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关于端午节的英语手抄报:五月五,是端阳“In May five, is the Dragon Boat festival. AI doors, incense mantang. Eat rice dumplings, sprinkle sugar. Dragon Boat Shimizu Kiyoyo.“ Hear this song, let me think of the Dragon Boat festival. Every fifth day of May, is China”s traditional festivals - the Dragon Boat festival.端午节要插艾枝,悬艾虎。端午节这天一早,人们将艾枝插在门上,或用艾蒿编织成“艾虎”,在门楣中心或带在身上,驱虫避邪,以保安康。The Dragon Boat Festival to be inserted moxa sticks, hanging polecat. Dragon Boat Festival early in the day, people will moxa sticks in the door, or with the Chinese mugwort are woven into a “Gorilla“, in the lintel central or in the body, expelling evil, with health insurance.端午节要画门符。端午节这天,人们将蝎子、蜈蚣、毒蛇、蛤蟆、壁虎“五毒”形象的剪纸做门符。据说这样做,是为了驱“五毒”,防瘟疫。Dragon Boat Festival to draw the door sign. The day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people will be the scorpion, centipede, viper, toad, house lizard “Wudu“ image of paper-cut door operator. It is said that to do so, in order to drive “Wudu“, anti plague.端午节要带香包、系五彩丝线。香包是用棉制品和丝线绣的,包里除了装些雄黄、苍术外,还要装香草配成的香料,戴在身上起驱虫除*的作用。五次丝线象征五色龙,系五色线可以降服妖魔鬼怪。The Dragon Boat Festival, with colorful silk sachet department. Sachet is cotton products and silk thread embroider, bag in addition to pack some realgar and Rhizoma Atractylodis like vanilla into spices, wearing anthelmintic in addition to the dirty on the body. The five colored silk dragon symbol, the Department of colored lines can conquer demons and ghosts.端午节要吃粽子。早晨,家家吃粽子纪念屈原。一般是前一天把粽子包好,夜间煮熟,早晨食用。包粽子主要是用河塘边盛产的嫩芦苇叶,也有用竹叶的,统称粽叶。粽子的传统形式为三角形,一般依据内瓤命名,包糯米的叫米粽,米中掺小豆的叫小豆粽,掺红枣的叫枣粽;枣粽谐音为“早中”,所以吃枣粽的最多,意在读书的孩子吃了可以早中状元。过去读书人参与科举考试的当天,早晨都要吃枣粽,至今中学、大学入学考试日的早晨,家长亦要做枣粽给考生吃。Eat the rice dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival. In the morning, every family eats the rice dumplings to commemorate Qu Yuan. Generally the day before the dumplings wrapped good, cooked at night, the morning consumption. Zongzi is rich with the tender reed leaves the pool, also referred to as useful bamboo, bamboo leaves. Traditional form of rice dumplings into triangles, general according to the nomenclature of Narang, glutinous rice is rice dumplings, rice mixed with bean called bean dumplings, called mixed jujube jujube rice dumplings; jujube rice dumplings is a homonym for “early“, so eat jujube rice dumplings, intended to reading children eat can early champion. The past scholars in the imperial examination of the day, the morning is to eat jujube rice dumplings, since high school, the university entrance exam day morning, parents also need to do jujube rice dumplings to test raw.赛龙舟,是端午节的主要习俗。相传起源于古时楚国人因舍不得贤臣屈原投江死去,很多人划船追逐挽救。他们争先恐后,追至洞庭湖时不见踪迹。之后每年五月五日划龙舟以纪念之。借划龙舟驱散江中之鱼,以免鱼吃掉屈原的身体。Dragon boat race, the main custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. It originated in the ancient Chu people were reluctant to Xian Chen Qu Yuan to throw the river to die, many people to catch up with the rescue boat. They fall over each other, when not a trace Zhuizhi Dongting Lake. After the May 5th Dragon Boat to commemorate the. Dragon boat racing through the river to disperse the fish, eat fish so as not to the body of Qu Yuan.端午节真是一个好玩的传统佳节!The Dragon Boat Festival is an interesting traditional festival.!
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