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精品资料教学内容9、In my room教学目标知识与技能: 1.掌握本单元的核心词汇。2.能用This is /These are my来介绍自己的物品。3.能用Welcome!对他人表示欢迎。4.能正解书写字母Rr,Ss和Tt。5.了解英语文化中对赞美的回应及其与中国文化的差异。过程与方法:通过情景表演,让学生在模仿、学习、表演的过程中掌握房中的物品名称及介绍房中物品的简单对话。情感、态度与价值观:通过模仿、游戏、听读等各种形式让学生掌握介绍房中物品的简单对话。教学重点1.字母Rr,Ss和Tt的正确书写和发音。 2.词汇chair,desk,pen,pencil,ruler,schoolbag,bed,book,mum, these,your3.句型These are (n.)Are these (n.)?以及回答。 教学难点1正确区别和使用These is (n.)与These are (n.)。教学方法听读法、情境表演法教学准备教学光盘、单词卡片。教学过程设计教学过程第一课时一、Pre-task preparations1.向学生呈现Unit 7 Sing a song栏目的图片或影像资料,带领学生一起唱歌曲In the classroom。帮助学生复习Unit 7的语言知识,以便与本单元学习用品类词汇整体学习,方便其他学习活动的开展,同时可活跃课堂气氛,帮助学生热身。2.通过介绍教室中的设施,帮助学生复习前面所学的语言知识,同时也让学生在情景中初步感受本课时将要学习的新词汇和句型。T:This is my classroom.This is the (point to the blackboard)S1:This is the blackboard.T: This is the (point to the window.)S2:This is the window.二、While-task procedures1.借助实物或图片引入Look and learn的词汇chair,desk,pen, pencil,ruler,book 和schoolbag,帮助学生理解生词的含义。T: (point to a schoolbag)Look!This is a schoolbag.(hold up the schoolbag)Schoolbag.Ss:Schoolbag.T: (point to a pencil)Look!This is a pencil.Pencil.Ss: Pencil.然后带领学生一边指着教室中的桌、椅,或举起自己的学习用品,一边跟着仿说单词。T:(hold up the ruler)Ruler.T:(hold up the ruler)Ruler.最后,请学生根据教师手中或指着的物品说出相应的词,看看谁的反应快。T:(hold up the pencil)Ss:Pencil.2.请学生跟着教师仿说儿歌。T:Open the schoolbag. Open the schoolbag.Open the schoolbag, please.A book,a pencil,Ican see. A book,a pencil,Ican see.A book,a pencil,for you and mw.Ss:然后请学生以对子活动的形式来操练这首新儿歌。3.引出新句型This is my,并过渡到These are my让学生在情景中理解句子的含义,并且引导学生注意这两个句型中名词的单、复数形式。然后请学生跟着模仿几遍,并用所学的单词进行替换练习。T: (hold up his/her book)Look!This is my book. (hold up his/her pen) This is my pen.Ss:(hold up their books)Look!This is my book. (hold up their pens)This is my pen.T:(hold up his/her pencils)Look!These are my pencils. Ss:(hold up his/her pencils)Look!These are my pencils. T: (write the sentence on the blackboard)Please read after me. “These are my pencils.”4.指导学生做“击鼓传花”游戏。首先,教师准备一个盒子,在盒子里放数张字条,字条上面写有This is my pen.或These are my books等英语句子。伴随着音乐学生开始传递这个盒子,当音乐停止的时候,那个手中正好拿着盒子的学生要打开盒子并默读里面的一张字条,然后拿起自己桌上相应的学习用品并说出字条的内容。三、Post-task activities1.学生准备10张数词卡片(one,two, ten)和10张物品卡片(黑板、课上、书包、书、铅笔等),注意物品的数量分别是1-10个。两人一组玩卡片游戏。一个拿数词卡片,另一个拿物品卡片,均下面朝下放在桌上。一个学生翻一张图片卡,另一个学生翻一张数词卡片,看看物品数量是否相配。不相配则仍将卡片反面朝下放,再翻另一张卡片,直到数词和图片相配。相配则说出相应的内容。如TwoTwo desks,游戏按此方法反复进行。2.向学生介绍几件学习用品,请学生听完之后跟着模仿几遍。然后,请学生试着介绍一个自己的学习用品。