(factory) in my city.(watch) a lion dance on Chinese New Years Day.(use) too much plastic.三、选择题。(10 分)()1. Look! There are many applesthe tree.C.atA.inB.on() 2 .I dont like summer because the weather isA.hot and sunny B.cool and sunny C.cold and windy.) 3. ThereA.weresome black clouds in the sky. Then, it rained.B.are C.was”.In the US, people call(it“) 4. In the UK , people call the metro“”.A.subway,undergroundC.subway, subwayB.underground,subway() 5. Su Hai saw a banana skin on the ground. Sheitup andA.picks,throwsit in the bin.B.pick,throwC.picked, put.() 6. World Environment Day is onA.the 1 of June. B.the 5st of July. C.the 5 of June.stth) 7. There is notA.too many) 8. There are some bananascoal or oil on Earth.B.many C.muchthe tree. A.on) 9. Chinese New Year is coming,Lucy is veryA.excited B.exciting C.excit) 10.Im going to get many presentsA. in B.onB.inC. to(.Christmas.C. at四、从栏中选出与栏中相对应的答句。(10 分)()1.Do you often use plastic bags?)2.What can we do to keep our city clean? B.We can plant more trees.)3.How was your holiday?)4.What did you do for the holiday?)5.What day is it today?A.It was great.C.It Wednesday.D. We went to the Great Wall.E. No, I dont.五、按要求完成句子。(10 分)1.It means “No fishing”.(对划线部分提问)Whatit?2.I was on a farm last Sunday. (对划线部分提问)you last Sunday?3.We should walk to the restaurant.(改为否定句)Wewalk to the restaurant.4.I am going to have a big dinner tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句)going to have a big dinner tomorrow?5.My father is reading a newspaper in the living room now.(用 yesterday 代替 now)My fathera六、根据中文、首字母提示或要求完成句子。 (12 分)in the living room yesterday.1.Long ,long ago, there win the forest. There wa farmer. Hemanyltrees and flowers in front of his house.2. What did youlast Sunday, Mike?What elseI wyou do?fishing.3.这里最初有很多树,但现在没有了。There lots of trees here at, but there are no trees now.4.Helen and her mother wto a (购物中心) yesterday.七、根据表格内的信息, 完成下列各题。(10 分)WhenLast yearThis yearWang ChineseBing New YearJan.orFeb.25thwatchedfireworksbought awatch lion dancesHelenChristmasgetpresentsChristmasDec.(一)回答下列问题,要求答句完整。Christmas tree1.Can Helen get presents at Christmas?2.What is Wang Bings favourite holiday?(二)判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用 T,错误的用 F 表示。( )1.Wang Bing watched lion dances last year.( )2.Helen is going to get Christmas presents on Christmas Day.( )3.Christmas is on the 25 of Dec.th八、书面表达.(5 分)根据提示,针对如何保持城市清洁,写一写你的建议。短语提示:take the bus, take the metro, plant more trees, put rubbish in thebin友情提醒:做完试卷别忘记检查哦,别做粗心的小马虎!A.on) 9. Chinese New Year is coming,Lucy is veryA.excited B.exciting C.excit) 10.Im going to get many presentsA. in B.onB.inC. to(.Christmas.C. at四、从栏中选出与栏中相对应的答句。(10 分)()1.Do you often use plastic bags?)2.What can we do to keep our city clean? B.We can plant more trees.)3.How was your holiday?)4.What did you do for the holiday?)5.What day is it today?A.It was great.C.It Wednesday.D. We went to the Great Wall.E. No, I dont.五、按要求完成句子。(10 分)1.It means “No fishing”.(对划线部分提问)Whatit?2.I was on a farm last Sunday. (对划线部分提问)you last Sunday?3.We should walk to the restaurant.(改为否定句)Wewalk to the restaurant.4.I am going to have a big dinner tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句)going to have a big dinner tomorrow?5.My father is reading a newspaper in the living room now.(用 yesterday 代替 now)My fathera六
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