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外研版小学五年级上册英语阅读试题含答案解析一、阅读理解1阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。C(1)The City Museum is the library and the park. A.besideB.betweenC.near(2)The is beside the No. 1 Supermarket. A.Happy SchoolB.post officeC.zoo(3)Excuse me. How do I get to the bookshop? A.Walk along Xinhua Road. Turn right at Beihai Road. Walk Straight and you can see the bookshop on your left. Its beside the zoo.B.Walk along Xinhua Road. The bookshop is on your left.C.The bookshop is beside the No. l Supermarket.(4)Which one is wrong (错误的)? A.The zoo is between the bank and the bookshop.B.The Happy School is behind the restaurant.C.The Sun Hotel is beside the City Museum.【答案】(1)B(2)B(3)A(4)C 【解析】【分析】这是一幅地图.(1)题目的问题是: 城市博物馆在图书馆和公园. 根据图片是在它们之间. A选项的意思是: 旁边, B选项的意思是: 之间, C选项的意思是: 附近. 故答案为: B.(2)题目的问题是: .在一号超市旁边. 根据图片是邮局. A选项的意思是: 幸福学校, B选项的意思是: 邮局, C选项是: 动物园. 故答案为: B.(3)题目的问题是: 打扰一下, 我如何到达书店? 根据地图是: 沿着新华路走, 在北海路向右拐. 直行你就可以看到书店在你的左边. 它紧邻动物园. A选项的意思是: 沿着新华路走, 在北海路向右拐. 直行你就可以看到书店在你的左边. 它在动物园旁边. B选项的意思是: 沿着新华路走. 书店在你的左边. C选项的意思是: 书店在一号超市旁边. 故答案为: A.(4)题目的问题是: 哪句是错误的? A选项的意思是: 动物园在银行和书店之间. 根据地图正确. B选项的意思是: 幸福学校在饭店后面. 根据地图正确. C选项的意思是: 太阳酒店在城市博物馆附近. 根据地图不正确. 故答案为: C.【点评】这是考查阅读能力的题目. 仔细观察地图,找到相应位置,然后选择正确的答案.2阅读理解阅读短文,判断正误,用“正确”或“错误”表示 At school, the fire alarm rings. What do you do? You must stop and line up at the door. You must leave your books and bags in the classroom. Always listen carefully to your teacher. Follow your teacher and go outside. You must walk quickly. Then line up again outside. The teacher will call 119. Then you must wait for the firemen. They will come soon. Listen carefully to your teachers. You mustnt talk loudly. Be careful and stand with your class.(1)Students mustnt line up at the door.(2)Students mustnt take their books and bags with them.(3)Students must walk slowly.(4)The teacher will cal1 999.(5)Wait for the firemen.【答案】 (1)0(2)1(3)1(4)0(5)1 【解析】【分析】(1)根据You must stop and line up at the door.知,你必须排队。故答案为错误。(2)根据 You must leave your books and bags in the classroom. 知,学生应把书和包放在教室。故答案为正确。(3)根据You must walk quickly知,答案为正确。(4)根据The teacher will call 119.知,老师应拨打119,而不是999.故答案为错误。(5)根据Then you must wait for the firemen.知,你应该等着消防员。故答案为正确。【点评】考查阅读及信息提取能力。3阅读理解根据短文,回答下列问题 This morning, there is a strong wind and heavy rain in Shanghai. In the park, many trees are blown down. In the afternoon, we go to the park to do some cleaning. Our teacher gives us some advice to clear away the fallen trees, branches and leaves. Then we begin our work. After an hour, we are working hard when it begins to rain again. It rains heavily. We dont take any umbrellas or raincoats. The rain lasts two hours. And we have to stop our work.(1)How does the wind blow? (2)What do we do in the park? (3)How long does the rain last? (4)Do we stop the work when it is raining? (5)Do we take any raincoats? 【答案】(1)It blows strongly.(2)Do some cleaning.(3)The rain lasts two hours.(4)Yes, we do.(5)No, we dont. 【解析】【分析】大意:短文介绍了早上上海有大风和大雨把公园里许多树吹倒了,下午,我们去公园打扫卫生,一个小时后,又开始下雨了,我们不得不停止工作。(1)句意:风吹的怎么样?根据This morning, there is a strong wind and heavy rain in Shanghai.可知风吹得很大,主语用it,谓语用动词单三形式blows吹,副词修饰动词strongly猛烈地,故答案为It blows strongly.(2)句意:我们在公园里做什么?根据In the afternoon, we go to the park to do some cleaning.可知下午我们去公园打扫卫生,do some cleaning打扫卫生,故答案为Do some cleaning.(3)句意:雨持续了多长时间?根据The rain lasts two hours. 可知雨持续了两个小时,故答案为The rain lasts two hours.(4)句意:下雨的时候我们停止工作吗?根据And we have to stop our work.我们必须停止工作。可知是肯定回答,故答案为Yes, we do.(5)句意:我们带雨衣吗?根据We dont take any umbrellas or raincoats. 我们不带雨伞或雨衣。可知是否定回答,故答案为No, we dont.【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息找出相关句写出恰当的答语。4阅读理解阅读短文,判断正误。 Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important. Nature has a great water system. Water is everywhere. It is in the air. It forms (组成) lakes and rivers. Water is in every living thing. It is in the most part of all the animals, plants and human beings (人类). People can use the water to carry goods and go around the world. People can also use the water to swim, have a bath, wash the food and clothes. Water is so important for every living thing, but man is polluting (污染) it. They throw rubbish into rivers. They pour waste water into lakes, rivers and seas. We must stop people from polluting the water right now. If not, the last drop of water will be our tear drop.(1)Water is the most important thing we eat and drink. (2)There isnt any water in the air. (3)Water is used for swimming, washing and bath. (4)Many people throw rubbish into river. But the water is clean. (5)People should stop polluting the water. (6)We have the last drop of water now.
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