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七 年级 英语 学科导学案课 题Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag? 3a-Self Check课 型 读写课主备人张静备课组长教研组长授课人授课时间第 八 周第 四 导学案教师寄语Sow nothing, reap nothing. 春不播,秋不收。学习目标1运用所学知识询问及描述物品的具体位置。2简单地表达请求。3学会写便条。教学重点重点词汇:take , bring to mom ,can, thing, some, need ,floor ,room ,TV, desk重点句型: Please take these things to your sister. Can you bring some things to school?I need my hat, my notebook and a pen.教学难点 初步认识行为动词及用法以及用所学知识表达请求,书写便条教学方法教师导学,学生小组合作学习。一、 自主预习1 认读重点新单词及3a中的单词。2学会掌握 不同词的用法例如:take,bring,can,please,need ,some 等课堂练习:( )_ your books here. Dont _ them here.A. Take , bring B.Taking , bring C.Bring , take D. Bring , take( )We need _ alarm clock. _ clock is on the desk. A. a , The B. an , The C. the , The D.an , A( )_ you speak (讲) Chinese? Yes,I can。 AAre B. Can C. Is D. Be( )Here _ some photos. A. is B. isnt C. are D. am( )Please take _ Gina. She likes the plants very much. A. it ,to B. to , it C. to , them D. them , to二、 展示交流1. 读3a并回答问题。(将答案写在课本上)Where is the hat? Where is the watch?Where is the notebook? Where is the ID card?Where are the keys?2 仿照例句完成3b并检查。3 对本单元写作进行指导,培养学生的写作能力并展示。4按P24的要求完成Self check 1-25 Practice三、拓展提高1、选择正确选项补全对话。(5分) A. Are they under your book? B. They are on the sofa. C. where are my keys? D. Thanks. E. Sorry, I dont know.A: Mum, _ (1) B: Your keys? _ (2) Are they in your pencil-box? A: No, they arent. B: _ (3)A: No. I cant see them there. B: Look! _ (4)A: Oh, yes, so they are here. _ (5) 四、巩固检测(1)写出下列词组。1. 在他的书包里 _ 2. 在课桌下 _ 3. 在椅子上 _ 4. 在模型飞机下面 _5. 在女孩子们的头上 _6. 在老师的讲桌里 _7. 在我爷爷奶奶的房间里 五、归纳小结本节课你有什么收获:Where 句型的运用,一般疑问句的运用用以上知识学会表达简单的请求和写便条六、布置作业 1 Check new words of unit4 in groups 2用所学的内容描述一下自己未来的房间中的摆设。 3试着写出表达请求的句子及便条七、预习作业1预习unit5 SectionA部分的新单词2预习1a,1c并完成1a的填写八、课后记
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