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口译参考测试文选及参考译文Text 3.4 商务与投资合作尊敬的各位领导、各位嘉宾: 女士们、先生们:晚上好!/在春暖花开的季节,我们迎来了亚太21个国家和地区,25个美国商会的近200 名嘉宾,与广州各有关部门的领导、企业家代表和各界人士,共聚在美丽的羊城, 进行经贸合作与交流。/我谨代表广州市人民政府,对各位嘉宾、各位朋友的光 临表示热烈欢送,并祝大家有一个愉快的夜晚!/广州,是一座具有2200多年悠久历史的文化名城,汉唐以来一直是海上“丝 绸之路的始发港,也是中国最早对外开放且从未关闭过的通商口岸,举世闻名 的中国第一展中国出口商品交易会就在广州举行。/广州地理位置优越,濒 临南海,毗邻香港和澳门,山青水秀,风光旖旎,四季花开,被誉为“北回归线 上的绿洲,是适宜生活居住的的美丽花城。/广州同时也是适宜创业开展的魅力之都。中国改革开放以来,广州地区生产总值GDP一直以14%的速度持续快速开展,城市综合经济实力稳居全国十大城市的第三位。/至2022年末,外商在我市投资的工程达15000多个,实际使用 外资300多亿美元。/世界500强大企业已有127家进入广州,共设立227个工 程,投资总额合计71.8亿美元。广州已成为外商投资的热土。/中国有句老话,叫做“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!开放的广州、美丽的广州, 永远都向全世界的朋友们敞开热情的怀抱。无论您是观光旅游,还是投资考察, 热情好客的广州人民都会向您表示热烈的欢送!/为我们的友谊,为我们的合作与交流,干杯!/ 2022年3月1 4日美国商会亚太区年会“商务与投资合作会议,广州市人 民政府副秘书长李治臻的祝酒词,全文Text 3.4 Business and Investment CooperationRespected leaders, distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening!/In this beautiful season of spring with flowers blossoming in the warmth, we are so delighted to have with us about 200 distinguished guests from 21 countries and regions as well as 25 American Chambers of Commerce in Asia Pacific, who came all the way to meet with leaders of relevant departments in Guangzhou, entrepreneurs and representatives from different quarters in this charming ?City of Rams? to conduct economic and trade cooperation and exchanges./ On behalf of the People?s Municipal Government of Guangzhou, I would like to extend our warmest welcome to all our guests and friends. I wish you a most pleasant evening./Guangzhou is a renowned cultural city with a history of over 2200 years. Since the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, it has always served as the starting point of the ?Marine Silk Road?. As the earliest trade port to the outside world, it has never been shut down from international trade. Now the prestigious Chinese Export Commodities Fair, known as the No. 1 fair in China, is held biannually in Guangzhou. /Lying on the South China Sea and bordering on Hong Kong and Macao, the city enjoys an ideal geographic location. She is endowed with favourable naturalenvironment and climate and is referred to as the ?Oasis on the Tropic of Cancer?. It is a beautiful city of flowers ideal for living./Guangzhou is also a glamorous metropolis for business initiatives and commercial undertakings. For the past 20 odd years since the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, Guangzhou has maintained rapid and steady growth, with its GDP increasing by 14% annually./ The city has ranked the third among the ten major cities throughout China in terms of its comprehensive economic strength. By the end of 2022, overseas business people had invested in over 15,000 projects in Guangzhou, with actual utilization of foreign funds amounting to over 20 billion USD. /Among the Fortune 500 companies, 127 have entered Guangzhou with 227 projects and investment volume totaling 7.18 billion USD. Obviously Guangzhou has already become a fertile land for overseas investment./As an old Chinese saying goes, ?It is pleasant to have friends coming from afar?. The open and charming Guangzhou is always ready to embrace friends from all parts of the world. For sightseeing or for business tours, you will come with the most heartfelt welcome from the friendly and hospitable people in Guangzhou./Ladies and Gentlemen, may I propose a toast, to our friendship, to ourcooperation and exchanges? Cheers! /市长张广宁致欢送词尊敬的亚奥理事会评估团成员:欢送你们来广州。我们十分快乐地迎接你们的到来,广州市人民期待着你们的 到来。在此,请允许我以广州市市长的身份,代表广州市政府和全体市民,向远 道而来的评估团贵宾,表示热烈的欢送和崇高的敬意!广州是一座非常美丽和充满动感的城市,2200多年的历史文化、风光旖旎的 城市景观、热情好客的民俗风情,构成了一幅幅美丽的图画,显示出无比的魅力。 中国改革开放以来,广州的经济社会获得了巨大的开展,焕发出勃勃生机,人均 GDP超过了 5000美元。广州自古以来就是一座开放的城市。早在一千多年前,广州作为“海上丝绸之 路的始发港与海外交往频繁,与亚洲和世界各国建立了密切友好的往来关系。 自改革开放以来,广州与世界14个国际城市缔结成友好城市,目前已成为世界 大都市协会正式会员城市。从1957年开始,一年两届的中国出口商品交易会在 广州举行,近几年来,每年迎来了亚洲和世界各地的二十几万客商,成交额达 300多亿美元。我们每天都接待数以万计来自世界各地的官员、客商和旅游者。 成千上万来自不同国家和地区、有不同文化、不同宗教背景的人们在广州长期创 业开展和生活居住,大家和睦共处。广州的开展,除了全国的支持与我们自身的努力外,离不开世界各国,特别是 亚洲各国、各地区的关心和支持。我们真诚地希望,通过承办2022年亚运会,与朋友们共同分享我们的成果,推动亚洲奥林匹克体育事业开展,增进亚洲各国人民的友谊和交流合作,促进亚洲经济繁荣和社会文明进步。我们的市民向来热爱体育运动,崇尚奥林匹克精神。我们曾成功地举办过中华 人民共和国第六届、第九届全国运动会,举办过世界杯女足锦标赛、汤姆斯杯尤 伯杯世界羽毛球团体锦标赛等几十项高水平的国际单项赛事,拥有承办各类大型 体育赛事的丰富经验。承办亚运会,是广州人民的夙愿。在此,我郑重重申:广 州市政府将坚决遵守亚奥理事会章程和规那么及其关于亚运会的所有原那么 和规定,全面履行主办城市合同所确定的各项义务,以及广州亚申委所做出 的各项承诺。尊敬的亚奥理事会评估团全体成员,请你们相信,广州有足够的信心和能力把 2022年亚运会办成祥和、绿色、文明的体育盛会!因为我们除了有美丽的城市环境、良好 的根底设施和全市人民的支持,更重要的是,广州申亚还有国家和省的支持。因 而我相信,你们对广州的神圣选择,将书写亚运会历史上最辉煌、最具特色的一 页。 祝各位身体好、工作好、家庭好、事业好,一切都好! 谢谢!广州市市长张广宁 Welcoming SpeechRespected members of the OCA Study Committee:In this beautiful season of spring, people in Guangzhou have been looking forward to your visit to our city. Now allow me, on behalf of the municipal government and the seven million resident,s to extend to you, guests from afar, my warmest welcome and heartfelt greetings!Guangzhou is also a beautiful and dynamic city. Its 2,200year history, charming landscape as well as warm and hospitable traditions constitute a unique and enchanting i
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