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2020年精编外研版英语资料Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe 教案模块教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about the space explorationPractice debating by presenting ideas for or against a chosen topicReview of noun clausesWrite a newspaper article about an imaginary space probe or missionMake a time line of Chinese space exploration. 目标语言Target Language功能句式Talk about the space explorationShould we continue to.?We may need to leave the Earth one day.What do you say is .The fact that . is .How far / Where / Why . is.?Space travel is exciting, adventurous, dangerous, useful .There must be life on .Present ideas for or against a certain topicI think that ., because .Have you thought about.? One reason is that . Could you explain.?Perhaps, but what if / about.? Im sure that . However, I think it doesnt worth the effort. It is worthwhile doing . Its a waste of money / energy doing .词汇1 四会词汇accustomed, abstract, accuse, acknowledge, airspace, assume, assumption, authority, autonomous, backwards, broad, commitment, consistent, consult, convey, decade, defeat, deliberately, devotion, dignity, division, dramatic, faith, foresee, glory, grasp, historic, holy, latter, motherland, noble, ought, pray, random, scholar, sorrow, stable, supreme, swear, sympathy, tension, tune(v.), uniform2 认读词汇Neil Armstrong, Denis Tito, Yuri Gagarin, Viking 1, Cassini Huygens, Phoebe3 词组at the very beginning of, be similar to, pray for, set in motion, set out, become accustomed to, in shock, accuse sb. of doing sth., in consistent with .4 重点词汇accustomed, assume, accuse, consult, acknowledge, depend, patience, acute语法Review of noun clauses the grammatical functions of the noun clauses重点句子1. Millions of people watched that first moon landing on television, their hearts in their mouths, aware of . had to be taken. P582. The world was in shock maybe . no more dangerous than getting on . P583. Like every schoolboy I had thought that going into space . must be the best job in the world. P594. So its a waste of money sending . P635. The Cassini-Huygens space probe, which reached . rings viewed in . P646. Saturn itself is made of gases, it is so . if a big enough ocean could be found! P647. Instead, to his great relief, he achieves glory by ., while ., and wins the war. P678. But when, in 1938, . set a radio drama of The War of the Worlds in ., little did he know what impact he was going to make. P69III. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本模块以The Conquest of the Universe 为话题,旨在通过模块教学,使学生了解人类在探索太空过程中所做出的努力、经历的挫折以及所取得的进展,并能利用所学知识写一篇有关太空探索的新闻报道。1.1 INTRODUCTION 通过呈现有关人类太空探索的一些重要时间和事件,让学生对太空探索有一个初步的了解,并鼓励学生预测未来太空探索发展趋势。 1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY(1)以 “Space: the Final Frontier”为题,客观地介绍了人类对太空所作的种种探索,所遇到的困难和取得的进步。通过阅读,学生可以了解到:从人类发射第一枚火箭冲破地球引力的滞碍而冲向太空,到加加林首次完成人类太空飞行,到阿姆斯特朗在月球上迈出“人类的一大步”,再到火星探测器在火星登陆,人类在太空中进行着艰苦而且代价高昂的努力。人类虽然已经取得如此辉煌的成就,但在更广阔的太空中,依然显得无知而且无助。而也正是这些无知,诱惑和引导着人类进行更不懈的努力。1.3 GRAMMAR(1)复习名词性从句的句法功能和连接代词that的用法。1.4 LISTENING AND SPEAKING要求学生听取人们对太空旅行观点的录音并展开讨论。 1.5 EVERYDAY ENGLISH以选择黑体词汇和短语最佳含义的方式学习这些习语。1.6 GRAMMAR(2)通过排序、填空和在语篇中识别名词性从句的训练,使学生了解名词性从句的语序特点和句法功能。1.7 SPEAKING要求学生就Should we continue to send people into space?这一话题展开辩论,培养学生陈述和支持自己观点、反驳对方观点的能力。1.8 READING AND VOCABULARY (2)以新闻报道形式介绍了人类利用Cassini-Huygens space probe对土星进行的探索。文后活动重点训练学生概括文章主旨、辨别事实与观点的能力。1.9 WRITING要求学生先以小组活动形式回答就READING AND VOCABULARY(2)中短文内容提出的问题,并从文中找出能概括描述新闻主要内容及特色的句子;然后展开联想,按照提示写出提纲;最后模仿Secrets of the Gas Giant写一篇关于太空探索的新闻报道,要求学生学习新闻报道的写作方式与技巧。 1.10 READING PRACTICE以电影星球大战中的经典台词“May the Force be With You”为题目,介绍了这部科幻影片的故事梗概和贯穿于其中的哲学思想。课后活动重在培养学生概括主旨、理解词义和细节的能力。1.11 CULTURE CORNER 以The War of the Worlds为题,介绍了世界之战的主要内容、被改编成广播剧的过程和产生的影响,为学生了解科幻作品的特点提供了很好的素材。1.12 TASK是本模块的主题任务,要求学生制作关于中国太空探索重大事件的时间表,并简要描述这些事件。2 教材重组2.1 将INTRODUCTION,READING AND VOCABULARY(1)以及Workbook中的Vocabulary整合在一起,设计成一节精读课。2.2 将LISTENING AND SPEAKING, EVERYDAY ENGLISH, SPEAKING和Workbook中的Speaking整合在一起,设计成一节听说课。2.3 将GRAMMAR(1)和GRAMMAR (2)及Workbook中的Grammar整合为一节语法课。2.4 将READING AND VOCABULARY(2)设计为一节泛读课()。2.5 将READING PRACTICE, CULTURAL CORNER及Workbook中的Reading and writing整合为一节泛读课()。2.6 将WRITING, TASK以及Workbook中的Listening and writing整合为一节写作课。3. 课型设计与课时分配1st Period Intensive Reading2nd Period Listening and Speaking 3rd Period Grammar4th Period Extensive Reading ()5th Period Extensive Reading ()6th Period Writing . 分课时教案The First Period Intensive ReadingTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 accustomed, aware, enthusiastic, in shock, advanced, assume, explode, witnessb. 重点句式Millions of people watched ., their hearts in their mouths, aware of . had to be taken. The first shuttle flight into space was the Columbia launched from . on 12th April, 1981.The world was in shock maybe . no more dange
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