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By lowering Chinas growth target to 7.5% this year, Premier Wen Jiabao has signaled发出信号 that an era of supercharged expansion高速扩张 may be coming to an end, a shift with profound implications深远影响 for countries like Australia and Brazil that have prospered from red-hot Chinese demand对火热需求 for commodities.通过将今年中国的经济增长目标降至7.5%,中国国务院总理温家宝发出了一个信号,即中国经济高速扩张的时期可能即将结束。这一转变或许将给澳大利亚和巴西等因中国对大宗商品的火热需求而繁荣起来的国家带来深远影响。The adjustment suggests that Chinas leaders have reached a comfort level with slower growth, and that they dont intend to stimulate the economy through state-led 政府主导investment, as they have in the past. Instead, they plan to let a long-touted宣传已久的 shift away from export-led出口导向型 expansion 经济增长模式take its course自然地发展,持续到自然结束.经济增长目标下调意味着中国领导人已经对较为缓慢的经济增长感到安心,不打算像过去那样通过政府主导的投资来刺激经济,而是计划让出口导向型经济增长模式顺其自然地发生转变。转变经济增长模式是中国宣传已久的一项举措。The consequences of this shift depend on how well Beijing manages the transition转型过程. Chinas trading partners are bound to势必 be affected in different ways.这种转变会产生怎样的后果取决于北京方面能够从多大程度上妥善地管理这一转型过程。中国的贸易伙伴势必将受到不同形式的影响。A reduced pace速度放缓 of investment in infrastructure, power generation电力 and exports would likely mean slower growing imports of steel, concrete水泥, oil and other commodities-potentially a blow冲击 to Brazil, the oil states of the Middle East, Australia and other commodity大宗商品 powerhouses供应国.基础设施、电力和出口领域的投资减速可能意味着钢铁、水泥、石油和其他大宗商品进口增长放缓,进而可能对巴西、中东产油国、澳大利亚和其他主要大宗商品供应国带来冲击。We think Chinas super-cycle for commodities is behind us, said Credit Suisse瑞士 analyst Dong Tao.瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)分析师陶冬说,我们认为中国大宗商品的超级周期已经过去了。But with the shift will also come new opportunities, both at home and abroad.不过,随着中国经济增长目标的下调,也会在国内外带来新的机遇。A China that relies more on consumer spending may pollute less, easing global environmental worries, and produce more jobs. The shift could also lift imports of software, entertainment, tourism, and high-technology goods and services produced by the U.S., Europe and other wealthier nations.一个更多依赖消费支出的中国可能会造成更少的污染、减轻全球对环境的担忧,并创造更多的就业岗位。这一转变还可能提振美国、欧洲和其他更富裕的国家生产的软件、娱乐产品、旅游、高科技产品和服务的进口Accelerating the transformation of the pattern of economic development.is both a long-term task and our most pressing 最紧迫的task at present, Premier Wen on Monday told the opening session of the National Peoples Congress, Chinas version of a parliament, which meets once a year.温家宝周一在十一届全国人大五次会议上所作的政府工作报告中说,解决发展不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题,关键在于加快转变经济发展方式,推进经济结构战略性调整,这既是一个长期过程,也是当前最紧迫的任务。Chinas official growth target has been set定为 at 8% since 2005. The target is largely symbolic象征性: For the past seven years, the Chinese economy has grown at an average annual clip of 10.9%. However, analysts say the 7.5% gross domestic product growth target for 2012 indicates the direction方向 of the economy sought by the governments most senior officials最高层. The International Monetary Fund forecasts Chinese growth of 8.2% this year, and analysts generally peg 认定,限定it at 8% to 8.5%.自2005年以来,中国官方经济增长目标一直定为8%,不过这个目标从很大程度上来说是象征性的。过去七年中,中国经济年均增速为10.9%。不过,分析人士说,2012年中国国内生产总值(GDP)增长目标定为7.5%,这显示出政府最高层力争实现的经济发展方向。据国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测,今年中国经济增速将为8.2%,而分析人士则普遍预测今年中国的经济增速为8%至8.5%。Wen, in his last year in Chinas No. 2 position, argued that China had little choice but to change its growth mix增长方式, with export markets in Europe, U.S. and Japan either growing slowly or in recession陷入衰退.今年是国务院总理温家宝本届任期的最后一年。他认为,中国别无选择,只能改变增长方式,因为欧洲、美国和日本等中国主要出口市场不是增长放缓,就是陷入衰退。Domestically, it has become more urgent but also more difficult.to alleviate缓解,缓和 the problem of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development, he said.温家宝说,从国内看,缓解发展不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题更为迫切、难度更大。Wen has been making that argument in one form or another以不同的方式 since at least 2007, but the share占比 of consumption as a percentage of the economy has fallen during that time nonetheless然而,不过. Analysts say opposition反对 from state-owned industries and provincial governments地方政府, which benefit from the current system现行体制, has frustrated 使受挫change改革. So did the global financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, when China fended off避免 the downturn 经济低迷by a massive stimulus program that relied on infrastructure spending.至少从2007年以来,温家宝就以不同方式表达过上述看法,但在此期间消费在经济中占比却一直在下滑。分析人士说,国有企业和地方政府(这两大力量均为现行体制的受益者)的反对令改革受挫。而2008到2009年的全球金融危机也令改革停滞:为了避免经济低迷,当时中国推出了一个依赖基础设施建设支出的大规模刺激计划。Stephen Green, an analyst at Standard Chartered, said there may be a renewed appetite 欲望for change, citing举例,引用 a recent opinion piece in Peoples Daily, the Communist Partys newspaper中共官方报纸, which argued imperfect reforms are to be preferred宁愿 to a crisis caused by no reforms. A report by the World Bank and an influential Chinese think-tank智库,智囊团, the Development Research Center, also argued for fundamental change in the Chinese economy.渣打银行(Standard Chartered)分析师王志浩(Stephen Green)说,中国政府可能又有重新改革的欲望。他的理由是中共官方报纸人民日报最近的一篇评论文章指出,宁要“不完美”的改革,不要不改革的危机。而世界银行(World Bank)和国内一家有影响力的智库国务院发展研究中心联合编制的一份报告也认为中国经济需要根本性变革。Wen listed a number of initiatives, 倡议,举措including boosts in
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