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大姜小学集体备课教案年级三年级科目英语主备人黄珊珊课型新授课题U1L2Doyoulikefish?学情分析学习目标能听懂会说会读单词:rice,fish,vegetables,chicken,lunch,likeb.能听懂会说会读句型Doyoulike?Yes,Ido。/No,Idontc.能听懂会说日常交际用语:Whatsforlunch?教学过程step 1 warming upT:Hello,boys and girls, how are you?Ss: Im fine,thank you,and you?T: Im fine too, thank you.Step 2 lead in1. 老师拿出已学过的单词图片如apple。pear,banana,orange让学生说出单词。2.chant: apple apple apple, I like apple; pear pear pear, I like pear;Banana banana banana, I like banana;orange orange orange, I like orange3老师继续拿出 rice,fish,vegetables,chicken,lunch 让学生试用英语说,大部分学生可能不会说,老师告诉学生不会说没关系这节课我们就来学习用英语说这些食物,和表达“我喜欢什么以及会用Do you like询问他人喜欢什么并作出回答。(设计意图:通过复习所学过的水果抓住学生的兴趣顺水推舟引入新知识,调动学生的热情)Step 3 Teaching1 .teach the words by cards:rice,fish,vegetables,chicken,lunch 2.games: A) 看单词卡片,并用高低声来操练。B) 开火车。(每个学生说一个新学单词。要求:如果前面的同学高声的话,第二个同学就用低音;如此类推)3 老师出示图片说道:“This is fish . I like fish.”并作出很喜欢的神态,重复说“I like fish very much.” 老师走到一位学生前问“Do you like milk?”老师点点头并用笑脸帮助其回答“Yes, I do .” 同样用“Do you like milk?”问另外的学生并用同样的方式,老师出示哭脸帮助学生作出否定回答“No, I dont”。多问几个学生让他们做这样的回答。接着告诉学生这节课要学习用Do you like询问对方喜欢什么以及回答Yes, I do/ No, I dont。(设计意图:用学生所熟悉的物品,有利于理解和运用)4Chat: Do you like rice ? yes, I do. yes, I do.Do you like meat ? No, I dont. No, I dont.Do you like noodles ? yes, I do yes, I do.Do you like fish ? No, I dont. No, I dont.(设计意图:加深学生对新学句型的记忆,朗朗上口顺口溜调动课堂气氛,缓解紧张的心情)Step4 Text1. 我们知道了同学喜欢和不喜欢什么,你们想不想知道我们的好朋友Liming喜欢什么?好吧我们一起来学习新课。播放本课教学VCD。2第一遍听、思考他们喜欢什么.3. 第二遍跟读。 个案使用大姜小学集体备课教案年级三年级科目英语主备人黄珊珊课型新授课题Unit1lesson3Idlikesomeapplejuice学情分析学习目标知识目标:1能正确认读和书写字母Ee-Gg。2能听懂、会说、认读食品和饮料的相关单词:hungry,drink,apple,并能结合句型灵活运用。 3能听懂、会说、认读与饮食相关的句型:“Wouldyoulikeadrink?”“Idlikesomeapplejuice教学过程一、热身(Warm-up)播放课本第5页的Lets chant部分的录音,营造氛围,激发学生学习兴趣,同时为新课学习做铺垫。二、呈现(Presentation)1、教师出示本课Listen and say 部分的挂图,介绍情景:从公园出来已是傍晚,孩子们都饿了,妈妈带Li Ming和Danny来到一家餐馆,准备共进晚餐。出示单词卡片,学习hungry,dinner。2、播放课文录音或教学光盘,整体感知课文,并请学生在文中找出晚餐期间喝了哪些饮料,出示卡片,认读offee,apple。3、教师提出问题:“服务生是怎样询问点餐的?”播放课文录音或教学光盘,学习句子“Would you like a drink?”出示卡片学习drink。提醒学生注意“Would you like?”表达的语气比“Do you like?”更加委婉。4、再次播放课文录音或教学光盘,学生模仿跟读。注意“Would you like a drink?”的不同回答“Yes. Coffee, please.”“Yes. Id like some apple juice.”三、练习(Practice)1、组织学生五人一组合作演练Listen and say 部分的对话,然后戴头饰上台展示。2、观察Lets talk部分的插图,播放录音或教学光盘。学生模仿跟读,然后分组表演并展示。四、运用(Production)1、仿照Lets talk 部分的内容,组织学生分组设计不同场景进行会话演练。演练完毕,小组上台表演。教师注意适时纠错,并及时给予评价与鼓励。2、现场采访。教师可以组织学生在班级内开展小记者采访活动,运用所学内容现场采访教师或同学,之后完成表格。Foodanddrinks NameEggsBreadMilkjuiceRiceFishChickenVegetables3、完成配套练习。五、字母书写(Learning Letters)1、教师出示字母Ee,Ff,Gg的卡片,学生认读,教师注意纠正学生的发音。2、教师规范板书这些字母的大小写形式,提醒学生注意观察并书空。3、请学生观察Lets copy部分单词中标红的字母,并进行摹写。4、学生完成配套练习册中的Read and copy部分。六、课外活动(After-school Activities)1、听本课录音,模仿跟读2、运用所学内容询问家人和朋友对饮食、饮料的喜好。板书设计:Lesson 3 Whats for Dinner?Would you like a drink? Yes. Coffee, please. Yes. Id like some apple juice.个案使用大姜小学集体备课教案年级三年级科目英语主备人黄珊珊课型新授课题Unit1Lesson1Ilikeeggs.学情分析学习目标Talkingaboutfood.Beabletocopythelettersandwords.教学过程I. Warm up.1. GreetingsT: Hello, everyone.S: Hi, teacher.T: How are you?S: Im fine, thank you! And you?(自主学习)T: Im fine, thank you. Hows the weather, today?S: II. Presentation.1. Leading in : In the winter holidays, we have spring festival. We have some delicious food(Learn the word ) What do Danny and Li Ming have for breakfast (Learn the word.)?(情境预设) Learn the word: breakfast.T: breakfastS: breakfastLearn the word, let the students practice word by the way in different syllables. Then check one by one.2. Listen to the tape, circle the new words of food. egg (s), bread, orange, juice, milk.(探究学习)3. Learn the new words.1 Learn the word: egg(s).Let the students practice the word. Then check and correct the pronunciation.(自主学习)2 Use the way to learn the other words: bread, orange, juice and milk.3 Practice the words with the cards.4. Listen and find: What do they introduce their favorite and disliked food?I like .(我喜欢)I dont like(我不喜欢)(探究学习)Let the students practice the sentences by the way: Go surfing. Then check.(自主学习)5. Listen and repeat.1Listen and repeat the sentences.2learn the word: some. For example: some eggs, some bread, some orange juice,6. The students read the text by themselves.7. Little teacher8. Practice the dialogue in pairs and perform.III. Practice1. Activity 2. Lets talk.1 Read the words together: eggs, bread, milk and orange juice.2 Practice in groups with the sentence structure: I likeI dont like3 Some groups act.IV. Summary: In this class, we learn some fruitV. H
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