T:(show a ruler)Look!This is my ruler. (show some books)Look! These are my books.Ss:(show his/her pencil) This is my pencil. (show his/her books)These are my books.也可以用挂图呈现Peter的房间图,让学生根据图片,扮演Peter作介绍。S1:(point to the desk in the picture)This is my desk. (point to the schoolbag in the picture)This is my schoolbag.四、Assignment1、听录音,仿读会话,并在实际情景中运用所学内容。2、与同学练习对话,掌握本课句型,识记单词chair,desk,pen,pencil, ruler,schoolbag,book第二课时一、Pre-task preparations1.请学生再读一遍课时一拓展的儿歌。然后请学生试卷替换儿歌中的单词改编儿歌。如把book和pencil换成ruler,pen:Open the schoolbag. Open the schoolbag. Open the schoolbag, please.A ruler,a pen,I can see. A ruler,a pen,I can see. A ruler,a pen,for you and me.2.教师先示范介绍自己的物品,然后请学生试着用课时一所学的语言知识来互相介绍一下自己的学习用品,帮助学生巩固和活用课时一的新授词汇和句型。T:(show a book)Look! This is a /my book.S1:(show a pen)This is a /my pen.二、While-task procedures1.创设情景,让学生在语境中理解Is this a ?Are these ?的含义,并有意识地引导学生用Yes,it is./No,it isnt.和Yes,they are./No, they arent.来回答。T: (cover a ruler with a piece of cloth and show the shape of it)Is this a ruler?(take out the ruler)Yes,it is.(cover two rulers with the cloth and show the shape of them)Are these pencils? (take out the pencils)Yes,they are.(cover a ruler with the cloth and show the shape of it)Is this a pen?Ss:Yes,it is.然后请学生跟着仿说句子Is this a ?Are these?并用课时一所学的词汇做替换练习。T:Is this a book?Ss:Is this a book?T:Are these rulers?Ss:Are these rulers?2.让学生边看的图片,边听录音。之后,以提问的方式帮助学生进入课文场景。T:(point to Alice in the picture)Who is she?Ss:Shes Alice.T:Yes.Shes Alice.(point to Mrs Wang in the picture)Who is she?Ss:Shes Alices mother.然后让学生边看Listen and say的图片或者动画,边跟着录音读对话。接下来,让学生三人一组分角色朗读对话,并请几组学生朗读,以便及时纠正学生的读音。3.引导学生学习your的含义和用法。教师在教室内走动,在学生桌上拿起一支铅笔,提问:Is this your pencil?并示范回答:Yes,it is.再拿起一名同学的两把尺子,向另一名学生提问:Are these your rulers?然后示范回答:No,they arent.接下来请几个学生上来示范,用Is this/Are these your ?提问。S1:(pick S2s book)Is this your book?S2:Yes,it is.4用挂图呈现的图片,或用黑色卡纸遮住物品图片的一部分,指导学生玩猜谜游戏。T:(cover a part of the picture of a desk)Look at the picture.Please guess.Ask questions like this: Is this a ?Are these ?S1:Is this a desk?S2:Is this a chair?T:(show the picture of a desk)Is this a chair?Ss:No,it isnt.T:Is this a desk?Ss:Yes,it is.接着让学生两人一组玩游戏,对所有图片进行猜谜问答之后让学生在图片旁边写出相应的单词。三、Post-task activities1.请学生看Listen and say的图片,做看图说话练习。然后给学生几分钟时间,让他们自由组合后以小品的形式表演对话。最后,请几组学生表演对话。S1:Im Alice.S2:Im Mum/Mrs Wang.S3:Im Dad/Mr Wang.2.学生分为四人或五人一组,在小组内玩“物归原主”游戏。先让每个学生拿出自己的两件文具或其他物品,
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