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H:精品资料建筑精品网原稿ok(删除公文)建筑精品网5未上传百度STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANT HEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: TEACHING A SAILBOARD LESSONSTANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANT HEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: TEACHING A HOBIE CAT SAILING LESSONSTANDARD: ALL EMPLOYEES SHOULD BE ABLE TO SAIL AND GIVE BASIC HOBIE SAILING INSTRUCTIONPROCEDURE:Whenever an instructor teachers a sailing lesson on the Hobie Cat, he / she should follow these guidelines so that each instructor is giving out the same information. The demonstration Hobie should be rigged and ready in front of the group or individual, and any other equipment needed should be at the ready. LIFEJACKETS SHOULD BE OFFERED.Introduction1. Introduce yourself to the group or individual and get names, and an indication of how much sailing they have done before. Explain that this will be a basic lesson aimed at teaching the basics and getting them going as quickly as possible. Explain that it will be a 3 part lesson.a) Dry land drill.b) Accompanied stage with instructor.c) Solo sail if they choose to do it.Dry land drill 1. Explain the basic parts of the boat the names of the two sails the four controls of the boat Tiller, Daggerboard, Main sheet, Jib sheets.2. Show the positions of the helmsman and crew and what controls they have to take care of.PROCEDURES : (continued )3. Show the procedure for turning , ( Taking only ), to being with.a) notify crewb) push tiller away.c) watch, and wait for boom,d) cross as boom crosses,e) face forward,f) centralise tiller.The crew would cross to middle and wait for the manouvre to be completed.1. The points of sailing would be explained, as would head to wind and how to get out of it. The sail angles would also be covered.Accompanied stage with instructor :2. Repeat all the stages taught in two ways :a) firstly with the instructor demonstrating,b) then with guest trying.In the event of a large group, this stage would involve taking guests out in pairs for 15 minutes accompanied instruction.Solo Sail1. Before this stage the instructor would calmly mention what to do in the event of a capsize. This stage would only be attempted if the guest is comfortable, the instructor is convinced he / she is ready, and the weather is suitalbe.The instructor would explain the limits to stay within and would assist with the launch and recovery. If possible only let the guests sail on reaches.The instructor would watch the solo sailors for the duration of the sail. Safety is vital.Conclusion2. To conclude, the instructor will get the group together for a summary of all things covered.PROCEDURES : (continued )During general use of Hobies a half hour limit may have to be imposed so as to enable all guests to use the equipment. This would be subject to need.Setting up + Packing away the Hobies9. a) The hull must be stored above the wall with all sails stored and locked away.c) All attachments must be taken off.To rig the Hobiea) Turn the hull into the wind.b) Attach sail to boom and enter all batterns.c) Attach haliard.d) Haul up sail ensuring mainsheet is out.e) Ensure haliard is pulled Taut ; if using a jib, it is vital to ensure that the luff is Taut.This procedure will be demonstrated.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: BEACH ATTENDANT HEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: CARRYING OUT THE SAILBOARD FREESTYLE DEMONSTRATIONSTANDARD: EMPLOYEES SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO THE DEMONSTRATION OR EXPLAIN WHILE ANOTHER PERSON DOES IT. THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS MUST BE LEARNED.PROCEDURE:The demonstration is in three parts :1. Introduction.2. Demonstration.3. Conclusion.Before the event the equipment to be set out is as follows :One sailboard rigged and lying on the beach.One blackboard , with clearly visible order of events. (learn thoroughly by the two participating beach attendants ). One megaphone if necessary , Chalk, One regatta buoy.Introduction1. Both beach attendants address the viewing group and introduce themselves. One will then explain the order of events to be shown, using the blackboard programme. The hazards of the tricks will be pointed out, along with the shallowness of the water this will set a lighthearted tone in case some tricks fail. It will also be pointed out that each trick will come in the same direction from the regatta buoy.PROCEDURES : (continued )Tricks t
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